章炎麟,1983年生,南京信息工程大学应用气象学院教授、博导,国家杰出青年基金获得者。现担任科学技术处处长、Atmospheric Research副主编,Sustainable Horizons等期刊编辑。主要研究方向:大气环境、大气化学、城市气象,近五年主要研究大气复合污染成因机制及其环境效应、环境污染物同位素技术方法与应用等 。曾入选国家海外引才计划青年学者、江苏特聘教授、江苏省杰出青年、江苏省“双创团队”领军人才,获中国气象学会涂长望青年气象科技奖。担任中国生态学会稳定同位素专业委员会、中国矿物岩石地球化学协会气体地球化学专业委员会理事。在Nature、NSR、BAMS、Environmental Science and Technology、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics、Journal of Geophysical Research等著名环境领域和综合性期刊上发表SCI论文130余篇,研究成果被国内外学术同行SCI引用6000余次,主持国家级和省部级项目10余项。详细情况可见团队课题组网站(http://www.atmosgeochem.com/)和个人学术主页(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanlin_Zhang)。培养硕士和博士研究生20余人,指导博士研究生获得中国气象学会首届优秀博士论文奖(全国仅10人)。课题组长期招收优秀本科生、硕士和博士研究生及博士后。可通过邮箱(dryanlinzhang@outlook.com)或QQ99127222进行咨询。
2015.1 – 至今,南京信息工程大学,教授
2014.07-2016.03,日本北海道大学(Hokkaido University), 外国人客座研究员/日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员
担任Atmospheric Research副主编、Sustainable Horizons编辑、Atmosphere专刊编辑
2018年获江苏省杰出青年基金、2018年江苏省双创团队领军人才、 2018年江苏省科学技术奖二等奖(排名二)、2018年江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次中青年领军人才;
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 杰出青年项目, 气溶胶地球化学, 2024-01-01 至 2028-12-31, 400万元, 在研, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大项目, 黑碳物质的地球化学行为与效应, 2022-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 1500万元, 在研, 参与
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大项目,典型区域大气中黑碳的来源、演化及其辐射强迫效应, 2022-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 350万元, 在研, 主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,大气气固两相水溶性有机碳的双碳同位素(14C和13C)示踪研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 61万元, 在研, 主持
(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目,泰国北部生物质燃烧对细颗粒物化学特征、气候影响和人体健康的复合效应研究, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 200万元, 结题, 主持
(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 利用碳同位素(14C和13C)研究城市灰霾天气下含碳气溶胶的来源与形成机制, 2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 19万元, 结题, 主持
(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 二次有机气溶胶液相生成机制和化学过程的碳氮稳定同位素研究, 2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 100万元, 结题, 主持
[1] Zhang, Y.; Cao, F. *; Song, W.; Jia, X.F.; Xie, T.; Wu, C.L.; Yan, P.; Yu, M.; Rauber, M.; Salazar, G.; Szidat, S. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Fossil and Nonfossil Sources of Winter Organic Aerosols in the Regional Background Atmosphere of China. Environ. Sci. Technol.2024., 58, 2, 1244–1254.
[2] Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.X.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Song, W.H.; Zhang, Y.X.; Lin, Y.C.; Gul, C. and Haque, M.M., Molecular compositions of marine organic aerosols over the Bohai and Yellow Seas: Influence of primary emission and secondary formation. Atmospheric Research 2024, 297, 107088.
[3] Haque, M.M., Zhang, Y.-L.*, Deshmukh, D.K., Lee, M. and Kawamura, K. *, Anthropogenic emission controls organic aerosols at Gosan background site in the outflow from northeast Asia. Science of The Total Environment 2024, 910, 168590.
[4] Zhang, Y.-L.*; Zhao, Z.-Y.; Cao,F.; Song, W.-H.; Lin,Y.-C.; Fan, M.-Y.; Yu,H.-R.; Li,H.-Y.; Hong,Y.-H.and Gao,M., Changes in atmospheric oxidants over Arctic Ocean atmosphere: evidence of oxygen isotope anomaly in nitrate aerosols. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2023, 6, 124.
[5] Hong, Y.-H.; Zhang,Y.-L.; Bao,M.Y.; Fan,M.Y.; Lin,Y.-C.; Xu, R.-S.; Shu,Z.Y.; Wu, J.-Y.; Cao,F.; Jiang, H.-X.; Cheng,Z.-N,; Li,J.; Zhang,G., Nitrogen-Containing Functional Groups Dominate the Molecular Absorption of Water-Soluble Humic-Like Substances in Air From Nanjing, China Revealed by the Machine Learning Combined FT-ICR-MS Technique. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2023,128, e2023JD039459.
[6] Ponsawansong, P.; Prapamontol, T.*; Rerkasem, K.; Chantara, S.; Tantrakarnapa, K.; Kawichai, S.; Li, G.; Cao, F.; Pan, X. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Sources of PM2.5 Oxidative Potential during Haze and Non-haze Seasons in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2023, 23(10), 230030.
[7] Yu, Hao-Ran; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Cao, Fang; Zhao, Zhu-Yu; Fan, Mei-Yi; Yang, Xiao-Ying. Fog event is possibly a source rather than a sink of atmospheric nitrate aerosols: Insights from isotopic measurements in Nanjing, China. Appl. Geochem.. 2023, 155,105721.
[8] Bao, M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Cao, F.; Hong, Y.; Lin, Y.-C.; Yu, M.; Jiang, H.; Cheng, Z.; Yang, X., Impact of fossil and non-fossil sources on the molecular compositions of water soluble humic-like substance in PM2.5 at a suburb site of Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys..2023, 23, 8305–8324.
[9] Fan,M.-Y,; Hong, Y.-H.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Sha,T.; Lin, Y.-C.; Cao,F.; Guo,H., Increasing Nonfossil Fuel Contributions to Atmospheric Nitrate in Urban China from Observation to Prediction. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 2023, 57, 46, 18172–18182.
[10] Fan, M.-Y.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Li, J.; Fang, H.; Cao, F.; Yan, M.; Hong, Y. H.; Guo, H.; Michalski, G., Formation mechanisms and source apportionments of nitrate aerosols in a megacity of eastern China based on multiple isotope observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2023, 128, e2022JD038129.
[11] Lin, Y.-C.; Zhang, Z.-J.; Cao, M.-Y.; Fan, M.-Y.; Mozaffar, A.; Yu, M.-Y.; Xie, F. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Source-specific health risk analysis on atmospheric hazardous volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) in Nanjing, East China. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 294, 119526.
[12] Yang, X.-Y. ; Cao, F.; Fan, M.-Y.; Lin, Y.-C.; Xie, F. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Seasonal variations of low molecular alkyl amines in PM2.5 in a North China Plain industrial city: Importance of secondary formation and combustion emissions. Science of The Total Environment 2023, 857, 159371.
[13] Yu, M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Xie, T.;Song, W. ;Lin, Y.-C. ;Zhang, Y. ;Cao, F. ;Yang, C. and Szidat, S., Quantification of fossil and non-fossil sources to the reduction of carbonaceous aerosols in the Yangtze River Delta, China: Insights from radiocarbon analysis during 2014–2019. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 292, 119421.
[14] Yu, M. Y.; Lin, Y. C. and Zhang, Y. -L.*, Estimation of atmospheric fossil fuel CO2 traced by delta C-14: current status and outlook. Atmosphere 2022,13. 2131.
[15] Fan, M.-Y. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Hong, Y-H.; Lin, Y.-C.; Zhao, Z.-Y.; Cao, F.; Sun, Y.-L.; Guo, H. and Fu, P.*, Vertical differences of nitrate sources in urban boundary layer based on tower measurements. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2022, 9, 906-912.
[16] Fan, M.-Y. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.-C.; Hong, Y.-H.; Zhao, Z.-Y. ;Xie, F. ;Du, W. ;Cao, F. ;Sun, Y.-l. and Fu, P., Important role of NO3 radical to nitrate formation aloft in urban Beijing: Insights from triple oxygen isotopes measured at the Tower. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 6870-6879.
[17] Hong, Y-H. ; Cao, F.*; Fan, M.-Y.; Lin, Y.-C.; Bao, M.-Y.; Xue, Y.-W.; Wu, J.-Y.; Yu, M.-Y.; Wu, X. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Using machine learning to quantify sources of light-absorbing water-soluble humic-like substances (HULISws) in Northeast China. Atmospheric Environment 2022, 291, 119371.
[18] Lin, Y.-C.; Yu, M.; Xie, F. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Anthropogenic emission sources of sulfate aerosols in Hangzhou, East China: insights from isotope techniques with consideration of fractionation effects between gas-to-particle transformations. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 3905-3914.
[19] Song, W. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Zhang, Y.-X.; Cao, F.; Rauber, M.; Salazar, G.; Kawichai, S.; Prapamontol, T. and Szidat, S., Is biomass burning always a dominant contributor of fine aerosols in upper northern Thailand?. Environment International 2022, 168, 107466.
[20] Wu, J-Y; Yang, C.; Zhang, C.-Y.; Cao, F.; Wu, A. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Development, characterization, and application of an improved online reactive oxygen species analyzer based on the Monitor for Aerosols and Gases in ambient Air (MARGA). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2022, 15, 2623-2633.
[21] Xiang, Y.-K. ; Dao, X.; Gao, M.; Lin, Y.-C.; Cao, F.; Yang, X.-Y. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Nitrogen isotope characteristics and source apportionment of atmospheric ammonium in urban cities during a haze event in Northern China Plain. Atmospheric Environment 2022, 269, 118800.
[22] Xie, F. ; Lin, Y.-C.; Ren, L.; Gul, C.; Wang, J.-Q.; Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.-X.; Xie, T.; Wu, J.-Y. and Zhang, Y.-L.*, Decrease of atmospheric black carbon and CO2 concentrations due to COVID-19 lockdown at the Mt. Waliguan WMO/GAW baseline station in China. Environmental research 2022, 211, 112984-112984.
[23] Zhang, Y.-L.*; Zhang, W.; Fan, M.-Y.; Li, J.; Fang, H.; Cao, F.; Lin, Y.-C.; Wilkins, B. P.; Liu, X.; Bao, M.; Hong, Y. and Michalski, G., A diurnal story of Δ17O(NO3-) in urban Nanjing and its implication for nitrate aerosol formation. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2022, 5, 50.
[24] Yang, C.; Zhou, S.; Zhang, C.; Yu, M.; Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Atmospheric Chemistry of Oxalate: Insight Into the Role of Relative Humidity and Aerosol Acidity From High-Resolution Observation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2022, 127 (4), e2021JD035364.
[25] Haque, M. M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Bikkina, S.; Lee, M.; Kawamura, K.*, Regional heterogeneities in the emission of airborne primary sugar compounds and biogenic secondary organic aerosols in the East Asian outflow: evidence for coal combustion as a source of levoglucosan. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2022, 22 (2), 1373-1393.
[26] Bao, M. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Cao, F.; Lin, Y.-C.; Hong, Y.; Fan, M.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.; Xie, F., Light absorption and source apportionment of water soluble humic-like substances (HULIS) in PM2.5 at Nanjing, China. Environmental Research 2022, 206, 112554.
[27] Yu, H.-R. ; Cao, F.; Zhang, W.-Q.; Zhao, Z.-Y.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Determination of 17O Anomaly in Atmospheric Aerosol Nitrate. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2021, 49 (2), 253-262.
[28] Song, W. ; Cao, F.; Lin, Y.-C.; Haque, M. M.; Wu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Xie, F.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Extremely high abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aerosols from a typical coal-combustion rural site in China: Size distribution, source identification and cancer risk assessment. Atmospheric Research 2021, 248 (15), 105192.
[29] Mozaffar, A.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.-C.; Xie, F.; Fan, M.-Y.; Cao, F., Measurement report: High contributions of halocarbon and aromatic compounds to atmospheric volatile organic compounds in an industrial area. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021, 21 (23), 18087-18099.
[30] Zhao, Y.(博士后); Zhang, Y.-L.*; Sun, R., The mass-independent oxygen isotopic composition in sulfate aerosol-a useful tool to identify sulfate formation: a review, Atmospheric Research 2021, 253, 105447.
[31] Lin, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Yu, M.; Fan, M.-Y.; Xie, F.; Zhang, W.-Q.; Wu, G.; Cong, Z.; Michalski, G., Formation Mechanisms and Source Apportionments of Airborne Nitrate Aerosols at a Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau Site: Insights from Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (18), 12261-12271.
[32] Lin, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Xie, F.; Fan, M.-Y.; Liu, X., Substantial decreases of light absorption, concentrations and relative contributions of fossil fuel to light-absorbing carbonaceous aerosols attributed to the COVID-19 lockdown in east China. Environmental Pollution 2021, 275, 116615.
[33] Fan, M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.-C.; Li, L.; Xie, F.; Hu, J.; Mozaffar, A.; Cao, F., Source apportionments of atmospheric volatile organic compounds in Nanjing, China during high ozone pollution season. Chemosphere 2021, 263, 128025.
[34] Fan, M. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.; Cao, F.; Sun, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Xing, G.; Dao, X.; Fu, P., Specific sources of health risks induced by metallic elements in PM2.5 during the wintertime in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment 2021, 246 (12), 118112.
[35] Chang, Y.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Kawichai, S.; Wang, Q.; Van Damme, M.; Clarisse, L.; Prapamontol, T.; Lehmann, M. F., Convergent evidence for the pervasive but limited contribution of biomass burning to atmospheric ammonia in peninsular Southeast Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021, 21 (9), 7187-7198.
[36] Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, X.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Characteristics and source apportionment of non-polar organic compounds in PM2.5 from the three megacities in Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Research 2021, 252 (5), 105443.
[37] Bao, M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Cao, F.; Lin, Y.-C.; Wang, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhang, W.; Fan, M.; Xie, F.; Cary, R.; Dixon, J.; Zhou, L., Highly time-resolved characterization of carbonaceous aerosols using a two-wavelength Sunset thermal–optical carbon analyzer. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2021, 14 (6), 4053-4068.
[38] Han, Y.; Chen, Y.*; Feng, Y.; Song, W.; Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Li, Q.; Yang, X.; Chen, J., Different formation mechanisms of PAH during wood and coal combustion under different temperatures. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 222.
[39] Zhang, C.; Yang, C.; Liu, X.; Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Insight into the photochemistry of atmospheric oxalate through hourly measurements in the northern suburbs of Nanjing, China. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 719, 137416.
[40] Yang, C.; Zhang, C.; Luo, X.; Liu, X.; Cao, F.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Isomerization and Degradation of Levoglucosan via the Photo-Fenton Process: Insights from Aqueous-Phase Experiments and Atmospheric Particulate Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54 (19), 11789-11797.
[41] Shao, S.-C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Chang, Y.-H.; Cao, F.; Lin, Y.-C.; Mozaffar, A.; Hong, Y.-H., Online characterization of a large but overlooked human excreta source of ammonia in China's urban atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 230.
[42] Nyasulu, M.; Haque, M. M.; Boiyo, R.; Kumar, K. R.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Seasonal climatology and relationship between AOD and cloud properties inferred from the MODIS over Malawi, Southeast Africa. Atmospheric Pollution Research 2020, 11 (11), 1933-1952.
[43] Lin, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Xie, F.; Zhang, W.; Fan, M.; Lin, Z.; Rella, C. W.; Hoffnagle, J. A., Development of a Monitoring System for Semicontinuous Measurements of Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Carbonaceous Aerosols: Optimized Methods and Application to Field Measurements. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92 (21), 14373-14382.
[44] Lin, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Song, W.; Yang, X.; Fan, M.-Y., Specific sources of health risks caused by size-resolved PM-bound metals in a typical coal-burning city of northern China during the winter haze event. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 734, 138651.
[45] Lin, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Fan, M.-Y.; Bao, M., Heterogeneous formation of particulate nitrate under ammonium-rich regimes during the high-PM2.5 events in Nanjing, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2020, 20 (6), 3999-4011.
[46] Li, J.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Cao, F.; Zhang, W.; Fan, M.; Lee, X.; Michalski, G., Stable Sulfur Isotopes Revealed a Major Role of Transition-Metal Ion-Catalyzed SO2 Oxidation in Haze Episodes. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54 (5), 2626-2634.
[47] Kawichai, S.; Prapamontol, T.*; Chantara, S.; Kanyanee, T.; Wiriya, W.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Seasonal Variation and Sources Estimation of PM2.5-Bound PAHs from the Ambient Air of Chiang Mai City: An All-year-round Study in 2017. Chiang Mai Journal of Science 2020, 47 (5), 958-972.
[48] Haque, M. M.; Cao, F.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Abbaszade, G.; Liu, X.; Bao, M.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Regional haze formation enhanced the atmospheric pollution levels in the Yangtze River Delta region, China: Implications for anthropogenic sources and secondary aerosol formation. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 728, 138013.
[49] Fan, M. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.; Li, J.; Cheng, H.; An, N.; Sun, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Cao, F.; Fu, P., Roles of Sulfur Oxidation Pathways in the Variability in Stable Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Sulfate Aerosols at an Urban Site in Beijing, China. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2020, 7 (12), 883-888.
[50] Fan, M. ; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.; Cao, F.; Zhao, Z.; Sun, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Fu, P.; Wang, Y., Changes of Emission Sources to Nitrate Aerosols in Beijing After the Clean Air Actions: Evidence From Dual Isotope Compositions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2020, 125 (12).
[51] Chen, Q.; Sun, H.; Song, W.; Cao, F.; Tian, C.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Size-resolved exposure risk of persistent free radicals (PFRs) in atmospheric aerosols and their potential sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2020, 20 (22), 14407-14417.
[52] Ahsan, M.(博士后); Zhang, Y.-L.*; Fan, M.; Cao, F.; Lin, Y., Characteristics of summertime ambient VOCs and their contributions to O3 and SOA formation in a suburban area of Nanjing, China. Atmospheric Research 2020, 240.
[53] Ahsan, M.(博士后); Zhang, Y.-L.*, Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in China: a Review. Current Pollution Reports 2020, 6 (3), 250-263.
[54] Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Cao, F.; Xiang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Bao, M.; Liu, X.; Lin, Y., High time-resolved measurement of stable carbon isotope composition in water-soluble organic aerosols: method optimization and a case study during winter haze in eastern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019, 19 (17), 11071-11087.
[55] Liu, X.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Peng, Y.; Xu, L.; Zhu, C.; Cao, F.; Zhai, X.; Haque, M. M.; Yang, C.; Chang, Y.; Huang, T.; Xu, Z.; Bao, M.; Zhang, W.; Fan, M.; Lee, X., Chemical and optical properties of carbonaceous aerosols in Nanjing, eastern China: regionally transported biomass burning contribution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019, 19 (17), 11213-11233.
[56] Haque, M. M.; Kawamura, K.; Deshmukh, D. K.; Cao, F.; Song, W.; Bao, M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Characterization of organic aerosols from a Chinese megacity during winter: predominance of fossil fuel combustion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019, 19 (7), 5147-5164.
[57] Fan, M.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Lin, Y.; Chang, Y.; Cao, F.; Zhang, W.; Hu, Y.; Bao, M.; Liu, X.; Zhai, X.; Lin, X.; Zhao, Z.; Song, W., Isotope-based source apportionment of nitrogen-containing aerosols: A case study in an industrial city in China. Atmospheric Environment 2019, 212, 96-105.
[58] Dao, X.; Lin, Y.; Cao, F.; Di, S.; Hong, Y.; Xing, G.; Li, J.; Fu, P.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Introduction to the National Aerosol Chemical Composition Monitoring Network of China: Objectives, Current Status, and Outlook. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2019, 100 (12), ES337-ES351.
[59] Chen, Q.; Mu, Z.; Song, W.; Wang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y.-L.*, Size-Resolved Characterization of the Chromophores in Atmospheric Particulate Matter From a Typical Coal-Burning City in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2019, 124 (19), 10546-10563.
[60] Chang, Y.; Zou, Z.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Deng, C.*; Hu, J.; Shi, Z.; Dore, A. J.; Collett, J. L., Assessing Contributions of Agricultural and Nonagricultural Emissions to Atmospheric Ammonia in a Chinese Megacity. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (4), 1822-1833.
[61] Chang, Y.; Zhang, Y.-L.*; Li, J.; Tian, C.; Song, L.; Zhai, X.; Zhang, W.; Huang, T.; Lin, Y.; Zhu, C.; Fang, Y.; Lehmann, M. F.; Chen, J.*, Isotopic constraints on the atmospheric sources and formation of nitrogenous species in clouds influenced by biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019, 19 (19), 12221-12234.
[1] 罗丽彤; 章炎麟*; 林煜棋; Ahsan Mozaffar; 曹梦瑶; 南京夏季大气臭氧光化学特征与敏感性分析, 环境科学, 2024.
[2] 吴长流; 曹芳; 张煜娴; 戈畅; 薛永文; 章炎麟*; 南京冬季大气中低分子量有机酸的浓度特征及气粒分配研究, 地球化学, 2024.
[3] 薛永文; 曹芳; 俞浩然; 洪一航; 吴继炎; 吴长流; 杨池; 章炎麟*; 南京市冬季大气水溶性有机碳的气-粒分配和光学特性, 地球化学, 2024.
[4] 吴继炎,杨池, 张春燕,范美益,吴爱坪,章炎麟*,保定市冬季PM2.5的氧化潜势特征及其影响来源分析,环境科学, 2022, 43(6):2878-2887.
[5] 王谦,曹芳,付明亮,苏盛,王明伟,赵祝钰,林煜棋,章炎麟*.在用机动车基于台架试验CO2排放因子研究,2022,南京信息工程大学学报,14(2) :156-166.
[6] 杨笑影,曹芳,章炎麟*. 大气低分子烷基胺的测量方法及研究进展. 地球科学进展,2022,37(2):120-134.
[7] 李裕文,赵祝钰,曹芳∗,周雨辰,周苇菁,杨笑影,俞浩然,章炎麟∗,大气臭氧被动采样方法及其 Δ17 O 测定的研究,分析化学,2022,50(5): 801 ~ 809.
[8] 俞浩然, 曹芳, 张雯淇, 赵祝钰, 章炎麟*,大气气溶胶硝酸盐氧同位素异常值测定方法,分析化学,2021,49(2):253-262.
[9] 黄通, 杨池, 张春燕, 章炎麟*,无机离子对左旋葡聚糖光降解的影响. 环境化学,2021, 40(2): 624-631.
[10] 张子金; 林煜棋; 张煜娴; 曹梦瑶; 章炎麟*; 南京毒性挥发性有机化合物夏冬季源解析及健康风险评估, 环境科学, 2021, 42(12):5673-5686.
[11] 陈耿,常运华,曹芳,邹忠,谢峰,刘子贺,王谦,章炎麟*.上海城乡细颗粒物中碳质、无机和重金属的全组分特征及来源分析.科学技术与工程,2020,20(29):12218-12225.
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[1] 中国地质大学 | 环境地球化学 | 理学学士 | 大学本科毕业
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