赵成义Chengyi Zhao

 博士生导师  硕士生导师


通讯/办公地址:南京市宁六路219号  南京信息工程大学北辰楼333室




赵成义,男,南京信息工程大学土地科学研究中心主任,博导,国家二级教授,江苏省双创人才、中国科学院大学、新疆农业大学兼职博导,地理信息与人工智能创新团队首席科学家。国务院政府津贴获得者(第2014290135号)、中国科学院科技领军人才、新疆天山英才学者、王宽诚教育基金会西部学者突出贡献奖获得者、获中国科学院朱李月华优秀导师奖。曾任荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室副主任、阿克苏绿洲农田生态系统国家野外观测研究站站长、农业部新疆南部耕地保育科学观测实验站站长。长期从事地表过程与气候变化区域响应、3S集成与应用、智能遥感与AI技术、流域生态水文学、碳减排方法学、灾害学等研究。先后主持国家重点基金、973863、科技支撑计划及国际合作项目等共计50项。发表学术论文220篇,含SCI 收录论文90篇。获省部科技进步一等奖3项,二等奖以下6项。获批国家发明专利及软件登记26项。出版专著 7部。培养博士28人、硕士22人。


1 主持国家重点基金项目《全球变化下江苏海岸线变迁的过程-响应机制,项目批准号421304052022-2026年。

2 主持江苏省双创人才项目《土壤CO2原位自动测定仪研制,批号:R2020SC042002-2022年,项目编号:R2020SC04

3 主持《中亚地区地下水埋深重力卫星识别与反演》项目2019.12-2022.12

4 主持国家科技支撑计划课题,新疆适应气候变化的水资源利用技术集成与应用,780万元,2013.1-2015.12.

5 主持中德政府间合作项目,塔里木河绿洲可持续管理Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River (SuMaRiO),750万欧元,2011.1-2016.03。

6 主持国家973计划课题,固沙植被稳定性的生态-水文模拟与阈值界定,2013.1-2017.08。

7 主持国家973计划课题,绿洲化的水、土、气、生过程及其相互作用机制,530万元,2009.1-2013.08。

8 主持国家重点基金项目《塔河干流地表水与地下水相互转化机制与河岸林生态的响应》,2015.1-2018.12。

9 主持国家重点基金项目《胡杨林生态格局与过程对洪水漫溢、人工灌溉的响应与调控》,2009.01-2012.12。

10 主持中科院重大仪器研发项目《测定干旱区陆面蒸散发的反哺移动式系统研发》2010.01-2012.12。

11 主持中科院重大仪器研发项目《土壤CO2原位自动测定仪》,2017.01-2019.12。

12 主持中科院战略先导专题,降雨与土壤N2O排放,2011.01-2015.12。

13 主持中科院战略先导专题,新疆农田土壤固碳潜力与速率研究,2011.01-2015.12。

14 主持中国科学院STS计划项目,塔里木河流域监测数据集成,2014.5-2016.4。

15 主持国家科技支撑计划专题,西北生态脆弱区气候变化适应技术与对策研究,2008.1-2010.12。

16 主持国家863项目,荒漠灌丛生长发育过程及系统仿真,2007.1-2009.12。

17 主持中美国际合作项目,新疆人工柽柳造林工程温室气体减排预测研究,2008.01-2012.12。

18 中德基金项目,塔里木盆地绿洲棉田土壤固碳研究,2013.05-2016.05。

19 国家基金面上基金,洪水漫溢对塔河胡杨幼苗根系形态结构与功能的影响研究,2012.01-2015.12。

20 国家基金面上基金,水分驱动下准噶尔荒漠灌木“肥岛”形成机理的研究,2006.01-2008.12。

21 国家基金面上基金,绿洲边缘区植被演化与主要水文过程关系的研究,2001.1-2003.12,主持

22 国家基金面上基金,绿洲边缘区植被演化与土壤水盐运动关系的研究,1998.1-2000.12。

23 国家基金面上基金,塔河胡杨蒸腾与土壤水-地下水间的水力联系识别与分割,2017.01-2020.12。



1.   Wang, D. D., Zhao, C. Y. , Zheng, J. Q., Zhu, J. T., Yu, Z. T., (2021). Evolution of soil salinity and the critical ratio of drainage to irrigation (CRDI) in the Weigan Oasis in the Tarim Basin. CATENA, 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105210.

2.   Xiaofei Ma, Chengyi Zhao, Jianting Zhu. Aggravated risk of soil erosion with global warming – A global meta-analysis. CATENA, 2020166, 89-97. 10.1016/j.catena.2020.105129

3.  Zeng Yong, Zhao Chengyi,  Distribution pattern of Tugai forests species diversity and their relationship to environmental factors in an arid area of China. Plos One, (2020). 15(5), e0232907.

4.  Zeng Yong, Zhao Chengyi, Shi Fengzhi,  Impact of groundwater depth and soil salinity on riparian plant diversity and distribution in an arid area of china. Scientific Reports, (2020). 10(1), 1-10.

5.  Zhao Xiaoning, Zhao Chengyi, Stahr Karl, Wei Xiaorong. (2020). The effect of microorganisms on soil carbonate recrystallization and abiotic CO2 uptake of soil. CATENA, 192, 104592.

6.  Ma Xiaofei, Zhu Jianting, Yan Wei, & Zhao Chengyi. Assessment of soil conservation services of four river basins in Central Asia under global warming scenarios. Geoderma, (2020). 375, 114533.

7. Shi F.Z., Zhao C.Y., (2020). Spatial variability of the groundwater exploitation potential in an arid alluvial-diluvial plain using GIS-based Dempster-Shafer theory. Quaternary International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.10.055

8.  Jiao Caixia, Zheng Guanghui, Xie Xianli, Cui Xuefeng, Shang Gang, & Zhao Chengyi. (2020). Rate of soil organic carbon sequestration in a millennium coastal soil chronosequence in northern Jiangsu, China. CATENA, 193, 104627.

9.  Ma Xiaofei, Zhu Jianting, Zhang Hongbo, Yan Wei, & Zhao, Chengyi. (2020). Trade-offs and synergies in ecosystem service values of inland lake wetlands in Central Asia under land use/cover change: A case study on Ebinur Lake, China. Global Ecology and Conservation, e01253.

10. Ma Xiaofei, Huo Tianci, Zhao Chengyi,  (2020). Projection of Net Primary Productivity under Global Warming Scenarios of 1.5° C and 2.0° C in Northern China Sandy Areas. Atmosphere, 11(1), 71.

11.  Ma, X.; Zhao, C.Y; Yan, W.;  Influences of 1.5° C and 2.0° C global warming scenarios on water use efficiency dynamics in the sandy areas of northern China. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 664, 161-174.

12. Zhao, X.; Conrads, H.; Zhao, C.Y.; Ingwersen, J.; Stahr, K.; Wei, X., The effect of different temperature and pH levels on uptake of CO2 in Solonchaks. Geoderma 2019, 348, 60-67.

13.  Zhang, R.; Zhao, C.Y.; Ma, X.; Brindha, K.; Han, Q.; Li, C.; Zhao, X., Projected Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Drought under Global Warming in Central Asia. Sustainability 2019, 11, (16), 4421.

14.  Zeng, Y.; Zhao, C. Y.; Li, J.; Effect of groundwater depth on riparian plant diversity along riverside-desert gradients in the Tarim River. Journal of Plant Ecology 2019, 12, (3), 564-573.

15.  Han, Q. F.; Li, C. F.; Zhao, C. Y.; Zhang, Y. Q.; Li, S. B., Grazing decreased water use efficiency in Central Asia from 1979 to 2011. Ecological Modelling 2018, 388, 72-79.

16.  Li, C.; Han, Q.; Luo, G.; Zhao, C.Y;  Effects of cropland conversion and climate change on agrosystem carbon balance of China’s dryland: A typical watershed study. Sustainability 2018, 10, (12), 4508.

17.  Ma, X.; Zhao, C.;  Projections of actual evapotranspiration under the 1.5° C and 2.0° C global warming scenarios in sandy areas in northern China. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 645, 1496-1508.

18.  Yu, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zheng, N.; Jia, H.; Yao, H., Interactive effects of soil texture and salinity on nitrous oxide emissions following crop residue amendment. Geoderma 2019, 337, 1146-1154

19.  Shi, F.; Zhao, C.; Zhou, X.; Li, X., Spatial Variations of Climate-Driven Trends of Water Vapor Pressure and Relative Humidity in Northwest China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2018.

20.  Wang, D. D., Yu, Z. T., Peng, G., Zhao, C. Y., Ding, J. L., & Zhang, X. L. (2018). Water use strategies of Populus euphratica seedlings under groundwater fluctuation in the Tarim River Basin of Central Asia. CATENA, 166, 89-97. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2018.03.020.

21.  Y.X. Yu, H.T.Jia, C.Y. Zhao*. Evaluation of the effects of plastic mulching and nitrapyrin on nitrous oxide emissions and economic parameters in an arid agricultural fieldGeoderma, 2018, 32498-108.

22.  Yongxiang Yu; Hui Tao; Huaiying Yao; Chengyi Zhao. Assessment of the effect of plastic mulching on soil respiration in the arid agricultural region of China under future climate scenarios. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 256:1-9.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.

23.   Shaochun Huanga, Michel Wortmanna, Chengyi Zhao, et al..2018. Adaptation strategies of agriculture and water management to climate change in the Upper Tarim River basin, NW China. [J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 203: 207–224.

24.  Yu Y, Zhao C.Y.*,  Effects of nitrogen fertilizer, soil temperature and moisture on the soil-surface CO2, efflux and production in an oasis cotton field in arid northwestern China. Geoderma, 2017, 308:93103. 

25.   Yu Y, Tao H, Zhao C.Y.*, Impact of plastic mulching on nitrous oxide emissions in China's arid agricultural region under climate change conditions [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 158:76-84.

26.   Jiang, M.,  Zhao, C.Y.*., Liu, H., Variation of soil aggregation and intra-aggregate carbon by long-term fertilization with aggregate formation in a grey desert soil[J]. Catena, 2017, 149:437-445.

27.   Luo Q, Chen Q, Zhao, C.Y.*, et al. Chronosequence-based population structure and natural regeneration of Haloxylon ammodendron, plantation in the southern edge of the Gurbantunggut Desert, Northwestern China[J]. Russian Journal of Ecology, 2017, 48(4):364-371.

28.  Wu, G., Zhao, C.Y.*., Li, J., 2016. Competition between Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima seedlings under simulated high groundwater availability. Journal of Arid Land. 8, 293-303.

29.  Yu, Y., Zhao, C.Y.*, Jia, H., 2016. Ability of split urea applications to reduce nitrous oxide emissions: A laboratory incubation experiment. Applied Soil Ecology 100, 75-80.

30.  Yu, Y., Zhao, C.Y.*, Stahr, K., Zhao, X., Jia, H., 2016. Plastic mulching increased soil CO2 concentration and emissions from an oasis cotton field in Central Asia. Soil Use and Management 32, 230-239.

31.  Zhao, X., Zhao, C.Y.*, Wang, J., Stahr, K., Kuzyakov, Y., 2016. CaCO3 recrystallization in saline and alkaline soils. Geoderma 282, 1-8.

32.  Han, M., Zhao, C.Y.*, Feng, G., Disse, M., Shi, F., Li, J., 2015. An eco-hydrological approach to predicting regional vegetation and groundwater response to ecological water conveyance in dryland riparian ecosystems. Quaternary International 380, 224-236.

33.  Han, M., Zhao, C.Y.*, 2015. Bayesian inference of the groundwater depth threshold in a vegetation dynamic model: A case study, lower reach, Tarim River. Quaternary International 380, 207-215.

34.   Han, M., Zhao, C.Y.*, Feng, G.,  2015. Evaluating the Effects of Mulch and Irrigation Amount on Soil Water Distribution and Root Zone Water Balance Using HYDRUS-2D. Water 7, 2622-2640.

35.   Han, M., Zhao, C.Y.*, 2015. Evaluating the impact of groundwater on cotton growth and root zone water balance using Hydrus-1D coupled with a crop growth model. Agricultural Water Management 160, 64.

36.   Jiang, M., Wang, X., Liusui, Y., Sun, X., Zhao, C.Y.*,  2015. Diversity and Abundance of Soil Animals as Influenced by Long-Term Fertilization in Grey Desert Soil, China. Sustainability 7, 10837-10853.

37.   Peng, D., Shi, F., Zhao, C.Y.*, Ye, B., 2015. Factors controlling the spatial variability of surface soil particles using GLMs and GAMs. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 29, 27-34.

38.   Wang, J.P., Wang, X.J., Zhang, J., Zhao, C.Y., 2015. Soil organic and inorganic carbon and stable carbon isotopes in the Yanqi Basin of northwestern China. European Journal of Soil Science 66, 95-103.

39.   Wang, L., Zhao, C.Y.*, Li, J., Liu, Z.,  2015. Root Plasticity of Populus euphratica Seedlings in Response to Different Water Table Depths and Contrasting Sediment Types. Plos One 2015, 10(3):1-18.

40.   Yang, Y., Zhao, C.Y.*, Han, M., Li, Y., Yang, R., 2015. Temporal Patterns of Shrub Vegetation and Variation with Precipitation in Gurbantunggut Desert, Central Asia. Advances in Meteorology 2015, 1-11.

41.   Yu, B., Zhao, C.Y*., Li, J., Li, J.Y., Peng, G., 2015. Morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses of Populus euphratica to soil flooding. Photosynthetica 53, 110-117.

42.   Yu, Y., Zhao, C.Y.*, 2015. Modelling soil and root respiration in a cotton field using the DNDC model. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 787-791.

43.   Yu, Y., Zhao, C.Y.*, Zhao, Z., Yu, B., Zhou, T., 2015. Soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in arid region. Acta Ecologica Sinica 35, 17-21.

44.   Yu, Z., Wang, X., Zhao, C.Y.*, Lan, H., 2015. Carbon burial in Bosten Lake over the past century: Impacts of climate change and human activity. Chemical Geology 419, 132-141.

45.   Yu, Z.T., Wang, X.J., Zhang, E.L., Zhao, C.Y., Liu, X.Q., 2015. Spatial distribution and sources of organic carbon in the surface sediment of Bosten Lake, China. Biogeosciences 12, 6605-6615.

46.   Zhao, X., Othmanli, H., Schiller, T., Zhao, C.Y.*, Sheng, Y., Zia, S., Mueller, J., Stahr, K., 2015. Water Use Efficiency in Saline Soils under Cotton Cultivation in the Tarim River Basin. Water 7, 3103-3122.

47.   Peng, D., Wang, X., Zhao, C.Y.*, Wu, X., Jiang, F., Chen, P., 2014. Characterizing Air Temperature Changes in the Tarim Basin over 1960-2012. Plos One 9.

48.   Li, J.Y., Zhao, C.Y*., Li, J., Yan, Y.Y., Yu, B., Han, M., 2013. Growth and leaf gas exchange in Populus euphratica across soil water and salinity gradients. Photosynthetica 51, 321-329.

49.   Zhao, Z.-M., Zhao, C.-Y.*, Yilihamu, Y., Li, J.-Y., Li, J., 2013. Contribution of Root Respiration to Total Soil Respiration in a Cotton Field of Northwest China. Pedosphere 23, 223-228.

50.   Zhao, Z.M., Zhao, C.Y.*,  2013. Interpreting the dependence of soil respiration on soil temperature and moisture in an oasis cotton field, central Asia. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 168, 46-52.

51.   Li, J., Yu, B., Zhao, C.Y.*, Nowak, R.S.,  2012. Physiological and morphological responses of Tamarix ramosissima and Populus euphratica to altered groundwater availability. Tree Physiology 33, 57-68.

52.   Shi, F., Chi, B., Zhao, C.Y.*, Yang, T., de la Paix, M.J., 2012. Identifying the sustainable groundwater yield in a Chinese semi-humid basin. Journal of Hydrology 452, 14-24.

53.   Shi, F., Zhao, C., 2012. Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in central Asia area: a case study of the Tailan River Basin. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 26, 961-970.

54.   Sun, D., Zhao, C.Y.*, Wei, H., Peng, D., 2011. Simulation of the relationship between land use and groundwater level in Tailan River basin, Xinjiang, China. Quaternary International 244, 254-263.

55.   Zhao, C.Y.*, Zhao, Z., 2011. Contribution of root and rhizosphere respiration of Haloxylon ammodendron to seasonal variation of soil respiration in the Central Asian desert. Quaternary International 244, 304.

56.   Zhao, Z., Zhao, C.Y.*, Mu, Y., 2011. Contributions of root respiration to total soil respiration before and after frost in Populus euphratica forests. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 884-890.

57.   Li, J., Zhao, C.Y.*, Song, Y.J., Sheng, Y., Zhu, H., 2010. Spatial patterns of desert annuals in relation to shrub effects on soil moisture. Journal of Vegetation Science 21, 221-232.

58.   Zhao, C.Y.*, Yan, Y.,  2010. Effects of soil moisture on cotton root length density and yield under drip irrigation with plastic mulch in Aksu Oasis farmland. Journal of Arid Land 2, 243-249.

59.   Zhu, H., Zhao, C.Y.*, Li, J., Li, Y., Wang, F., 2008. Analysis of impact factors on scrubland soil respiration in the southern Gurbantunggut Desert, central Asia. Environmental Geology 54, 1403-1409.

60.   Li, J., Zhao, C.Y.*, Zhu, H., Li, Y., Wang, F., 2007. Effect of plant species on shrub fertile island at an oasis-desert ecotone in the South Junggar Basin, China. Journal of Arid Environments 71, 350-361.

61.   Li, J., Zhao, C.Y.*, Zhu, H., Wang, F.,  2007. Multi-scale heterogeneity of soil moisture following snow thawing in Hatoxylon ammodendron shrubland. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences 50, 49-55.

62.   Zhao, C.Y*., Ren, J.G., Xue, C.Z., Lin, E.D., 2005. Study on the relationship between soil selenium and plant selenium uptake. Plant and Soil 277, 197-206.

63.   Zhao, C.Y*., Wang, Y.C., Chen, X., Li, B.G., 2005. Simulation of the effects of groundwater level on vegetation change by combining FEFLOW software. Ecological Modelling 187, 341-351.

64.   Zhao, C.Y*., Wang, Y.C., Hu, S.J., Li, Y., 2004. Effects of spatial variability on estimation of evapotranspiration in the continental river basin. Journal of Arid Environments 56, 373-382.

65.   Zhao, C.Y*., Wang, Y.C., Song, Y.D., Li, B.G., 2004. Biological drainage characteristics of alakalized desert soils in north-western China. Journal of Arid Environments 56, 1-9.


[1] 1999.9-2002.7
中国农业大学 | 土壤学 | 博士研究生毕业 | 农学博士
[2] 1987.9-1990.7
西北农林科技大学 | 农业环境保护 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 农学硕士
[3] 1983.9-1987.7
西北农林科技大学 | 土壤农化 | 大学本科毕业 | 农学学士


[1] 2018.5-2022.4
地理科学学院 | 南京信息工程大学  | 主任 
[2] 2000.8-2001.4
加州大学Riverside 分校 | 美国农业部盐土实验室 
[3] 2000.5-2000.8
生命科学学院 | 美国亚利桑那州立大学 
[4] 1990.8-1999.8




中国土壤学会  常务理事
新疆土壤肥料学会  任秘书长
新疆水土保持学会  任副理事长






