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个人简介Personal Profile
Dr. Ying Yan
School of Automation
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Phone: (086) 15205176357
Wechat (微信):yingy733
Major Email: ying.yan@nuist.edu.cn
Secondary Email: ying.yan@uconn.edu
Dr. Ying Yan received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, U.S., in 2018. His supervisor is Peter B. Luh who is an IEEE Life Fellow and is well-known as an expert in smart grids and smart building. His associate supervisors are Krishna R. Pattipati and Shalabh Gupta. Krishna R. Pattipati is an IEEE Life Fellow and is well-known as an expert in fault prognostics and diagnostics and optimization. Shalabh Gupta is also an expert in fault diagnosis of cyber physical systems and information fusion. He is currently with the faculty of the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology. His research interests include fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis of cyber physical systems, optimization, machine learning, production planning and scheduling and EEG.
Research Interests
Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis for Cyber Physical Systems
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Pattern Recognition
EEG Analysis
Production Planning, Scheduling, and Control
1. Pattern Recognition(模式识别)
1)Fault diagnosis and prognosis of complex systems, such as HVAC systems, power systems, wind turbines, etc.(复杂系统故障诊断与预测,比如针对暖通空调系统、电力系统、风机等)
2)EEG signal analysis, such as diagnosing brain diseases based on EEG signals, estimating fatigue and emotions, etc.(脑电信号分析,比如基于EEG信号对脑科疾病进行诊断、对疲劳度和情绪进行估计等)
3) Pilot profiling(飞行员画像)
4)Public opinion analysis, such as estimating whether public opinion is negative, tracing the causes of negative public opinion, predicting public opinion trends, etc.(舆情分析,比如估计舆情是否是负面舆情、负面舆情溯因、舆情趋势预测等)
5)Radiation source analysis, such as classification of radiation sources, electronic countermeasures, etc.(辐射源分析,比如辐射源分类、电子对抗等)
2. Optimization(优化)
1)Optimization of production line planning and scheduling(生产线计划与调度的优化)
2)Power system optimization(电力系统优化)
3)Frequency band allocation optimization(频段优化分配)
B.Eng. (工学学士)
M.Eng. (工学硕士)
Course Offered
1. Patter Recognition and Machine Learning 模式识别与机器学习
2. Automatic Control Theory 自动控制原理
3. Principles of Microprocessor 微机原理
4. Computer Architecture 计算机架构
5. Data Structures and Algorithms 数据结构与算法
6. Fundamentals of Big Data 大数据概论
7. Introduction of Computational Thinking 计算思维导论
8. English Academic Writting 学术英语
Honors and Awards
1. “A Novel ResMTN-based Methodology for HVAC AHU Fault Diagnosis,” Best Paper Award, The 14th IEEE Global Reliability & Prognostics and Health Management Conference, Hangzhou, China, October 2023.
2. “A Fault Diagnosis Method for HVAC Air Handling Units Considering Fault Propagation,” Finalist in the Best Student Paper Award, The 2015 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2015.
3. 智能建筑暖通空调系统的故障诊断与预测研究,2023年度江苏省自动化学会科学技术奖三等奖,1/5,南京,2024年2月19日。
4. 2023年江苏高校外国留学生教学观摩比赛三等奖,常州,2023年10月。
5. 江北新区第四届”科创江北、搏动未来“高价值专利培育大赛一等奖、二等奖、三等奖,南京,2024年4月。
6. 2024年 南京信息工程大学“优秀班主任”
7. 2023年 南京信息工程大学“优秀班主任”
Guidance for Students to Win Awards
1. 大学生创新大赛国际赛道国家铜奖,NeuroLynx - Portable Monitoring andDiagnosis Device for Neurological Disorders(蔡昊洋等),指导老师:严颖,2024年。
2. 安徽省大学生创新大赛银奖,脑电图灵-智能临床脑科疾病诊断辅助决策系统(王思铖等),指导老师:严颖,2024年。
3. 江苏省级大创项目立项,基于FPGA的故障诊断算法仿真和实验平台研究(周颖等),指导老师:严颖,2023年
4. 江苏省级大创项目立项,基于EEG信号的脑科疾病的诊断与干预的软件平台及可穿戴设备研究(蔡昊洋等),指导老师:严颖,2024年
5. 江苏省级大创项目立项,直流微电网的智能运维优化与控制研究(杜文杰等),指导老师:严颖,2024年
6. 江苏省级大创项目立项,基于脑电分析的脑科疾病诊断平台(王思铖等),指导老师:严颖,2024年
7. 第十二届江苏省大学生机器人大赛空中巡逻救援项目比赛一等奖(王烨等),指导老师:严颖,2021年
8. 南京信息工程大学本科毕业生优秀毕业设计(论文)校级一等奖(孙健强),指导老师:严颖,2022年
9. 第十三届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛校赛二等奖(叶子骥等),指导老师:严颖,2022年
10. 第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品校赛三等奖(朱一其等),指导老师:严颖,2022年
11. 中国国际大学生创新大赛(2024)安徽建筑大学校内决赛金奖(王思铖等),指导老师:严颖,2024年
Professional Affiliations and Services
Major Professional Activities
1. Associated Editor of Archives of Advanced Engineering Science.
2. Guest Editor of Special Issue of American Journal of Modern Energy.
3. Member of the Presidium of 2024 Artificial Intelligence and Green Manufacturing Innovation Conference.
4. 科技副总,江苏朗瑞信息科技有限公司
Review for Journals
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics
IEEE transactions on intelligent vehicles
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
IEEE transactions on cognitive and developmental systems
IEEE transactions on Intelligent transportation systems
Energy and Buildings
Building and Environment
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
ISA transactions
Journal of Building Engineering
Measurement and control
Building Simulation
International Journal of Production Research
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Asian Journal of Control
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
PloS one
Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
1. G. T. Liu (指导的本科学生), Y. Yan (严颖)(共一作者), J. Cai, Edmond Q. Wu, S. C. Fang*, A. D. Cheok, and A. G. Song. "GCD: Graph contrastive denoising module for GNNs in EEG classification." Expert Systems with Applications (2024): 126013. (IF = 7.5, 一区top).
2. Y. Yan (严颖), J. Q. Sun (指导的本科学生), C. L. Yu (指导的本科学生), X. R. Sun, E. Q. Wu, T. Li, J. Cai*, and A. D. Cheok. "An unknow fault diagnosis Scheme: A novel random deep forest for fault diagnosis of HVACs." Energy and Buildings (2024): 114660. (IF = 7.201, 一区top).
3. Y. Yan (严颖), J. Cai*, Y. Tang, J. Lv (指导的本科学生), A. D. Cheok, E. Q. Wu, Q. Sun and L. Chen, “A two-stage fault diagnosis strategy for air handling units via a backpropagation multidimensional Taylor network fitter and a novel statistical process control,” Applied Thermal Engineering, p.123245, 2024. (IF = 6.4, 一区top).
4. Y. Yan* (严颖), G. T. Liu, H. Y. Cai, E. Q. Wu, J. Cai, A. D. Cheok, N. Liu, T. Li, and Z. Y. Fan. "A Review of Graph Theory-Based Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders Based on EEG and MRI." Neurocomputing (2024): 128098 (IF = 5.5, 二区).
5. Y. Yan* (严颖), J. Cai, Y. Tang and L. Chen, “Fault Diagnosis of HVAC AHUs based on a BP-MTN Classifier,” Building and Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109779, 2022, 109779 (IF = 7.093, 一区top).
6. Y. Yan (严颖), J. Cai, Y. Tang and Y. Yu*, “A Decentralized Boltzmann-machine-based Fault Diagnosis Method for Sensors of Air Handling Units in HVACs,” Journal of Building Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104130, Vol. 50, 104130 (IF = 7.144, 二区).
7. Y. Yan* (严颖), J. Cai, T. Li, W. Zhang, L. Sun, “Fault Prognosis of HVAC Air Handling Unit and Its Components Using Hidden-semi Markov Model and Statistical Process Control,” Energy and Buildings, 2021 (IF = 7.201, 一区top).
8. Y. Yan* (严颖), P. B. Luh and K. R. Pattipati, “Fault Prognosis of Key Components in HVAC Air-Handling Systems at Component and System Levels,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2020.2979166, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2020, pp. 2145-2153 (IF = 6.636, 一区,控制领域顶刊).
9. Y. Yan* (严颖), P. B. Luh and K. R. Pattipati, “Fault diagnosis of HVAC air handling systems considering fault propagation impacts among components,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2017.2669892, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2017, pp. 705-717 (IF = 6.636, 一区,控制领域顶刊).
10. Y. Yan (严颖), and Z. Wang*, “A two-layer dynamic scheduling method for minimizing the earliness and tardiness of a reentrant production line,” https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2010.543171, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 499-515, 2012, (IF = 4.577, 二区,工业工程领域权威期刊).
11. Y. Yan* (严颖), P. B. Luh and K. R. Pattipati, “Fault Diagnosis of Components and Sensors in HVAC Air Handling Systems with New Types of Faults,” IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2806373, Vol. 6, 2018, pp.21682–21696 (IF = 3.476).
12. 严颖;蔡骏;吴奇;张欣;杨溢*,基于投票机制的暖通空调空气处理单元传感器的故障诊断,电子与信息学报,2023,45:1-9, DOI: 10.11999/JEIT221506 (北大核心,EI索引,ESCI索引)。
13. 严颖;蔡骏;张菀;孙亮亮,基于动态HMM和离散SPC的空调机组的故障诊断,控制工程,2020,DOI: 10.14107/j.cnki.kzgc.20200349。
14. Q. Sun, Y. Yan* (严颖), Y. Xu, and J. Yu. (2023). “Multidimensional-Taylor-network-based robust optimal tracking control for MIMO nonlinear discrete-time systems,” ISA Transactions, 10.1016/j.isatra.2023.07.023, 2023, (IF = 7.3, 二区).
15. J. Cai, Y. Tang, G. Yang, Y. Yan*(严颖) and X. Zhang, "A Back Propagation Multi-dimensional Taylor Network Model for Measured 3-D Data Fitting," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3302343, 2023 (IF = 5.6, 二区).
16. Y. W. Yu, Y. J. Gao, Y. Z. Li and Y. Yan*(严颖), "Interpretable data‐driven contingency classification for real‐time corrective security‐constrained economic dispatch," IET Renewable Power Generation, doi: 10.1049/rpg2.12830, 2023 (IF = 3.034, 二区).
17. Z. Y. Wang (指导的本科学生), Y. Yan* (严颖), J. Cai, C. C. Hua, N. Liu, Q. Chen, M. Li and D. X. Zhang, "VR Vertigo Level Classification Using a Multi-Dimensional Taylor Network Approach," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 108944-108955, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3320043.
18. H. Y. Cai (指导的本科学生), Y. Yan* (严颖), G. T. Liu, J. Cai, A. D. Cheok, N. Liu, C. C. Hua, J. Lian, Z. Y. Fan, and A. Q. Chen. "WKLD-based Feature Extraction for Diagnosis of Epilepsy based on EEG." IEEE Access, 2024.
19. Cai, Jun, Kangli Wang, Adrian David Cheok, and Y. Yan* (严颖). "Optimal configuration for power grid battery energy storage systems based on payload fluctuation guided multi-objective PSO." Journal of Energy Storage 105 (2025): 114515.
20. Cai, Jun, YuZheng Wang, Wen Ding, Adrian David Cheok, Y. Yan* (严颖), and Xin Zhang. "Real-time Power Switch Short-Circuit Fault Diagnosis for the Power Converter in SRM Drives." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2024).
21. Cai, Jun, Yuhan Gu, Adrian David Cheok, and Y. Yan* (严颖). "A Survey of Phase-locked Loop Technologies in Sensorless Position Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2024).
22. Hua, Chengcheng, Zhanfeng Zhou, Jianlong Tao, Y. Yan* (严颖), Jia Liu, Rongrong Fu, and Lining Chai. "A Siam-LSTM Model for Multi-Channel EEG on VR Motion Sickness Recognition." IEEE Sensors Journal (2024).
23. Cai, Jun, Xiaolan Dou, Adrian David Cheok, Wen Ding, Y. Yan* (严颖), and Xin Zhang. "Model Predictive Control Strategies in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives–An Overview." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2024).
24. Cai, Jun, Xiaolan Dou, Shoujun Song, Adrian David Cheok, Y. Yan* (严颖), and Xin Zhang. "Flux-Linkage Loop-Based Model Predictive Torque Control for Switched Reluctance Motor." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2024).
25. J, Cai, Y. Z. Wang, A. D. Cheok, Y. Yan (严颖), X. Zhang, and Edmond Q. Wu. "A Soft Decoding S trategy For The Resolver in Motor Drive System." IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (2024). (IF = 6.519, 一区)
26. J. Cai, X. L. Dou, A. D. Cheok, Y. Yan (严颖), and X. Zhang. "Overview of the Direct Torque Control Strategy in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives." IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (2024). (IF = 6.519, 一区)
27. C. C. Hua, J. L. Tao, Z. F. Zhou, L. N. Chai, Y. Yan (严颖), J. Liu, and R. R. Fu. "EEG classification model for virtual reality motion sickness based on multi-scale CNN feature correlation." Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 251 (2024): 108218 (IF = 4.9, 二区).
28. C. C. Hua, L. N. Chai, Z. F. Zhou, J. L. Tao, Y. Yan (严颖), X. Chen, J. Liu, and R. R. Fu. "Detection of virtual reality motion sickness based on EEG using asymmetry of entropy and cross-frequency coupling." Physiology & Behavior (2024): 114626 (IF = 2.4, 三区).
29. J. Cai, B. Li, W. Hua, A. D. Cheok, Y. Yan(严颖), and Xin Zhang. "Magnetic Coupled Wireless Motor Driving Systems–An Overview." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024 (IF = 6.7, 一区top).
30. C. C. Hua, L. N. Chai, Y. Yan, J. Liu, Q. X. Wang, R. R. Fu and Z. F. Zhou. "Assessment of virtual reality motion sickness severity based on EEG via LSTM/BiLSTM." IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/jsen.2023.3309260, 2023 (IF = 4.3, 二区).
31. Z. C. Lu (指导的本科学生) and Y. Yan (严颖). “Temperature Control of Fuel Cell Based on PEI-DDPG.” Energies, Vol. 17, No. 7, 2024: 1728.
32. J. Cai, Y. Yan (严颖), W. Zhang, and X. Zhao, “A Reliable Sensorless Starting Scheme for SRM With Lowered Pulse Injection Current Influences,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2020.3040990, Vol. 70, 2020, pp. 1-9. (IF = 5.332, 二区).
33. J. Cai, X. Zhang, X. Peng, Y. Yan (严颖), Z. Q. Deng, “A Hybrid Sensorless Starting Strategy for SRM with Fault-tolerant Capability,” DOI: 10.1109/TTE.2022.3212442, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 99, 2022, pp.21682–21696 (IF = 6.519, 一区).
34. C. Srichan, P. Danvirutai, A. D. Cheok, J. Cai, and Y. Yan (严颖). "On the same origin of quantum physics and general relativity from Riemannian geometry and Planck scale formalism." Astroparticle Physics, vol. 103036, 2024.
35. C. L. Xiong, G. N. Li, Y. Yan (严颖), H.Y. Zhang, C. L. Xu, and L. Chen. "Effects of various information scenarios on layer-wise relevance propagation-based interpretable convolutional neural networks for air handling unit fault diagnosis." Building Simulation, pp. 1-22. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2024.
36. L. Chen, J. Cai, X. Cao, Y. Yan (严颖), “Rolling Optimization of Integrated Electric and Cooling Systems Considering Heating Inertia of Pipelines,” Electric Power Systems Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2023.109557, 223, 2023, 109557 (IF = 3.818, 三区).
37. W. Wang, S. Yamane, Q. Wang, L. Shan, X. Zhang, Z. Wei, Y. Yan (严颖), Y. Song H. Numazawa, J. Lu. “Visual sensing and quality control in plasma MIG welding,” https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.12.041, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 86, pp. 163-176, 2023. (IF = 5.684, 二区)
38. B. Wang, Z. L. Cao, Y. Yan (严颖), W. P. Liu and Z. Wang, “Fundamental technology for RFID-based supervisory control of shop floor production system,” https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-011-3358-7, International Journal Advance Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 57, pp. 1123-1141, 2011. (IF = 3.536, 三区).
39. E. Zhang, A. D. Cheok, Z. Pan, J. Cai, and Y. Yan (严颖). “From Turing to Transformers: A Comprehensive Review and Tutorial on the Evolution and Applications of Generative Transformer Models.” Sci, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 46, 2023.
40. E. Zhang, A. D. Cheok, Y. Yan (严颖), J. Cai, and Z. Pan. “Wearable technology in emotive communication: An in-depth exploration of the kiss transfer mechanism and its implications for human-human interactions.” Wearable Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 2299, 2023.
41. L. Chen, D. Yang, J. Cai, and Y. Yan (严颖), “Robust optimization based coordinated and source planning of integrated energy systems.” https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2024.109864, International Journal of Electricial Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 157, 2024.
42. W. Du, Z. Fan, Y. Yan (严颖), R. Yu and J. Liu, “AFMUNet: Attention Feature Fusion Network Based on a U-Shaped Structure for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection," Remote Sens, 2024, Vol. 16, No. 1574. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16091574.
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
1. Y. Yan (严颖), G. T. Liu, J. Cai, E. Q. Wu, A. D. Cheok, Q. M. Sun, M. Li, and Y. Zhou. "A Novel ResMTN-Based Methodology for HVAC AHU Fault Diagnosis." in Proceedings of 2023 Global Reliability and Prognostics and Health Management Conference (PHM-Hangzhou), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2023, The Best Paper Award (最佳会议论文), DOI: 10.1109/PHM-Hangzhou58797.2023.10482468 .
2. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, B. Sun, “Fault detection of cooling coils based on unscented Kalman filters and statistical process control,” in Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin, August 2013, DOI: 10.1109/CoASE.2013.6654064.
3. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, K.R. Pattipati, “Fault Diagnosis Framework for Air Handling Units based on the Integration of Dependency Matrices and PCA,” in Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2014, DOI: 10.1109/CoASE.2014.6899463.
4. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, and K. R. Pattipati, “A Fault Diagnosis Method for HVAC Air Handling Units Considering Fault Propagation,” in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2015, pp. 961-966. Finalist for the Best Student Paper (最佳学生会议论文提名), DOI: 10.1109/CoASE.2015.7294223.
5. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, and K. R. Pattipati, “Chiller plant fault diagnosis considering fault propagation,” in Proceedings of the Complex Systems Engineering (ICCSE) 2015, Storrs, Connecticut, November 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ComplexSys.2015.7385977.
6. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, and K. R. Pattipati, “Fault Diagnosis of HVAC: Air Handling Units and Variables Air Volume Boxes,” in Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, August 2016, DOI: 10.1109/COASE.2016.7743507.
7. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh and K. R. Pattipati, “Fault diagnosis of HVAC: Air delivery and terminal systems,” in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Xi’an, China, August 2017, DOI: 10.1109/COASE.2017.8256214.
1. 严颖,蔡骏,张菀,李涛,一种基于隐马尔可夫模型和离散P控制图的冷却盘管故障诊断方法,CN113029533A,2021年6月。已授权。
2. 严颖,蔡骏,张菀,李涛,一种基于DHMM和CPDSPC的空调机组故障诊断方法,CN113188818A, 2021年7月。已授权。
3. 严颖,蔡骏,李海波,张菀,陈亮,一种基于玻尔兹曼机投票的空调机组传感器故障诊断方法,CN114004374A,2022年2月。已授权。
4. 严颖; 蔡骏; 姚立; 陈亮; 赵兴强; 李涛; 吴奇,一种适用于不同类型故障特征的基于投票策略的故障诊断方法,CN115031357A,2022年5月。已授权。
5. 严颖,蔡骏,张菀,李涛,一种基于HSMM的空调机组设备的故障预测方法,CN113158546A,2021年7月。已授权。
6. 严颖; 蔡骏; 李海波; 李涛; 张菀,一种基于投票网络的空调机组传感器故障诊断方法,CN114484732A,2022年5月。已授权。
7. 严颖; 蔡骏; 吴奇; 赵兴强; 陈亮; 姚立,一种基于有监督投票机制的空调机组故障诊断方法,CN202210912736.0,2022年7月。已授权。
8. 严颖; 蔡骏; 陈亮; 贾红云; 余彬; 苏芮,一种基于CIOHMM的闭环控制系统的故障诊断方法,CN202210912736.0,2022年7月。已公开。
9. 严颖; 孙健强; 蔡骏; 孙启鸣; 陈亮,一种基于随机深度森林的未知故障类型诊断方法,CN202210912736.0,2022年7月。已公开。
10. 严颖; 蔡骏; 孙启鸣; 陈亮;贾红云,一种融合人热舒适度与检测数据的暖通空调故障诊断方法,CN202210912736.0,2022年7月。已授权。
11. 严颖; 蔡骏; 陈胜; 陈亮;贾红云,一种用于故障诊断的新型多层投票网络分类器构建方法,CN202210912736.0,2022年7月。已公开。
12. 严颖; 蔡骏; 李海波; 李涛; 张菀,一种基于新型投票网络的空调机组传感器故障诊断方法,CN114484732A,2022年5月。已授权。
13. 严颖;蔡骏;朱一其;刘冠廷;周颖;陈亮,一种基于Dropout-MTN的晕车状态识别方法,CN116611008A,2023年5月。已公开。
14. 严颖;蔡骏;陈亮;贾红云;余彬;苏芮,一种基于CIOHMM的闭环控制系统的故障诊断方法,CN115903743A,2022年11月。已公开。
15. 汤云(研究生);严颖;蔡骏;陈亮,一种基于多维泰勒网的空调机组故障预测方法,CN115540202A,2022年8月。已公开。
16. 王紫妍(指导的本科生);严颖;化成城;周占峰;柴立宁,一种基于多维泰勒网的VR眩晕状态检测分类方法,CN115904062A,2022年10月。已公开。
17. 周颖(指导的本科生),严颖,宋睿,袁蕴宸,章伟杰,陈心云,一种基于FPGA的玻尔兹曼机投票网络的分布式故障诊断方法,CN117786537B,2024年4月。已授权。
18. 蔡昊洋(指导的本科生), 严颖, 章伟杰, 郭霂垚, 刘冠廷, 孙凯翔, 方欣昀,一种基于KL散度的特征提取方法, CN 117643475 B, 2024年4月。已授权。
19. 顾启航(指导的本科生), 严颖, 姜诗涵, 刘冠廷, 王思铖, 蔡昊洋, 邢宇杰,一种基于自注意力机制的多维泰勒网的雷达脉内调制信号识别方法, ZL 2024 0809451.3, 2024年6月。已授权。
20. 蔡骏, 张仪, 张菀, 赵兴强,严颖,一种具有母线谐波吸收功能的动力电池集成充电功率变换器及控制方法,202011008649X,CN 112152490 B,2021.07.27。已授权。
21. 蔡骏,张菀,赵兴强,严颖,贾红云。一种高低压直流双输出集成型三相PWM整流变换器及控制方法,2020110086470,CN 112152489 B,2021.8.3, 已授权。
22. 杨丹丹; 陈亮; 蔡骏; 严颖; 章小刚,一种区域综合能源系统的网源联合优化方法,CN115204494A,2022年10月。已公开。
23. 蔡骏; 蔡宇欣; 李滨; 严颖; 陈亮,一种电动汽车V2G储能源充放电器电路及直接功率控制方法,CN115065080A,2022年9月。已公开。
24. 蔡骏; 汤云; 严颖; 陈亮,一种开关磁阻电机转矩的多维泰勒网估计器,CN115051613A,2022年9月。已公开。
25. 蔡骏; 李滨; 蔡宇欣; 严颖; 陈亮,一种母线电压不控的电动汽车V2G双向直接功率控制方法,CN115021296A,2022年9月。已公开。
26. 蔡骏; 董逸茹; 束寅志; 严颖; 赵兴强,一种三相开关磁阻电机集成型升压功率变换器及控制方法,CN112615539B,2021年11月。已公开。
27. 蔡骏; 王雨铮; 严颖; 余彬;连静;赵兴强,一种采用电流平移的SRM开关管短路故障动态诊断方法,CN112615539B,2021年11月。已公开。
28. 蔡骏; 严颖; 苏芮;余彬,一种汽车减震弹簧的综合状态检测系统与方法,CN112615539B,2021年11月。已公开。
29. 蔡骏; 李滨;严颖;陈亮;苏芮,一种不对称耦合式多频无线电能传输宽范围均压控制方法,CN112615539B,2021年11月。已公开。
30. 蔡骏; 窦晓岚;顾宇涵;李滨;严颖;陈亮,一种带磁链环的开关磁阻电机模型预测电流控制方法,CN112615539B,2021年11月。已公开。
31. 蔡骏;洪逸;陈亮;严颖;苏芮,一种开关磁阻电机全速范围综合性多参数的矢量控制方法,2023年1月。已公开。
32. 蔡骏;郑涛;严颖;陈亮,一种双负载无线电能传输矩形线圈构建方法,CN115964876A,2023年12月。已公开。
33. 曹新记;陈亮;蔡骏;严颖,一种考虑管网模型的电热综合能源系统模型预测控制方法,CN115933548A,2022年8月,已公开。
34. 蔡骏;王雨铮;严颖;余彬;苏芮,基于电流传感器新接法的SRM开关管短路故障诊断方法,CN115932650A,2023年1月,已公开。
35. 蔡骏;王雨铮;苏芮;严颖;余彬,采用电流斜率监测的SRM开关管短路故障动态诊断方法,CN115932651A,2023年1月,已公开。
36. 蔡骏;王雨铮;苏芮;严颖;余彬,一种基于多维泰勒网的VR眩晕状态检测分类方法,CN115904062A,2023年4月,已公开。
37. 刁冠搏;韦中;张继文;李雨亭;刘佳;严颖;杨扬;化成城;陈大鹏;孙慧玉,一种地面接触特性可变的轮腿机构,CN115871814A,2022年12月,已公开。
38. 蔡骏;李滨;严颖;陈亮;苏芮;一种带阻断网络的多频多负载无线电能传输方法及拓扑,CN115811146A,2023年1月,已公开。
39. 蔡骏;李奇峰;严颖;陈亮;贾红云,一种永磁无刷直流电机矢量优选预测控制方法,CN115514276A,2022年10月,已公开。
40. 蔡骏;洪逸;王雨铮;李滨;陈亮;严颖;贾红云,一种开关磁阻电机功率变换器多模式在线调控方法,CN115412001A,2022年9月,已公开。
41. 蔡骏;李滨;严颖;陈亮,一种多频多负载无线电能传输控制方法,CN115378149A,2022年8月,已公开。
42. 蔡骏;李滨;严颖;陈亮,一种无线开关磁阻电机驱动控制方法,CN115378338A,2022年8月,已公开。
43. 杨丹丹;陈亮;蔡骏;严颖;章小刚,一种区域综合能源系统的网源联合优化方法,CN115204494A,2022年7月,已公开。
44. 蔡骏;蔡宇欣;李滨;严颖;陈亮,一种电动汽车V2G储能源充放电器电路及直接功率控制方法,CN115065080A,2022年6月,已公开。
45. 蔡骏;汤云;严颖;陈亮,一种开关磁阻电机转矩的多维泰勒网估计器,CN115051613A,已公开。
46. 蔡骏;李滨;蔡宇欣;严颖;陈亮,一种母线电压不控的电动汽车V2G双向直接功率控制方法,CN115021296A,2022年6月,已公开。
1. 横向项目,A工智能网络全息安全管控系统的研发,乾研感知科技(江苏)有限公司,2023-12至2026-11,6万,项目负责人:严颖。
2. 横向项目,智慧能源管控相关软件系统开发,江苏慧安科创发展有限公司,2024-12至2029-12,7万,项目负责人:严颖。
3. 横向项目,石油平板阀加工工艺的研发,江苏三益石油装备有限公司,2024-01至2026-01,5万,项目负责人:严颖。
4. 2021年江苏省其他教育改革发展专项资金(教育国际合作与交流),2022年南京信息工程大学国际课程建设,2万,项目负责人:严颖。
5. 江苏省高等学校教育信息化研究会,2023年江苏高校教育信息化研究课题,2023JSETKT032,疾病诊断辅助平台的建设及其在《模式识别与机器学习》课程中的应用,重点项目,2023-08至2025-08,2万,在研,项目负责人:严颖。Research on quality Assurance and Evaluation of higher Education in Jiangsu Province under Grant No. 2023JSETKT032.
6. 南京信息工程大学,2023年校级金牛湖专项教改课题,1.5万,项目负责人:严颖。
7. 江苏省科技厅, 江苏省自然科学基金, BK20211285, 电动汽车开关磁阻电机无位置低转矩脉动集成驱动-充电系统研究, 2021-07至 2024-07, 10万元, 在研, 参与。
8. 南京信息工程大学, 2020年及以后“双一流”高校建设补助经费, 2020r074, 教育事业发展(地方教育附加)-2021年双一流人才启动费, 2020-01至2022-10, 10万元, 在研, 主持。
9. 美国国家科学基金会, 标准拨款, CCF-1331850, CyberSEES: Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis of HVAC Systems, 2013-10 至 2017-09, 763万元, 结题, 参与。
Conference Presentations
1. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, B. Sun. (2013). Fault detection of cooling coils based on unscented Kalman filters and statistical process control. Talk presented at the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin.
2. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, and K. R. Pattipati. (2015). A Fault Diagnosis Method for HVAC Air Handling Units Considering Fault Propagation. Talk presented at the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden.
3. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, and K. R. Pattipati. (2015). Chiller plant fault diagnosis considering fault propagation. Talk presented at the International Conference on Complex Systems Engineering, Storrs, Connecticut.
4. Y. Yan (严颖), P. B. Luh, and K. R. Pattipati. (2016). Fault Diagnosis of HVAC: Air Handling Units and Variables Air Volume Boxes. Talk presented at the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
Academic Employment
1. August 2013 - May 2017: Research Assistant, University of Connecticut,National Science Foundation project entitled: “CyberSEES: Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis of HVAC Systems.”
2. August 2011 - August 2013: Research Assistant, University of Connecticut, National Science Foundation project entitled: “CPS: Synergy: Energy Smart Buildings.”
3. February 2009 - April 2010: Research Assistant, Southeast University, National Science Foundation of China project entitled: “Real-Time Supervisory Control of Networked One-of-a-Kind Production Based on the RFID/EPC Technology.”