• 高永霞( 讲师(高校) )
  • 性别:
  • 所在单位:商学院


姓       名:  高永霞

性       别:  女

职       称:  讲师

最高学历:  博士

所属专业:  环境工程

所属系部:  环境工程系

研究方向:  湖泊环境化学与生态修复

办公地点:  C107

邮       箱:  gaoyx0813@163.com

主讲课程:  工程力学,给水排水管网系统

主要研究领域:  湖泊富营养化


2007/09-2010/06, 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,环境科学,博士

2004/09-2007/06, 河海大学,环境工程,硕士

2000/09-2004/06, 华北水利水电大学,给水排水工程,学士





Yongxia Gao, Jianghua Yu, Yuzhi Song, Guangwei Zhu, Hans W. Paerl, Boqiang Qin. Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of different forms of inorganic nitrogen in three types of rivers around Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 6898-6910.

Yuzhi Song, Jinqi Wang, Yongxia Gao. Effects of epiphytic algae on biomass and physiology of Myriophyllum spicatum L. with the increase of nitrogen and phosphorus availability in the water body. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 9548-9555.

Yidong Guan, Bo Wang, Yongxia Gao, et al. Occurrence and fate of antibiotics in the aqueous Environment and their removal by constructed wetlands in China: A review. Pedosphere, 2017, 27: 42-51.

高永霞, 宋玉芝, 于江华, 朱广伟. 环太湖不同性质河流水体磷的时空分布特征. 环境科学, 2016, 37: 1404-1412.

Jianghua Yu, Ruijun Zhao, Yongxia Gao, Ypungchul Kim. Effects of particles size on the zonesettling velocity of activated sludge. Environmental Engineering Science, 2016, 33: 423-429.

宋玉芝, 张亚冬, 郑建伟, 高永霞. 淡水湖泊附着藻类生态学研究进展. 生态杂志, 2016, 35: 534-541.

于江华, 徐礼强, 高永霞, 于志勇, 金永喆. 面源污染管理中不同类型工程设施的性能比较. 环境工程学报, 2015, 8:3692-3700.

Yuzhi Song, Jinqi Wang, Yongxia Gao, Xuejian Xie. The physiological responses of Vallisneria natans to epiphytic algae with the increase of N and P concentrations in water bodies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:8480-8487.

Jianghua Yu, Liqiang Xu, Yongxia Gao, Zhiyong Yu. Influence of material composition on zinc, chromium and lead pollution of road-deposited sediments. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73: 7631-7639.

高永霞, 蔡琳琳, 赵林林, 朱广伟. 丰水期环太湖河流与湖区水质比较研究. 环境科学, 2011, 32: 2840-2848.

Yongxia Gao, Guangwei Zhu, Boqiang Qin, et al. Effect of ecological engineering on the nutrient content of surface sediments in Lake Taihu, China. Ecological Engineering, 2009, 35: 1624-1630.






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