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副教授 硕士生导师

教师英文名称:Yanyan Huang







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邮箱 : huangyy@nuist.edu.cn

  • 基本信息
  • 个人简介
  • 近期主要论著
  • 近期科研项目
  • 姓       名:  黄艳艳

    出生年月:  1986年9月29日

    国       籍:  中国

    性       别:  女

    导       师:  王会军院士

    职       称:  副研究员

    最高学历:  博士

    所属系部:  气候学系

    毕业院校:  中国科学院大气物理研究所

    研究方向:  气候动力学

    办公地点:  519

    邮       箱:  huangyy@nuist.edu.cn

    主要研究领域: 气候变化,气候预测

  • 教育背景:  

    2005.9-2009.6    兰州大学大气科学学院       学士
    2009.9-2014.6    中国科学院大气物理研究所    博士
    2014.12-2015.12  美国夏威夷大学            访问学者
    2016.2-2016.6月  英国雷丁大学、牛津大学      访问学者


    2014.7-2016.6  浙江大学  博士后
    2016.7-至今     南京信息工程大学大气科学学院

  • 1, 黄艳艳王会军, 2012: 欧亚地区夏季大气环流年际变化的关键区及亚洲夏季风的关联信号.地球物理学报. 55, 2227-2238

    2, Yanyan Huang*, Huijun Wang and Ping Zhao, 2013: Is the interannual variability of the summer Asian-Pacific Oscillation Predictable? Journal of Climate. 26, 3865-3876

    3, Yanyan Huang*, Huijun Wang and Ke Fan, 2014: Improving the Prediction of the Summer Asian-Pacific Oscillation Using the  Interannual Increment Approach. Journal of Climate. 27, 8126-8134

    4, Yanyan Huang*, Huijun Wang, Ke Fan and Yongqi Gao, 2015: The western Pacific subtropical high after the 1970s: westward or eastward shift? Climate Dynamics. 44, 2035-2047

    5, Yanyan Huang* and Xiaofan Li, 2015: The interdecadal Variation of the western Pacific subtropical high as measured by 500 hPa eddy geopotential height. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 8, 371-375

    6, Yanyan Huang*, Xiaofan Li and Huijun Wang, 2016: Will the western Pacific subtropical high constantly intensify in the future? Climate Dynamics. 47, 567-577

    7, Yanyan Huang*, Bin Wang, Xiaofan Li and Huijun Wang, 2018: Changes in the influence of the western Pacific subtropical high on Asian summer monsoon rainfall in the late 1990s. Climate Dynamics. 51, 443-455

    8, Dapeng Zhang, Yanyan Huang*, Bo Sun, Fei Li and Huijun Wang, 2019: Verification and Improvement of the Ability of CFSv2 to Predict the Antarctic Oscillation in Boreal Spring. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36: 292-302 

    9. Dapeng Zhang, Yanyan Huang* and Bo Sun, 2019: Verification and Improvement of the Capability of ENSEMBLES to Predict the Winter Arctic Oscillation, Earch and Space Science, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EA000771


    10. Yanyan Huang* and Huijun Wang, 2020: Is the regional precipitation predictable in decadal scale? A possible approach for the decadal prediction of the summer precipitation over North China. Earth and Space Science, 7, e2019EA000986. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EA000986


    11. Yanyan Huang* and Huijun Wang, 2020: A possible Approach for Decadal Prediction of the PDO, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 34: 63-72


    12. 黄艳艳,王会军,2020: 太平洋年代际振荡的年代际预测方法,气象学报,doi10.11676/qxxb2020.026


    13. 黄艳艳,王会军,2020: 2020年全球变暖会创新高吗?大气科学学报,4: 585-591


    14. Dapeng Zhang, Yanyan Huang*, Botao Zhou, and Huijun Wang, 2021: Is there interdecadal variation in South Asian High? Journal of Climate, 34: 8089-8103 https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0059.1


    15. Danwei Qian, Yanyan Huang* and Huijun Wang, 2022: A preliminary attempt on decadal prediction of the East Asian summer monsoon. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04011-w


    16. Dapeng Zhang, Yanyan Huang*, Botao Zhou and Huijun Wang, 2022: Interdecadal Changes of the South Asian High in CMIP5/6 and Projection of Its Future Changes. Journal of Climate, 35(17), 5661–5675.

    17. Dapeng Zhang, Yanyan Huang*, Botao Zhou and Huijun Wang, 2022 Contributions of external forcing to the decadal decline of the South Asian high. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099384

    18. Yanyan Huang*, Huijun Wang, Peiyi Zhang, 2022: A skillful method for precipitation prediction over Eastern China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 15(1), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100133

    19. Danwei Qian, Yanyan Huang*, Huixin Li, Botao Zhou, Zhicong Yin, Huijun Wang, 2023: Decadal Variations in the Summer Precipitation Over Eastern China Associated With Spring Arctic Sea Ice, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD039231. https://doi. org/10.1029/2023JD039231

    20. 胡宏博,黄艳艳*,戴金,赵钱飞,2023: 11年中国寒潮频发的机理分析,大气科学学报,46: 864-875


    21. 发明专利:黄艳艳,黄妮,戴金,钱丹未,一种基于人工智能的中国短期气候预测方法及系统,专利号:ZL 2022 1 2500284.1


    22.Dapeng Zhang, Yanyan Huang, Botao Zhou, Huijun Wang and Bo Sun, 2024: Who is the major player for 2022 China extreme heat wave? Western Pacific Subtropical high or South Asian high? Weather and Climate Extremes, 43,100640


    23. Wenbo Liu, Yanyan Huang* and Huijun Wang, 2024: Effective deep learning seasonal prediction model for summer drought over China, Earth's Future, 12, e2023EF004409. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EF004409

    24. 索朗多旦黄艳艳陈雨豪王会军, 2024: 基于循环神经网络的欧亚中高纬夏季极端高温年代际预测模型研究大气科学学报,doi: 10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20230916001





  • 近期科研项目:  

    中国博士后基金            主持      全球变暖背景下,CMIP5模式对副高的模拟及未来预估
    青年基金                 主持      全球变暖背景下,西太平洋副热带高压年代际变化的机制研究及未来预估
    国家重点研发计划          课题骨干   中国北方地区极端气候变化的预测
    江苏省双创计划            核心成员   中国东部冬季气候及霾污染变异的事实、机理及其预测研究
    国家自然科学基金重大项目    课题骨干   亚洲中高纬区极端气候的机理、预测预估及其生态环境影响
    国家重点研发计划           课题骨干   中国极端天气气候事件的形成机理及其预测和归因 
    国家重点研发计划-青年专项   主要参与人  基于能量过程的年代际气候变化机理和预测