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受教育经历   2009/09 — 2012/07 ,中山大学,数学与计算科学学院,博士




                    2012/09 至今,南京信息工程大学,数学与统计学院,讲师,副教授

        2004/09-2006/07 山东省莱阳市第九中学,  教师

 出国经历  2015年获江苏省政府留学基金资助,并于2016/06—2017/06,访问澳大利墨尔本皇家理工大学






目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项;主持江苏省自然科学基金青年项目 1 项;参与国家自然科学基金面上项目3 项。  

①国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于复平面上性质良好的复小波函数问题的研究”( 11301276 2014.01 2016.12 ,主持)

 ②江苏省自然科学基金青年项目“基于复平面上复小波函数理论及相关问题的研究”( BK20130984 2013.07-2016.06 ,主持

 ③国家自然科学基金项目“应用超分辨光电融合成像技术研究线粒体融合与分裂的机制” (31370850 2014.01-2014.12 ,主研 )




1.Yanmei Xue, Bochao Zheng, Xinghuo Yu. Robust Sliding Mode Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems via Quantized State Feedback. IEEE Transactions on  Fuzzy Systems, 2018,26(4). (SCI)

2.Yanmei Xue , Bo-Chao Zheng, Tao Li, Yuanlu Li. Robust adaptive state feedback sliding-mode control of memristor-based Chua’s systems with input nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017(314 ), 142–153. (SCI)

3. Bo-Chao Zheng, Xinghuo Yu , Yanmei Xue,Quantized feedback sliding-mode control: An event-triggered approach, Automatica, 2018, 91: 126-135. (SCI)

4. 任雯,薛艳梅. 信息物理系统的鲁棒安全事件触发滑模控制设计. 电光与控制,2021(12):40-45.

5.Suzhen Ran, Yanmei Xue, Bo-chao Zheng,etc, Quantized feedback fuzzy sliding mode control design via memory-based strategy. 2017(298): 283-295. (SCI)

6.Yanmei Xue, Bo-Chao Zheng, Dan Ye, Quantized feedback control design of nonlinear large-scale systems via decentralized adaptive integral sliding mode control, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015,(2015): 1-12. Article ID 718924. (SCI)

7.Yan-Mei Xue,  Jianwei Yang, and Xiao-Mei Liu.  Sliding Sector-Based Variable Structure Control of Continuous-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems Subject to Unknown Transition Rates. 2013: 1-10. (SCI)

8. Yanmei Xue, Ning Bi,Yuan Zhang. Conjugate symmetric complex tight wavelet frames with two generators, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications,2013, 6(2):353-363. (SCI)

9. Ning Bi, Yanmei Xue. A class of compactly supported refinable componentwise constant functions in R2. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2011, 375(2): 753 -761 .(SCI)  

10. Yanmei Xue, Ning Bi. Construction of compactly supported refinable componentwise polynomial functions in R2, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011.(SCI)  

11. Shouzhi Yang, Yanmei Xue. Two-direction poly-scale refinability. Computers and Mathematics with Applications,  2009,58(1): 119-127. (SCI)

12. Yanmei Xue, Ning Bi. A class of compactly supported nonseparable orthogonal wavelets of   <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]--> J. Math. Research with Applications,2013,33(2):209-220.

13. Shouzhi Yang, Yanmei Xue. Construction of Compactly Supported Nonseparable Orthogonal Wavelets of   <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2010,36(1):183-199 . (SCI)  

14. Shouzhi Yang, Yanmei Xue. Construction of compactly supported conjugated symmetric complex tight wavelet frames. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2010,8(6):861-874. (SCI)  

15. Shouzhi Yang, Yanmei Xue. Parameterization of bivariate nonseparable orthogonal sym-metric scaling functions. J. Math. Research & Exposition, 2010,30(4): 637-642.

16. Bo-Chao Zheng, Yan-Mei Xue. A sliding sector approach to quantized feedback variable structure control, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2013, 11(6):1177-1186. (SCI)

17.  Bo-Chao Zheng, Yan-Mei Xue,Li-ping Yin. Control design for continuous-time linear systems with quantization mismatch, 2013 25TH  Chinese Control and Decision Conference (EI).


1. 薛艳梅,郑柏超,王廷春. 一种脉冲插排,实用新型专利,ZL 2015 2 0132479.4,2015.



1、2010 年获广东省优秀硕士学位论文奖

2、2014 年指导研究生获 全国研究生数学建模竞赛国家三等奖

3、2016 年指导本科生获 江苏省普通高校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文)三等奖


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Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Female

School/Department : 数学与统计学院(公共数学教学部)


Business Address : 藕坊楼813

Contact Information : ymxue1@163.com

Telephone : 15951678534

Email : ymxue1@163.com

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