
姓       名:  徐德福

性       别:  男

职       称:  教授

职       务:  副院长

最高学历:  博士

工作单位:  南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院

所属系部:  环境科学与工程学院

毕业院校:  浙江大学

办公地点:  C215

邮       箱:  defuxu1@163.com

主讲课程:  环境工程微生物学、水污染控制工程、固体废弃物处理与处置

主要研究领域:  污水人工湿地净化技术、固废处理与资源化利用、高级氧化-光催化技术研究



















Junhong Yi, Zanmei Chen, Defu Xu, Die Wu, Alan Howard. Preparation of a coagulant of polysilicate aluminum ferric from foundry dust and its coagulation performance in treatment of swine wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024.

Liuying Wu, Defu Xu, Bing Li, Die Wu, Hong Yang. Enhanced removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus from swine wastewater using MgO modified pig manure biochar. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024.

Shuaishuai Li, Defu Xu, Die Wu, Alan Howard. Characteristic of geopolymer modified by MgO and its adsorption capacity of phosphate and ammonium ions from swine wastewater. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024.

 Xiaozhen Hu, Mutian Yang, Dejian Yang, Defu Xu, Jiangang Lu, Lin Zhou. Omniphobic melamine sponge for interfacial solar desalination of saturated water with anti-fouling performance. Applied Surface Science, 2024.

Mengqing Wang, Defu Xu, Hui Ma, Bing Li, Alan Howard. Synthesis of NaA zeolite from foundry dust and its adsorption capacity of ammonia. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023.

Yingxue Li, Defu Xu, Haizhi Lin, Wenhua Wang, Hong Yang. Nutrient released characteristics of struvite-biochar fertilizer produced from concentrated sludge supernatant by fluidized bed reactor. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023,.

Xianyao Ma, Defu Xu, Yingxue Li, Zuochen Ou, Alan Howard. Synthesis of a new porous geopolymer from foundry dust to remove Pb2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022.

Xianyao Ma, Yingxue Li, Defu Xu, Hanxin Tian, Hong Yang. Simultaneous adsorption of ammonia and phosphate using ferric sulfate modified carbon/zeolite composite from coal gasification slag. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022.

Hui Ma,Yingxue Li, Defu Xu, Hanxin Tian, Hong Yang. Decontamination of multiple pollutants from eutrophic river water using iron modification carbon/zeolite. Journal of soil and sediment, 2022.

Yingxue Li , Defu Xu, Haizhi Lin, Wenhua Wang, Hong Yang.Nutrient released characteristics of struvite-biochar fertilizer produced from concentrated sludge supernatant by fluidized bed reactor, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023.

Mengqing Wang, Defu Xu , Hui M, Bing Li, Alan Howard.Synthesis of NaA zeolite from foundry dust and its adsorption capacity of ammonia. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023

Kun Li, Defu Xu, Hong Liao, Yan Xue, Mingyang Sun, Han Su, Xiaojia Xiu, Tianyi Zhao. A review on the generation, discharge, distribution, environmental behavior, and toxicity (especially to microbial aggregates) of nano-TiO2 in sewage and surface-water and related research prospects. Science of the Total Environment, 2022,824,153866.

Lei Yan, Lihong Xue, Evangelos Petropoulos, Cong Qian, Pengfu Hou, Defu Xu, Linzhang Yang. Nutrient loss by runoff from rice-wheat rotation during the wheat season is dictated by rainfall duration. Environmental Pollution, 2021.

Lei Zhou, Jiajun Wang, Defu Xu, Yingxue Li, Bin Yao, Alan Howard. Responses of nitrogen transformation and dissolved oxygen in constructed wetland to biochar and earthworm amendment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:29475-29484.

Defu Xu, Junmin Cao, Yingxue Li, Alan Howard, Kewei Yu. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on characteristics of biochars derived from different feedstocks: A case study on ammonium adsorption capacity. Waste Management, 2019, 87:652-660.

Lei Zhou, Defu Xu, Yingxue Li, Qianchen Pan, Jiajun Wang, Lihong Xue,  Alan Howard. Phosphorus and nitrogen adsorption capacities of biochars derived from feedstocks at different pyrolysis temperatures. Water, 2019, 11,1-12.

Defu Xu, Jiaru Gu, Yingxue. Purifying capability, enzyme activity, and nitriLification potentials in December in integrated vertical flow constructed wetland with earthworms and different substrates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 273-281.

Defu Xu, et al. Effect of the interaction of earthworms and substrates on photosyntheticcharacteristics, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by Iris  pseudacorus in constructed wetland system. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal,2016.

Defu Xu, et al. The forms and bioavailability of phosphorus in integrated vertical flow constructed wetland with earthworms and different substrates. Chemosphere, 2015. 

Defu Xu, Yinjuan Wu, Yingxue Li, et al. Influence of UV radiation on chlorophyll,  and antioxidant enzymes of wetland plants in different types of constructed wetland, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014.

Defu Xu, Yingxue Li, Alan Howard. Effect of earthworm Eisenia fetida and wetland plants on nitrification and denitrification potentials in vertical flow constructed wetland, Chemosphere, 2013, 92:201-206.

Defu Xu, Yingxue Li. Influence of earthworm Eisenia fetida on removal efficiency of N and P in vertical flow constructed wetland, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20:5922-5929。

Defu Xu, Yingxue Li, Xiaolong, et al, Influence of earthworm Eisenia fetida on Iris pseudacorus’s photosynthetic characteristics, evapotranspiration losses and purifying capacity in constructed wetland systems, Water Science & Technology,2013, 68:335-341。

Defu Xu, Yingxue Li, Xianghua Xu, et al. Effect of microbial activity in the rhizosphere of wetland plants on removal of total organic matter and nitrogen from wastewater, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011.

Defu Xu, Jianming XU, Yan He, P.M. Huang. Effect of iron plaque formation on  phosphorus accumulation and availability in the rhizosphere of wetland plants.Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2009,200:79–87.

Defu Xu, Jianming Xu, Jianjun Wu, Akmal Muhammad. Studies on the phosphorus adsorption capacity of substrates used in constructed wetland systems.Chemosphere, 2006, 63:344-352.

吴银娟,徐德福,管益东,等. 蚯蚓对人工湿地植物抗氧化酶活性的影响,环境科学与技术,2014,37(8):151-155。

朱铭, 万震, 王杰, 冯锡杰, 王飞, 徐德福, 蚯蚓和基质种类对人工湿地植物根系特征及净化效果的影响,农业环境科学学报, 2012, 4: 838-842。

徐德福, 李映雪, 郑建伟, ,等.不同基质对黄菖蒲光合特性及净化能力的影响,环境科学, 2011, 9: 2576-2581。

徐德福, 李映雪, 郑建伟,等. 基质对人工湿地污水蒸发量及净化能力的影响, 中国环境科学, 2011, 6: 927-932。

徐德福, 李映雪, 王让会 ,等.蚯蚓对湿地植物光合特性及净化污水能力的影响, 生态学报, 2011, 17: 4907-4913。



一种多孔地质聚合物材料的制备方法及应用.ZL 202111153021.3, 2022.






2015-2017 江苏省自然科学基金(水生植物凋落物堵塞人工湿地机理及泥鳅修复效应研究)(项目负责人)

2015-2017 教育部留学回国人员基金(UV-B增强对人工湿地中氮、磷迁移、转化及净化能力的影响)(项目负责人)

2010-2012 国家自然科学基(基质-植物-蚯蚓配置垂直流人工湿地净化污水效果及机理研究)(项目负责人)

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