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邮箱 : yuefei.zeng@nuist.edu.cn
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- 个人简介
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- 近期科研项目
姓 名: 曾跃飞
国 籍: 中国
性 别: 男
导 师: Prof. Dr. Klaus D. Beheng(博士导师), Prof. Dr. Hans G. Bock(硕士导师)
职 称: 教授
最高学历: 博士
所属专业: 气象学
所属系部: 数值预报系
毕业院校: 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院
研究方向: 资料同化
办公地点: 气象楼319室
邮 箱: yuefei.zeng@nuist.edu.cn
主讲课程: 气象资料同化和实践
主要研究领域: 集合卡尔曼资料同化方法;同化方法中模式误差和观测误差的表征;雷达资料同化;古气候资料同化
2010.06 - 2013.07:德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院气象系,博士
- 2009.12:德国海德堡大学数学系,本硕
2023.03 - 2025.02 :国家自然科学基金委中德科学中心业务主管(流动编制)
2022.01 - :南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,教授
2015.01 - 2021.12 :德国慕尼黑大学气象系, 博士后
2013.05 - 2014.12 :德国国家气象局数值模式部门,助理研究员
2012.09 - 2012.12:美国国家大气研究中心 (NCAR),合作导师:Chris Snyder
2023 - : 国际研讨会 International Symposium on Data Assimilation - Online (ISDA-Online) 组委
2022 : 德国意大利联合研究计划“IDEA-S4S”项目评审专家组成员
2021.10 - : 学术期刊 Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) 专题编辑
2019.01 - : 上海台风研究所外聘专家
21.Zhou, Y.#, W Han, Y. Liu, Y. Zeng, Z. Ma, C. Xu, H. Sun, 2024: Joint data assimilation of all-sky visible 1 and infrared radiances from FY-4A/AGRI for a real-world rain event in China, Monthly Weather Review, under review.
20. Zeng, Y., K. Khosravian, Y. Feng#, A. de Lozar, U. Blahak, 2024: Investigating radar data assimilation for winter cases using ICON-KENDA system, Atmospheric Research, 312(5),
19. Yongbo Zhou#, Yubao Liu, Wei Han , Yuefei Zeng , Haofei Sun , and Peilong Yu, 2024: Exploring the characteristics of Fengyun-4A Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager
(AGRI) visible reflectance using the China Meteorological Administration Mesoscale (CMA-MESO) forecasts and its implications for data assimilation, 2024, Atmospheric Measurement
Techniques, 17,6659-6675.
18. Qu, Z.#, P. Dai, Y. Zeng, 2023: PCSRGAN: Personalized Categorical Super-Resolution Reconstruction Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Images, under review.
17. Feng, Y, Y. Zeng#, A. de Lozar, 2023: Impacts of radar forward operator on convective-scale data assimilation and short-term forecasts, Atmospheric Research, 299, 107140.
16. Zeng, Yuefei, Yuxuan Feng#, Alberto de Lozar, Klaus Stephan, Leonhard Scheck, Kobra Khosravianghadikolaei, and Ulrich Blahak. 2022: Evaluating Latent-Heat-Nudging Schemes and Radar forward Operator Settings for a Convective Summer Period over Germany Using the ICON-KENDA System, Remote Sensing, 14, 5295.
15. Zeng, Y. , H. Li, Y. Feng#, U. Blahak, A. de Lozar, J. Luo, J. Min, 2022: Study of Sensitivity of Observation Error Statistics of Doppler Radars to the Radar forward Operator in Convective-Scale Data Assimilation. Remote Sensing, 14, 3685.
14. Janjic, T.#, Y. Zeng#, 2021: Weakly constrained LETKF for estimation of hydrometeor variables in convective-scale data assimilation, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094962 (共同一作).
13.Feng, Y.#, T. Janjic, Y. Zeng#, A.Seifert, J. Min, 2021: Representing Microphysical Uncertainty in Convective-scale Data Assimilation using Additive Noise, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13, e2021MS002606 (被选为AGU Eos Editors' Hightlights).
12. Zeng, Y., T. Janjic, Y. Feng#, U. Blahak, A. de Lozar, E. Bauernschubert, K. Stephan, J. Min, 2021: Interpreting estimated Observation Error Statistics of Weather Radar Measurements using the ICON-LAM-KENDA System, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 5735–5756.
11. Zeng, Y.#, A. de Lozar, T. Janjic, A. Seifert, 2021: Applying a new integrated mass-flux adjustment filter in rapid update cycling of convective-scale data assimilation. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 1295307.
10. Zeng, Y.#, T. Janjic, A. de Lozar, C. A. Welzbacher, U. Blahak, A. Seifert, 2021: Assimilating radar radial wind and reflectivity data in an idealized setup of the COSMO-KENDA system. Atmospheric Research, 249,105282.
9. Trömel, S., Simmer, C., Blahak, U., Blanke, A., Doktorowski, S., Ewald, F., Frech, M., Gergely, M., Hagen, M., Janjic, T., Kalesse-Los, H., Kneifel, S., Knote, C., Mendrok, J., Moser, M., Köcher, G., Mühlbauer, K., Myagkov, A., Pejcic, V., Seifert, P., Shrestha, P., Teisseire, A., von Terzi, L., Tetoni, E., Vogl, T., Voigt, C., Zeng, Y., Zinner, T., and Quaas, J., 2021: Overview: Fusion of radar polarimetry and numerical atmospheric modelling towards an improved understanding of cloud and precipitation processes, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics., 21, 17291–17314.
8. Zeng, Y.#, T. Janjic, A. de Lozar, S. Rasp, U. Blahak, A. Seifert, G. Craig, 2020: Comparison of methods accounting for subgrid-scale model error in convective-scale data assimilation. Monthly Weather Review, 148, 2457-2477.
7. Zeng, Y.#, T. Janjic, M. Sommer„ A. Lozar, U. Blahak, A. Seifert , 2019: Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation: additive noise based on model truncation error. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 752-770.
6. Zeng, Y.#, T. Janjic, A. Lozar, U. Blahak, H. Reich, C. Keil, A. Seifert, 2018: Representation of model error in convective-scale data assimilation: additive noise, relaxation methods and combinations. 2018, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 2889-2911.
5. Zeng, Y.#, T. Janjic, Y. Ruckstuhl, M. Verlaan, 2017: An Ensemble-based Kalman Filter conserving Mass, Total energy and Enstrophy. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 2902-2914.
4. Zeng, Y.#, U. Blahak, D. Epperlein, 2016: An Efficient Modular Volume Scanning Radar Forward Operator for NWP-models: Description and coupling to the COSMO-model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 3234-3256.
3. Zeng, Y.#, T. Janjic., 2016: Study of Conservation Laws with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 2359-2372.
2. T. Bick, C. Simmer, S. Trömel, K. Wapler, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, K. Stephan, U. Blahak, C. Schraff, H. Reich, Y. Zeng, R. Potthast, 2016: Assimilation of 3D radar reflectivities with an ensemble Kalman filter on the convective scale. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 1490-1504.
1. Zeng, Y.#, U. Blahak, M. Neuper, D. Epperlein, 2014: Radar Beam Tracing Methods based on Atmospheric Refractive Index. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31, 2650-2670.
1. Zeng, Y., 2013: Efficient Radar Forward Operator for Operational Data Assimilation within the COSMO-model, KIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-3-7315-0128-2.
国家重点研发计划项目, 2024-2028, “末次盛冰期以来中国气候高分辨率代用资料及多尺度变化与机制”, 子课题负责人,在研
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2023-2026, “对流尺度同化中水凝物质量守恒和动力平衡的同化方法研究”,主持,在研
中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室开放研究基金, 2023-2024,“3DVAR同化中雷达径向风观测误差相关性的实现及其对强对流天气预报的影响”, 主持,在研
南京信息工程大学人才引进科研启动项目, 2022-2025,主持,在研
上海台风研究基金, 2019-2022, “Assimilation of radar data for tropical cyclon prediction”, 主持, 结题
DFG project within the SPP 2115 “Fusion of radar polarimetry and numerical atmospheric modelling towards an improved understanding of cloud and precipitation processes" (PROM), 2019-2022, “Representing model error and observation error uncertainty for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements”, 主要骨干, 结题
Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research phase 2 proposal funded by Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, 2015-2018, “Convective-scale data assimilation, ensemble generation and predictability”, 主要骨干, 结题
DFG Research Grant, 2015-2018, “Conservation laws and ensemble Kalman filter algorithms”, 主要骨干, 结题
Extramurale Forschung von DWD, 2010-2013, "Effizienter Radarvorwärtsoperator für die operationelle Datenassimilation", 主要骨干, 结题