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研究员 博士生导师 硕士生导师

教师拼音名称:Li Qingqing




联系方式:liqq at nuist.edu.cn





  • 基本信息
  • 个人简介
  • 近期主要论著
  • 近期科研项目
  • 姓       名:  李青青

    国       籍:  中国                       性       别:  男

    职       称:  研究员                   最高学历:  博士

    所属系部:  动力气象系             

    办公地点:  气象楼718              邮       箱:  liqq@nuist.edu.cn

    研究方向:  台风动力学,中尺度气象学

    主要研究领域:  台风内核结构变化和机理,台风螺旋雨带动力学,台风预报及检验评估,中尺度强对流发生发展机理

    传统节日 ~ 台风


    二十四节气 ~ 台风

    与 台 风 相 遇







    你说你喜欢夏天的风 秋天的雨



    "是的 我已千万遍地试图读懂你"

  • 荣誉获奖:  

    2015 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Editors Award
    2019  Journal of Meteorological Research Reviewer Award
    2023  江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人







    《Tropical Cyclone Research and Review》副编辑




    • Sun, L., and Q. Li, 2025. Numerical simulation of size contraction of Typhoon Cempaka (2021). Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Lett. 18 (2), 100533.

    • Dong, Y., and Q. Li, 2025. Microphysical processes of the “21·7 ” Henan extremely heavy rainfall event as simulated with the Thompson microphysics scheme. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Lett. 18 (2), 100480.

    • He, Y., Q. Li, and Y. Dai, 2025. Secondary eyewall formation in upper- and lower-layer vertical wind shear simulated in idealized tropical cyclones. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Lett. 18(2), 100465. (编辑选择)

    • Zhang, S., X. Bao, Q. Li, L.  Lin, and L. Deng, 2025: Microphysical variation of precipitation traveling inward along the principal rainband of typhoon Ampil (2018)Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society151(767), e4911. 

    • Du, X.H. Chen, Y. Luo, Q. Li, Z. Feng, and L. R. Leung, 2024: Unveiling the urban impact on mesoscale convective system rainfall in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration under typical synoptic backgroundsJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres129, e2024JD042409.

    • Dong, Y., and Q. Li, 2024: Inner-Core Humidification and Prelandfall Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Mekkhala (2020) in Strong Vertical Wind Shear. Mon. Wea. Rev.152, 2697–2716.

    • Wadler, J. B., J. E. Rudzin, B. J. de la Cruz, et al., 2023: A review of recent research progress on the effect of external influences on tropical cyclone intensity changeTropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, 200-215.

    • Xu, Y. H. Huang, Q. Li, K, Zhao, er al., 2023An Observational Study of Short-Cycle Lightning Outbreaks in the Inner Core of Typhoon Hato (2017) Before Landfall. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, 10.1029/2023GL104100.

    • 程晶晶,李青青,陈锦鹏,2023:不同强度环境垂直风切变影响下热带气旋外核区冷池特征。大气科学,47,1510-1524.

    • Dai, Y., Q. Li, X. Liu, and L. Wang, 2023: A Lagrangian Trajectory Analysis of Azimuthally Asymmetric Equivalent Potential Temperature in the Outer Core of Sheared Tropical Cyclones. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40, 1689-1706. 

    • Liu, X., Q. Li, and Y. Dai, 2022: Stronger vertical shear leads to earlier secondary eyewall formation in idealized numerical simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, http://10.1029/2022GL098093.

    • Long S, X. Wei, F. Zhang, R. Zhang, J. Xu, K. Wu, Q. Li, and W. Li, 2022: Estimating daily ground-level NO2 concentrations over China based on TROPOMI observations and machine learning approach. Atmospheric Enviroment, 289, https://10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119310

    • Duan, Y., and Q. Li, 2022: Editorial: Landfalling tropical cyclones: Physical processes, forecasting, and impacts. https://10.3389/feart.2022.1071061

    • 李张瑞,余锦华,李青青,纪源,2022:全球增暖背景下大气经向热量输送气候变化特征。中国海洋大学学报,52,9-18。

    • 陈申鹏、端义宏、李青青,2022:基于高塔观测的登陆台风边界层风切变指数拟合。应用气象学报,33,155-166。

    • Huang, H., Q. Li, K. Zhao, H. Dai, J. Ming, X. Fan, Y. Xu, Y. Duan, W.-C Lee, and F. Zheng, 2022: Microphysical characteristics of the phase-locking VRW-induced asymmetric convection in the outer eyewall of Super Typhoon Lekima (2019). Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096869.

    • Gao, L., Y.- M. Yang, Q. Li, Y.-G. Ham, and J.-H. Kim, 2022: Deep learning for predicting winter temperature in North China. Atmosphere, 13, 702.

    • Zhou, K., Q. Li, and J. Tang, 2022Estimation of dissipative heating properties above the internal boundary layer in landfalling typhoons using multi-layer tower observations. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 10:833994.

    • Chen, Z., and Q. Li, 2021: Re-examining tropical cyclone fullness using aircraft reconnaissance data. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 38, 1596−1607.

    • Liang, X., and Q. Li, 2021: Revisiting the response of western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity change to vertical wind shear in different directions. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,14(3), 100041.

    • Dai H., K. Zhao, Q. Li, W.-C. Lee, J. Ming, A. Zhou, X. Fan, Z. Yang, F. Zheng, and Y. Duan, 2021: Quasi-Periodic Intensification of Convective Asymmetries in the Outer Eyewall of Typhoon Lekima (2019)..Geophysical Research Letters,48, e2020GL091633.

    • Cheng, J. and Q. Li, 2020: A numerical study of convective-scale downdrafts in the outer core of tropical cyclones in vertically varying environmental flows.Tropical Cyclone Research and Review,2020,9(3):143-161.

    • Bao, X., Wu, L., Zhang, S., Li, Q., Lin, L., Zhao,B., et al., 2020: Distinct raindrop size distributions of convective inner- and outer-rainband in Typhoon Maria(2018). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032482.

    • 端义宏,方娟,程正泉,徐晶,李青青,占瑞芬,钱传海,陈静, 任福民. 2020:热带气旋研究和业务预报进展——第九届世界气象组织热带气旋国际研讨会(IWTC-9)综述。气象学报。

    • 梁莉,崔晓鹏,李青青. 2020:2015年热带气旋“彩虹”的高分辨率数值模拟与风场诊断分析。大气科学。

    • Gao, Q., Q. Li, and Y. Dai, 2020: Characteristics of the outer rainband stratiform sector in numerically simulated tropical cyclones: Lower-layer shear versus upper-layer shear. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 37, 399-419.

    • Li, Q., and Y. Dai, 2020: Revisiting azimuthally asymmetric moist instability in the outer core of sheared tropical cyclones. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 1297–1319.

    • Han, X., H. Zhao, X. Li, G. B. Raga, C. Wang, and Q. Li, 2019: Modulation of boreal extended summer tropical cyclogenesis over the northwest Pacific by the quasi‐biweekly oscillation under different El Niño‐southern oscillation phases. Internatioanal Journal of Climatology, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6244

    • Fu, H., Y. Wang, M. Riemer, and Q. Li, 2019: Effect of unidirectional vertical wind shear on tropical cyclone intensity change—Lower‐layer shear versus upper‐layer shear. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124,  https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030586

    • Sun, S., Q. Li, J. Li, G. Wang, S. Zhou, R. Chai, W. Hua, P. Deng, J. Wang, and W. Lou, 2019: Revisiting the evolution of the 2009–2011 meteorological drought over Southwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 568, 385-402.

    • Li, Q., and Q. Fang, 2019: Buoyancy of convective-scale updrafts in the outer cores of sheared tropical cyclones. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 12, 58-65.

    • Li, Q., and Q. Fang, 2018: A numerical study of convective-scale structures in the outer cores of sheared tropical cyclones. Part 1: Updraft traits in different vertical wind shear magnitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 12097–12116.

    • Zheng, Q., and Q. Li, 2018: Tropical cyclone tilts under vertically varying background flows: Preliminary results based upon TCM4 simulations. Journal of Ocean University of China, 17, 1066-1074.

    • Sun, S., Y. Ren, Q. Li, S. Zhou, C. Zhao, R. Chai, P. Deng, and J. Wang, 2018: Intra‐annual differences of 3‐month Standardized Precipitation‐Evapotranspiration Index dryness/wetness sensitivity over southwest China. Atmos. Sci. Letters., 19, e830.

    • Zhu, X., Q. Li, J. Yu, D. Wu, and K. Yao, 2018: Geometric characteristics of tropical cyclone eyes before landfall in south China based on ground-based radar observations. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35, 592-603.

    • Li, Q., Y. Wang, and Y. Duan, 2017: A Numerical Study of Outer Rainband Formation in a Sheared Tropical Cyclone. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 203–227.

    • Li, Q., Y. Wang, and Y. Duan, 2015: Impacts of Evaporation of Rainwater on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensity—A Revisit, J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 1323-1345.

    • Li, Q., Y. Wang, and Y. Duan, 2014: Effects of diabatic heating and cooling in the rapid filamentation zone on structure and intensity of a simulated tropical cyclone, J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 3144-3163.

    • Li, Q., and Y. Duan, 2013: Sensitivity of quasi-periodic outer rainband activity of tropical cyclones to the surface entropy flux.Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 27, 636–657.

    • Li, Q., and Q. Wang, 2013: Re-examination of the potential vorticity metrics for determining extratropical transition onset and completion times using high-resolution data. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 27, 502–508.

    • Yu, H., P. Chen, Q. Li, and B. Tang, 2013: Current capability of operational numerical models in predicting tropical cyclone intensity in western North Pacific. Wea. Forecasting, 28, 353–367.

    • Wang, Q., Q. Li, and G. Fu, 2012: Determining the extratropical transition onset and completion times of Typhoons Mindulle (2004) and Yagi (2006) using four methods. Wea. Forecasting, 27, 1394–1412.

    • Li, Q., Chen, C., J. Yu, and L. Chen, 2012: Evaluating the performance of western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity guidance. Part II: Intensity forecast accuracy in different life stages. Tropical Cyclone Res. Rev., 458-468.

    • Chen, C., Q. Li, J. Yu, and L. Chen, 2012: Evaluating the performance of western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity guidance. Part I: Basic characteristics. Tropical Cyclone Res. Rev., 1, 340-352.

    • Li, Q., and Y. Wang, 2012: A comparison of inner and outer spiral rainbands in a numerically simulated tropical cyclone. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 2782-2805.

    • Li, Q., and Y. Wang, 2012: Formation and quasi-periodic behavior of outer spiral rainbands in a numerically simulated tropical cyclone. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 997-1020.

    • Chen, C., J. Yu, and Q. Li, 2011: Western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity guidance evaluations using an alternative verification technique. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Letters, 4, 151-156.

    • 李青青,周立,范轶,2009:台风云娜(2004)的高分辨率数值模拟研究——眼壁小尺度对流运动。气象学报,67(5),787-798.

    • Li, Q., and Y. Duan, 2009: Tropical Cyclone Strikes at the Coastal Cities of China from 1949 to 2008. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 107, 1-7.

    • Li, Q., Y. Duan, H. Yu, and G. Fu, 2009: Finescale Spiral Rainbands Modeled in a High-Resolution Simulation of Typhoon Rananim (2004). Adv. Atmos. Sci., 27, 685-704.

    • Li, Q., Y. Duan, G. Fu, and, H. Yu, 2009: Numerical investigation of the eyewall evolution of a tropical cyclone. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 23, 517-538.

    • Li, Q., Y. Duan, H. Yu, and G. Fu, 2008: A high-resolution simulation of Typhoon Rananim (2004) with MM5. Part I: Model verification, inner-core shear and asymmetric convection. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 2488–2506.

    • Li, Q., G. Fu, J. Guo, Y. Yang, and Y. Duan, 2005: An observational study of Typhoon Imbudo in 2003. Journal of Ocean University of China. 4, 391–397.

  • 近期科研项目:  


  • 团队成员Research Group

