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个人信息Personal Information
副教授 硕士生导师
教师英文名称:Zhiguo Qu
联系方式:手机号:15895923386; 电子邮箱:qzghhh@126.com;
其他联系方式Other Contact Information
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个人简介Personal Profile
1995/09 –2001/06,南华大学,建筑工程系,本科
2004/09 –2007/06,华中师范大学,计算机科学系, 硕士
2008/09 –2011/06, 北京邮电大学,计算机学院, 博士
2004/09 –2007/06,华中师范大学,信息隐藏研究所, 硕士研究生
2008/09 –2011/06, 北京邮电大学,信息安全中心, 博士研究生
2011/07 –2012/10,南京信息工程大学,计算机与软件学院, 讲师
2012/10 –2014/11, 爱尔兰都柏林城市大学,电子工程学院, 博士后
2014/12 –至今,南京信息工程大学,计算机学院,教授
1. 国际期刊Journal of Quantum Computing主编;
2. 国际会议ICAIS2017至ICAIS2022 Workshop执行主席;
3. 江苏省量子技术专委会委员、网络与分布计算专委会委员、中国计算机协会CCF会员,IEEE和ACM会员;
4. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Secuiry, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Information Sciences, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Quantum Information Processing, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Computers, Materials & Continua 和Chinese Physics B等十多个著名SCI期刊特邀审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61373131,量子信息隐写模型与协议研究,2014/01-2017/12,75万,已结题,主持
2. 横向项目,厂级煤矿智能信息监控管理系统开发,2021/6-2023/6,56.1万,在研,主持
3. 横向项目,云主机安全管理平台项目,2023/2-2025/2,30万,在研,主持
4. 网络与交换技术国家重点实验室开放课题,SKLNST-2020-1-17,量子网络环境下抗噪量子隐写协议及相关技术研究,2020/10-2022/10,3万,已结题,主持
5. 横向项目,绍兴“名士之乡”英才计 划创业支持 C 类,2022/12-2025/12,200 万,在研,参与
6. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,61501247 ,基于光场高斯态的量子无错分辨的研究,2016/1-2018/12,24.4万,已结题,参与
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61170272,基于量子密码通信的新型量子信息隐藏协议的研究,2012/01-2015/12,59万,已结题,参与
8. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,61003287 ,量子多方保密通信协议的研究,2011/1-2013/12,20万,已结题,参与
9. 国家自然科学青年基金基金“量子多方保密通信协议的研究”(61003287),2010.1-2013.12。(主研)
10. 北京邮电大学青年科研创新计划专项项目(BUPT2009RC0220)。(主研)
11. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)“信息隐藏(保密)”(2007CB311203)2007.01-2012.12。(参与)
12. 国家自然科学基金项目“通信网的网络理论和技术”(60821001)2009.1-2011.12。(参与)
13. 国家自然科学基金项目“数字家庭网络安全管理关键技术研究”(U0835001),2009.1-2012.12。(参与)
1. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhixiao Chen, Xin Ning and Prayag Tiwari, QEPP: A quantum efficient privacy protection protocol in 6G-quantum Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 9(1): 905-916. (IEEE Trans, SCI一区)
2. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhixiao Chen, Shahram Dehdashti and Prayag Tiwari, QFSM: A Novel Quantum Federated Learning Algorithm for Speech Emotion Recognition With Minimal Gated Unit in 5G IoV, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024: 1-12. DOI 10.1109/TIV.2024.3370398 (IEEE Trans, SCI一区)
3. Zhiguo Qu#, Yunyi Meng, Ghulam Muhammad and Prayag Tiwari, QMFND: A quantum multimodal fusion-based fake news detection model for social media, Information Fusion, 2024, 104 (102172): 1-11. (SCI一区, 影响因子18.6)
4. Zhiguo Qu#, Yunyi Meng, Bo Liu, Ghulam Muhammad, Prayag Tiwari, QB-IMD: A secure medical data processing system with privacy protection based on quantum blockchain for IoMT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(1): 1-10. (SCI一区, 南信大T1, 影响因子10.6)
5. Zhiguo Qu#, Xinzhu Liu and Min Zheng, Temporal-Spatial quantum graph convolutional neural network based on Schrödinger approach for traffic congestion prediction, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(8): 8677-8686. (IEEE Trans, SCI一区, 南信大T1, CCF-B)
6. Zhiguo Qu#, Yang Li and Prayag Tiwari, QNMF: A quantum neural network based multimodal fusion system for intelligent diagnosis, Information Fusion, 2023, 100(101913): 1-13. (SCI一区, 影响因子18.6)
7. Zhiguo Qu#, Yang Tang, Ghulam Muhammad and Prayag Tiwari, Privacy protection in intelligent vehicle networking: A novel federated learning algorithm based on information fusion, Information Fusion, 2023, 98(101824): 1-12. (SCI一区, 影响因子18.6)
8. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhexi Zhang, Bo Liu, Prayag Tiwari, Xin Ning and Khan Muhammad, Quantum detectable Byzantine agreement for distributed data trust management in blockchain, Information Sciences, 2023, 637(118909): 1-12. (高被引论文,SCI一区, 南信大T1, CCF-B)
9. Zhiguo Qu#, Wenke Shi and Prayag Tiwari, Quantum conditional generative adversarial network based on patch method for abnormal electrocardiogram generation, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023, 166(107549): 1-13. (SCI一区)
10. Zhiguo Qu# and Hanrong Sun, A secure information transmission protocol for healthcare cyber based on quantum image expansion and Grover search algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2023, 10(5): 2551-2563. (IEEE Trans , SCI二区, CCF-C)
11. Zhiguo Qu#, Wenke Shi, Bo Liu, Deepak Gupta and Prayag Tiwari, IoMT-based smart healthcare detection system driven by quantum blockchain and quantum neural network, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023. DOI 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3288199. (SCI一区, 南信大T2)
12. Zhiguo Qu#, Yang Li, Bo Liu, Deepak Gupta and Prayag Tiwari, DTQFL: A digital twin-assisted quantum federated learning algorithm for Intelligent Diagnosis in 5G Mobile Network, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023. DOI 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3303401. (SCI一区, 南信大T2)
13. Zhiguo Qu#, Jian Ding, Rutvij H. Jhaveri, Youcef Djenouri, Xin Ning, Prayag Tiwari, FedSarah: A novel low-latency federated learning algorithm for consumer-centric personalised recommendation systems, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2023. DOI 10.1109/TCE.2023.3342100 (IEEE Trans, SCI二区, 南信大T2)
14. Yunyi Meng, Zhiguo Qu#, Ghulam Muhammad, Prayag Tiwari, Secure and efficient data transmission based on quantum dialogue with hyperentangled states in cloud office, Internet of Things, 2023, 24(100911): 1-15. (SCI三区)
15. Xinzhu Liu, Zhiguo Qu#, Xiubo Chen and Xiaojun Wang, Special quantum steganalysis algorithm for quantum secure communications based on quantum discriminator, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2023, 17(6): 1674-1688. (南信大T3, SCI四区)
16. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhexi Zhang and Min Zheng, A quantum blockchain-enabled framework for secure private electronic medical records in Internet of Medical Things, Information Sciences, 2022, 612(1): 942-958. (SCI一区, 南信大T1, CCF-B)
17. Zhiguo Qu#, Xinzhu Liu and Le Sun, Learnable antinoise-receiver algorithm based on a quantum feedforward neural network in optical quantum communication, Physical Review A, 2022, 105(5): (052427)1-12. (SCI二区, 南信大T1)
18. Zhiguo Qu#, Kunyi Wang and Min Zheng, Secure quantum fog computing model based on blind quantum computation, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022, 13: 3807-3817. (SCI二区)
19. Hanrong Sun, Zhiguo Qu#, Le Sun, Xiubo Chen and Gang Xu, High-efficiency quantum image steganography protocol based on double-layer matrix coding, Quantum Information Processing, 2022, 21(165): 1-27. (SCI二区, 南信大T2)
20. Zhiguo Qu#, Xinzhu Liu, Shengyao Wu, Quantum identity authentication protocol based on three-photon quantum error avoidance code in edge computing, Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, 2022, 33(e3945): 1-18. (SCI四区)
21. Zhiguo Qu#, Hanrong Sun and Min Zheng, An efficient quantum image steganography protocol based on improved EMD algorithm, Quantum Information Processing, 2021, 20(53): 1-29. (高被引论文, SCI二区, 南信大T2)
22. Zhiguo Qu#, Siyi Chen and Xiaojun Wang, A secure controlled quantum image steganography algorithm, Quantum Information Processing, 2020, 19(380): 1-25. (SCI二区, 南信大T2)
23. Zhiguo Qu#, Yiming Huang; Min Zheng, A novel coherence-based quantum steganalysis protocol, Quantum Information Processing, 2020, 19(362): 1-25. (SCI二区, 南信大T2)
24. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhexi Zhang, Mingming Wang, Shengyao Wu, Xiaojun Wang, Continuous-variable quantum network coding protocol based on butterfly network model, International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2020, 32(2): 69-76. (SCI)
25. Zhiguo Qu#, Yilin Wang, Le Sun, Dandan Peng, Zheng Li, Study QoS optimization and energy saving techniques in cloud, fog, edge, and IoT, Complexity, 2020, 2020(8964165): 1-16. (SCI二区)
26. Zhiguo Qu#, Shengyao Wu, Le Sun, Mingming Wang, Xiaojun Wang, Effects of quantum noises on χ state-based quantum steganography protocol, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(5): 4999-5021. (SCI)
27. Zhiguo Qu#, Leiming Jiang, Le Sun, Mingming Wang, Xiaojun Wang, Continuous variable quantum steganography protocol based on quantum identity, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(5): 4182-4195. (SCI)
28. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhenwen Cheng, Wenjie Liu, Xiaojun Wang, A novel quantum image steganography algorithm based on exploiting modification direction, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78: 7981-8001. (SCI)
29. Zhiguo Qu#, Shengyao Wu, Wenjie Liu and Xiaojun Wang, Analysis and improvement of steganography protocol based on Bell states in noise environment, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2019, 59(2): 607-624. (SCI)
30. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhengyan Li, Gang Xu, Shengyao Wu, Xiaojun Wang, Quantum image steganography protocol based on quantum image expansion and Grover search algorithm, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 50849-50857. (SCI二区)
31. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhenwen Cheng, Xiaojun Wang, Matrix coding-based quantum image steganography algorithm, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 35684-35698. (SCI二区)
32. Zhiguo Qu#, Tiancheng Zhu, Jinwei Wang and Xiaojun Wang, A novel quantum stegonagraphy based on Brown states, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2018, 56(1): 47-59. (SCI)
33. Zhiguo Qu#, Siyi Chen, Sai Ji, Songya Ma, Xiaojun Wang, Anti-noise bidirectional quantum steganography protocol with large payload, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2018, 57(6): 1-25. (SCI)
34. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhenwen Cheng, Mingming Wang, Wenjie Liu, Xiaojun Wang, High efficient and robust quantum watermarking algorithm based on quantum log-polar images and matrix coding, Journal of Internet Technology, 2018, 19(6): 1821-1827. (SCI)
35. Siyi Chen, Zhiguo Qu#, Novel Quantum Video Steganography and Authentication Protocol with Large Payload, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2018, 57: 3689-3701. (SCI)
36. Zhiguo Qu#, Huang-Xing He, Tao Li, Novel Quantum Watermarking Algorithm Based on Improved Least Significant Qubit Modification for Quantum Audio, Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27(1): 01030601-01030611. (SCI)
37. Le Sun, Shengyao Wu, Zhiguo Qu#, Mingming Wang, Xiaojun Wang, The effect of quantum noise on two different deterministic remote state preparation of an arbitrary three-particle state protocols, Quantum Information Processing, 2018, 17(283): 1-18. (SCI二区, 南信大T2)
38. Zhiguo Qu#, Shengyao Wu, Mingming Wang, Le Sun, Xiaojun Wang, Effect of Quantum Noise on Deterministic Remote State Preparation of an Arbitrary Two-Particle State via Various Quantum Entangled Channels, Quantum Information Processing, 2017, 16(306): 1-25. (SCI二区, 南信大T2)
39. Zhiguo Qu#, John Keeney, Sebastian Robitzsch, Faisal Zaman, Xiaojun Wang, Multilevel Pattern Mining Architecture for Automatic Network Monitoring in Heterogeneous Wireless Communication Networks, China Communications, 2016, 13(7): 108-116. (高被引论文, SCI三区)
40. Zhiguo Qu#, Siyi Chen, Sai Ji, A Novel Quantum Video Steganography Protocol with Large Payload Based on MCQI Quantum Video, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017, 56: 3543-3561. (SCI)
41. Zhiguo Qu#, Zhenwen Cheng, Mingxing Luo, Wenjie Liu, A Robust Quantum Watermark Algorithm Based on Quantum Log-polar Images, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017, 56: 3460-3476. (SCI)
42. Zhiguo Qu#, Xiubo Chen*, Mingxing Luo, Xinxin Niu, Yixian Yang, Quantum Steganography with Large Payload Based on Entanglement Swapping of χ-Type Entangled States, Optics Communications, 2011, 284: 2075-2082. (SCI)
43. Zhiguo Qu#, Xiubo Chen*, Xinjie Zhou, Xinxin Niu, Yixian Yang, Novel Quantum Steganography with Large Payload, Optics Communications, 2010, 283: 4782-4786. (SCI)
1. 获2010-2011年北京邮电大学优秀博士研究生。
2. 获2009年北京邮电大学国外重大国际会议资助。
3. 获2007年华中师范大学优秀研究生甲等奖学金。
4. 获2007年华中师范大学优秀硕士毕业论文。
瞿治国,博士,毕业于北京邮电大学,现任南京信息工程大学教授,研究方向量子安全通信、量子机械学习、量子计算、量子区块链,深度学习以及边缘计算等。主持或参与国家自然科学基金项目5项,省部级科学基金项目3项,并主持横向项目2项。先后在Information Sciences、Information Fusion、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles、IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、Computers in Biology and Medicine、Physical Review A、IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering、IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics、Scientific Reports、Neurocomputing、Quantum Information Processing、Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing、China Communications和Chinese Physics B等众多国内外知名期刊和会议上发表学术论文100多篇,其中 SCI 检索论文80多 篇,包括一作和通信作者 60余篇,三篇 ESI 高被引论文。谷歌学术引用次数共计1806次。此外,2012.10-204.10赴爱尔兰都柏林城市大学攻读博士后;获得国际会议ICAIS2019以及ICAIS2021优秀会议论文,在相关研究领域的国际合作方面(爱尔兰、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和德国等国际合作)也拥有良好基础。