
博士生导师 硕士生导师







程明宝,南京信息工程大学商学院教授,博士生导师。研究方向:运营管理、供应链管理、营销工程管理、生产调度与算法设计。曾在《European Journal of Operational Research、《International Journal of Production Research》、《Journal of the Operational Research Society》、《Journal of Manufacturing Systems》《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《中国管理科学》、《管理科学学报》等国内外期刊50余篇。主持完成国家级省部级科研项目6项,曾获得广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖1。欢迎具有一定数学基础且对学术研究有浓厚兴趣的学生加入研究团队。




1.       Cheng Mingbao(程明宝), Pandu R. Tadikamalla, Jennifer Shang, Shaqing Zhang. Bicriteria hierarchical optimization of two-machine flow shop scheduling problem with time-dependent deteriorating jobs processing time. European Journal of Operational Research, 234 (2014), 650-657. SCI二区)

2.       Cheng Mingbao(程明宝),Shijie Sun, Longmin He , Flow shop scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs on no-idle dominant machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 183, (2007)115-124. SCI二区)

3.       Cheng Mingbao(程明宝), Xiao Shuxian, Lian Zhaotong*, Single-machine scheduling problems with a batch-dependent aging effect and variable maintenance activities. International Journal of Production Research2018, 56: 7051-7063 SCI二区)

4.       Cheng Mingbao(程明宝), Pandu R. Tadikamalla, Jennifer Shang, Bixi Zhang Two-machine flow shop scheduling with deteriorating jobs: Minimizing the weighted sum of makespan and total completion time. Journal of the Operational Research Society , 66 (2015),709-719.SSCISCI三区)

5.       Cheng Mingbao(程明宝), Pandu R. Tadikamalla, Jennifer Shang, Bixi Zhang, Single machine scheduling problems with exponentially time-dependent learning effects. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 34 (2015), 60-65. SSCISCI二区)

6.       Cheng Mingbao (程明宝)Guoqing Wang, A note on the inventory model for deteriorating items with trapezoidal type demand rate. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 20091296-1300. SCI二区)

7.       Cheng Mingbao(程明宝), Xiao Shuxian, Liu Guosheng*, Single-machine rescheduling problems with learning effect under disruptions. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 2018,14, 967-980.SSCISCI三区)

8.       Cheng Mingbao (程明宝), Zhang Bixi, Wang Guoqing, Optimal policy for deteriorating items with trapezoidal type demand and partial backlogging. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35 (2011), 3552-3561. SCI一区)

9.       Cheng Mingbao (程明宝), Shijie Sun, A note on flow shop scheduling problems with a learning effect on no-idle dominant machines. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1842007),945-949. SCI一区)

10.    Cheng Mingbao (程明宝)Guoqing Wang, Longmin He Parallel machine scheduling problems with proportionally deteriorating jobs. International Journal of Systems Science, 40,2009, 53-57.SCI三区)

11.    Cheng Mingbao(程明宝). Flowshop scheduling problems with a position dependent exponential learning effect. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2013) Volume 2013, Article ID 753123. SSCISCI

12.    Cheng Mingbao(程明宝)Sun Shijie. The single-machine scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs and learning effect. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (2006)7(4) 597-601.(SCI三区)

13.    Cheng Mingbao(程明宝), Sun Shijie. Two scheduling problems in group technology with deteriorating jobs. Applied mathematics a Journal of Chinese Universities. (2005)20(2)225-234. (SCI)

14.    程明宝,邹美萍,王影,谢伶瑾,后锐,基于策略型顾客行为的策略选择研究: 价格承诺或者定量配给,系统工程理论与实践,  40(11), 2020, 2901-2911.

15.    程明宝,张景凌,朱帮助,于秀丽,考虑消费者差异性的两阶段营销定价决策研究, 系统工程理论与实践2021 (录用)

16.    程明宝,王影,邹美萍,后锐,考虑消费者具有质量和价格偏好的双渠道供应链最优决策,运筹与管理,2020(录用)

17. 程明宝,张景凌,李子怡,于秀丽,考虑零售商实行歧视行为的两阶段动态定价策略研究,管理工程学报,2021(录用待刊)

18.    Liu GuoshengYang HaidongCheng Mingbao(程明宝)*A three-stage decomposition approach for energy-aware scheduling with processing time-dependent product quality. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55, 30733091.SCI二区)

19.    Cheng Jinshi, Li Bangyi, Gong Bengang, Cheng Mingbao(程明宝)*, Lei XuThe optimal power structure of environmental protection responsibilities transfer in remanufacturing supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production 153 (2017) 558-569. SCI一区)

20.    Hou Rui, Zhi Luo, Cheng Mingbao (程明宝), Yu-xiao Zhu, Jia-wen Wu. Hybrid investment motivations lead to heavy tails in M&A dynamics Empirical evidence from China’s stock market. Physica A 528 (2019) 121399 SCI三区)

21.    Wang Wenbin, Zhang Yu, Li Yuanyuan, Zhao Xuejuan, Cheng Mingbao(程明宝)*. Closed-loop supply chains under reward-penalty mechanism: retailer collection and asymmetric information. Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (2017) 3938-3955SCI一区)

科研项目 (主持)

1.  国家自然科学基金项目: 考虑患者意愿的关键医疗资源配置与调度优化研究(No.71571050);57.6万

2.  教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:消费者选择行为驱动的零售渠道融合机制研究(21YJA630008),10万

3.  江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目:数据驱动的零售渠道融合机制及定价策略研究(2021SJZDA175),10万

4.  广东省高校特色创新项目: 不确定环境下手术中心调度理论与方法研究(No.2014WTSCX028); 10万

5.  中国博士后科学基金现代排序问题中加工时间可变的某些优化问题研究;(2007,一等资助),5万

6.  教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:高残值易逝品的混合生产-复合回收决策研究(No.11YJCZH019);7万,

7.  广东省高等学校人文社科重点研究基地重大项目高科技易逝品的供应链协调优化模型及方法研究(2013);8万

8.  广东省高校优秀青年创新人才培养项目: 运营管理中作业加工时间可变的某些新型排序模型研究(2010);2万


[1] 湖南科技大学  |  数学与应用数学  |  理学学士  |  大学本科毕业

[2] 上海大学  |  运筹学与控制论  |  理学博士  |  博士研究生毕业


[1]   2017.2- 2018.1

北卡罗来纳州立大学  |  工程学院

[2]   2015.7- 2015.8

澳门大学  |  工商管理学院

[3]   2014.7- 2014.8

澳门大学  |  工商管理学院

[4]   2012.4- 2013.4

匹兹堡大学  |  Katz商学院

[5]   2006.9- 2009.1

暨南大学  |  教授

[6]   2009.2- 2019.9

广东工业大学  |  教授


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  • [1]   运营管理、供应链管理、营销工程,生产调度理论与算法、医疗资源调度。

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