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姓 名: 罗京佳
性 别: 男
职 称: 教授(国家特聘专家)
最高学历: 博士(物理海洋学)
所属系部: 数值预报系
研究方向: 气候动力学以及气候模式开发、预测及其应用、海洋动力学
办公地点: 亚培楼303室
邮 箱: jjluo@nuist.edu.cn;jingjia_luo@hotmail.com
主要研究领域: 热带海气相互作用、气候变化机制、全球气候模式研发、气候预测及应用、人工智能
Science, PNAS等30多个国际知名杂志审稿者,有着广泛的国际合作关系和影响力,与日本、澳大利亚、法国、德国、意大利、韩国、美国等众多著名科研机构保持长期的国际合作关系,例如,ICAR与日本海洋研究开发机构应用实验室(APL/JMASTEC)在气候和预测研究方面已签订长期合作协议,与Toshio
播放网址:开讲啦 | 极端天气的奥秘 (yangshipin.cn)
相关新闻报导:特大暴雨!超长梅雨!极端天气时有发生!未来气候如何?专家解答→ (nuist.edu.cn)
1)从海气和中低纬相互作用角度首次发现南太平洋对厄尔尼诺年代际变化的重要影响,提出了ENSO准10年振荡的新机制。此成果获日本全球变化前沿研究中心2004年杰出研究奖。此成果突破了北太平洋影响ENSO年代际变化的传统观点,在国际上影响广泛,曾被CLIVAR和UNESCO所属IOC OOPC等国际研究组织多次引用,对于增进南太平洋的观测起了很大推进作用,得到CLIVAR西南太平洋大型国际观测项目的认可和重视,并作为其关键科学依据之一。
2)发展了有良好国际声誉的全球耦合海气环流模式(SINTEX-F模式),提出了考虑海表流场动量对提高气候模拟性能的作用。此成果被国际主要的气候模式开发中心所采纳,包括德国Max-Planck气象研究所、意大利CMCC、英国、美国、澳大利亚、日本等国家的研究机构和中国科学院大气所等,有力推动了CMIP5模式的发展和模拟性能的提高,文章被IPCC AR5报告第9章引用。此外,指出了CMIP5气候模式中的普遍误差对模拟太平洋和全球气候变化的影响,还进一步发展了一个更高精度的可模拟强热带气旋的全球气候模式,用于热带气旋的形成机理和可预测性研究。
4)全球首次提前一年成功实时预报出2006年印度洋偶极子事件,并连续成功预报了2006、2007、2008年印度洋偶极子事件,引起了国际社会的广泛关注和报道。SINTEX-F模式逐月实时气候预报已成为许多国家业务预报中心(包括国家气候中心等)、研究机构、澳大利亚政府和农场主们的决策依据之一,并参加了韩国APEC Climate Center和美国IRI的多模式集合气候预测试验,同时还被放在美国哥伦比亚大学IRI数据库里作为其国际培训材料。
6)首次提出大洋间相互作用对全球变暖背景下热带太平洋气候变化以及全球增暖速率的影响。该方面成果在国际上的影响较大,文章被IPCC AR5报告第12章引用。
国际CLIVAR太平洋区域委员会 委员,
国家气象人工智能技术委员会 委员,
中国海洋学会人工智能海洋学专业委员会 秘书长,
中科院地球环境研究所国家重点实验室 学术委员,
American Geophysical Union 会员,
the Oceanographic Society of Japan 会员,
气象学报(Journal of Meteorological Research)编委,
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) 编辑,
Open Oceanography Journal 编委,
International Journal of Atmospheric Science 编委
Earth Science 编委,
Frontiers in Atmospheric Science 副主编,
Austin Journal of Earth Science 编委,
Science Publishing Group 编委,
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 编委,
Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative 审委委员,
CAWCR and WfO Ocean Modelling Working Group 审委委员,
The Australian National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme (NCMAS) Committee 委员,
State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Science 第五、六届学术委员会海外成员,
Unified Model Maritime Continent Progress Evaluation Group 主席。
2022年 入选斯坦福大学2022年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单
2021年5月 入选气候变化领域全球最具影响力1000名科学家(列第607位)
2019年 江苏省双创人才
2018年 国家重大人才计划
2011年4月 日本政府教育、科技、文化、体育部 青年科学家奖
2010年4月 日本海洋研究开发机构 研究开发功绩奖
2004年3月 日本海洋研究开发机构 全球变化前沿研究中心 杰出研究奖
1997年10月-2001年3月 日本文部省国费奖学金
1997年2月 中国科学院大气物理所“学笃风正”奖
Shaolei Tang*, Zhiyuan Zhang, Jing-jia Luo*, 2024: Interdecadal change in the relationship between the South China late rainy season rainfall and equatorial Pacific SSTs. Environmental Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ad69a7(online)
Jiye Wu, Jing-Jia Luo, Takeshi Doi, Toshio Yamagata, Swadhin K Behera,2024: Revisiting the role of atmospheric initial signals in predicting ENSO. Journal of Climate, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0702.1(online)
Fenghua Ling, Zeyu Lu, Jing-Jia Luo*, Lei Bai*, Swadhin K Behera, Dachao Jin, Baoxiang Pan, Huidong Jiang, Toshio Yamagata, 2024: Diffusion model-based probabilistic downscaling for 180-year East Asian climate reconstruction. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7 (1), 131.
Yi Zhang, Jiye Wu, Yongjun Zheng, Jing‐Jia Luo*, 2024: Impacts of Atmospheric Internal Variations on the Variability of Sea Surface Temperature Based on the Hydra‐SINTEX Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (9), e2023JD040325.
R Wang, J He, J-J Luo*, L Chen, 2024: Atlantic warming enhances the influence of Atlantic Niño on ENSO. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(8),e2023GL108013.
T Tang, L Qi, T Tozuka, JJ Luo, F Ling, L Luo, JH He, 2024: Emergent constraint on the projected central equatorial Pacific warming and northwestern Pacific monsoon trough change. Environmental Research Letters, 19(5), 054003.
X Xie, J Wu, J-J Luo, J Xu, H Yan, 2024: Modulation of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on Wintertime Variability of Intraseasonal 2‐m Temperature Over Northern Eurasia and Its Potential Impact on Subseasonal Prediction in China. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(2), e2023GL106448.
T Tang, J He, H Sun, J-J Luo*, 2024: Impact of ocean data assimilation on the seasonal forecast of the 2014/15 marine heatwave in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 100498, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2024.100498
F Ling, L Ouyang, Larbi B R, J-J Luo*, T Han, X Zhong, L Bai, 2024: Is Artificial Intelligence Providing the Second Revolution for Weather Forecasting?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.16669.
T Gebremariam Asfaw and J-J Luo*, 2024: Downscaling seasonal precipitation forecasts over East Africa with deep convolutional neural networks. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 41(3), 449-464, https://doi.org/10.1007/10.1007/s00376-023-3029-2
Jing Ma, Haiming Xu, Changming Dong, Jing-Jia Luo, 2024: The Forecast Skills and Predictability Sources of Marine Heatwaves in the NUIST-CFS1. 0 Hindcasts. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 41 (8), 1589-1600.
Shu Fu, Wenyu Huang, Jingjia Luo, Dongqing Liu, Danyi Sun, Haohuan Fu, Yong Luo, Bin Wang, 2024: Deep learning improves GFS sea surface wind field forecast accuracy in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (13), e2024JD041188.
Aoqi Zhou, Chaoxia Yuan, Jing‐Jia Luo, Toshio Yamagata, 2024: Warming tropical Indian Ocean wets the Tibetan plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (13), e2024GL108989.
Pumeng Lyu, Tao Tang, Fenghua Ling, Jing-Jia Luo, Niklas Boers, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai, 2024: ResoNet: Robust and explainable ENSO forecasts with hybrid convolution and transformer networks. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 41 (7), 1289-1298.
Zijie Guo, Pumeng Lyu, Fenghua Ling, Jing-Jia Luo, Niklas Boers, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai, 2024: ORCA: A Global Ocean Emulator for Multi-year to Decadal Predictions[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.15412.
Shuai-Lei Yao, Renguang Wu, Jing-Jia Luo, Wen Zhou, 2024: Competing impacts of tropical Pacific and Atlantic on Southern Ocean inter-decadal variability. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 7 (1), 104.
Shixin Wang, Meng Gao, Xiang Xiao, Xiaodong Jiang, Jingjia Luo, 2024: Wasted efforts of elite Marathon runners under a warming climate primarily due to atmospheric oxygen reduction. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 7 (1), 97.
Shixin Wang, Tiexi Chen, Jing-Jia Luo, Meng Gao, Hongchao Zuo, Fenghua Ling, Jianlin Hu, Chaoxia Yuan, Yuanjian Yang, Lina Wang, Huaming Huang, Naiang Wang, Yaojun Li, Toshio Yamagata, 2024: Warming climate is helping human beings run faster, jump higher and throw farther through less dense air. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 7 (1), 94.
Shixin Wang, Tiexi Chen, Youyong Xie, Jing-Jia Luo, 2024: Different impacts of the variations of western and eastern portions of the East Asian westerly jet stream on southern China rainfalls in Meiyu season. Atmospheric Research 300, 107229.
H Lan, J Ma, H Xu, J Luo, 2024: Interdecadal Variations of ENSO Impacts over the Indo–Northwest Pacific Region and the Related Mechanisms. Journal of Meteorological Research 38 (2), 235-248.
D Jin, L Huo, Z Yan, JJ Luo, Z Wang, 2024: Enhanced influence of tropical Atlantic Sea surface temperature anomalies on east Asian summer monsoon since the late 1970s. Climate Dynamics, 1-13.
Ning Jiang, Congwen Zhu, Zeng-Zhen Hu, Michael J McPhaden, Deliang Chen, Boqi Liu, Shuangmei Ma, Yuhan Yan, Tianjun Zhou, Weihong Qian, Jingjia Luo, Xiuqun Yang, Fei Liu, Yuejian Zhu, 2024: Enhanced risk of record-breaking regional temperatures during the 2023–24 El Niño.Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2521.
R Zhang, C Wang, B Wang, Z Guan, L Wu, J Luo, 2024: Decadal prediction of location of tropical cyclone maximum intensity over the western North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters 51 (4), e2023GL106746.
S Liu, C Yuan, S Behera, JJ Luo, T Yamagata, 2024: Indian Ocean Dipole changes during the Last Interglacial modulated by the mean oceanic climatology. Geophysical Research Letters 51 (1), e2023GL106153.
J Wu, Y Li, J-J Luo*, Y Zhang, T Doi, T Yamagata, 2023: Prediction and predictability of boreal winter MJO using a multi-member subseasonal to seasonal forecast system of NUIST (NUIST CFS 1.1). Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-07047-4
J Wei, B Wang, J-J Luo*, C Li, C Yuan, 2023: Synoptic characteristics of heatwave events in Australia during austral summer of 1950/1951–2019/2020. International Journal of Climatology, 43(12), 5662-5680.
Shelly Jo Igpuara Ignacio-Reardon and Jing-jia Luo*, 2023: Evaluation of the Performance of CMIP6 Climate Models in Simulating Rainfall over the Philippines. Atmosphere, 14(9), 1459. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14091459
Jiaying He, Takeshi Doi, Swadhin Behera, Jing-Jia Luo*, Toshio Yamagata, 2023: Predictability of Extremely Pluvial Winters Over theYangtze-Huai River Basin in China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 128, e2023JD039039. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD039039
Sinong Li, Huiping Yan, Jing-jia luo*, 2023: Seasonal Forecasts of Precipitation during the First Rainy Season in South China Based on NUIST-CFS1.0. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 40(10), 1895-1910. https://doi.org/10.1007/S00376-023-2318-0
Ke Peng, Jing-Jia Luo*, Yan Liu, 2023: Prediction of Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity in the NUIST-CFS1. 0 Forecast System. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 40(7), 1309-1325, . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2213-8
S Yang, F Ling, Y Li, and J-J Luo, 2023: Improving seasonal prediction of summer precipitation in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River using a TUnet deep learning approach. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems, 2 (2), 220078. https://doi.org/10.1175/AIES-D-22-0078.1.
Lin Ouyang, Fenghua Ling, Yue Li, Lei Bai, Jing-Jia Luo*, 2023: Wave forecast in the Atlantic Ocean using a double-stage ConvLSTM network. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 100347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100347
Ming Sun, Lin Chen, Tim Li, Jing‐Jia Luo, 2023: CNN‐Based ENSO Forecasts With a Focus on SSTA Zonal Pattern and Physical Interpretation[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(20): e2023GL105175.
Chen, K., T. Han, J. Gong, L. Bai, F. Ling, J.-J. Luo, X. Chen, L. Ma, T. Zhang, R. Su, Y. Ci, B. Li, X. Yang and W. Ouyang. Fengwu: Pushing the skillful global medium-range weather forecast beyond 10 days lead. 2023, arXiv preprint arXiv: 2304.02948. https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.02948
Huidi Yang, Jian Rao*, Haohan Chen, Qian Lu, Jingjia Luo, 2023: Lagged Linkage between the Kara–Barents Sea Ice and Early Summer Rainfall in Eastern China in Chinese CMIP6 Models. Remote Sensing, 15 (8), 2111. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15082111
Shanshan Liu, Chaoxia Yuan, Jing-jia Luo, Xiaofan Ma, Xuecheng Zhou, Toshio Yamagata, 2023: Weakening of the Indian Ocean Dipole in the mid-Holocene due to the mean oceanic climatology change. Journal of Climate, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0878.1
Chao Wang*, Meiling Fu, Bin Wang*, Liguang Wu, Jing‐Jia Luo, 2023: Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulates the relationship between Pacific Meridional Mode and tropical cyclone genesis in the western North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (5), e2022GL101710. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101710
Yue Chen, Xiaomeng Huang*, Jing-Jia Luo, Yanluan Lin, Jonathon S Wright, Youyu Lu, Xingrong Chen, Hua Jiang, Pengfei Lin, 2023: Prediction of ENSO using multivariable deep learning. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 100350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100350
Jiuwei Zhao, Mi-Kyung Sung*, Jae-Heung Park, Jing-Jia Luo, Jong-Seong Kug*, 2023: Part II model support on a new mechanism for North Pacific Oscillation influence on ENSO. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 16. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00337-y
Jiuwei Zhao, Mi-Kyung Sung*, Jae-Heung Park, Jing-Jia Luo, Jong-Seong Kug*, 2023: Part I observational study on a new mechanism for North Pacific Oscillation influencing the tropics. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00336-z
Lin Chen, Yuqing Li, Zi-An Ge, Bo Lu, Lu Wang, Xiaojun Wei, Ming Sun, Ziyue Wang, Tim Li, Jing-Jia Luo, 2023: Causes of the Extreme Drought in Late Summer–Autumn 2019 in Eastern China and Its Future Risk. Journal of Climate, 36 (4), 1085-1104. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0305.1
Mingjie Wang, Chaoxia Yuan, Jingchan Liu, Yihua Wei, Jiye Wu, Jingjia Luo, 2023: Underestimated relationship between westerly wind bursts and ENSO in CMIP6 models. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 100336, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100336
Jiaxin Ye, Chaoxia Yuan, Mengzhou Yang, Xinyu Lu, Jing-Jia Luo, Toshio Yamagata, 2023: Delayed Impacts of ENSO on the Frequency of Summer Extreme Hot Days in the Asian Monsoon Region. Part I: Observation, Historical Simulation and Future Projection in CMIP6 Models. Journal of Climate, 36(9), 3095–3112, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0667.1
Xinyu Lu, Chaoxia Yuan, Jing-Jia Luo, Toshio Yamagata, 2023: Delayed Impacts of ENSO on the Frequency of Summer Extreme Hot Day in the Asian Monsoon Region. Part II: Implication for Seasonal Prediction. Journal of Climate, 36(9), 3113–3127, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0668.1
Jian Rao, Chaim I Garfinkel, Tongwen Wu, Jing‐Jia Luo, Yixiong Lu, Min Chu, Qian Lu, 2023: Combined modes of the northern stratosphere, tropical oceans, and East Asian spring rainfall: A novel method to improve seasonal forecasts of precipitatio. Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (1), e2022GL101360. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101360
Fenghua Ling, Yue Li, Jing-Jia Luo*, Xiaohui Zhong, Zhibin Wang, 2022: Two deep learning-based bias-correction pathways improve summer precipitation prediction over China. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (12), 124025. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aca68a
Ling, F., J.-J. Luo*(共同一作), Y. Li, T. Tang, L. Bai, W. Ouyang and Toshio Yamagata, 2022: Multi-task machine learning improves multiseasonal prediction of the Indian Ocean Dipole. Nature Communications, 13, 7681. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35412-0
Xu, J., J.-J. Luo*, and C. Yuan, 2022: Tropical Indian Ocean warming contributes to Arctic warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(23), e2022GL101339. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101339
He, J., J.-J. Luo*, T. Doi, S. Liu, S. Tang and X. Wang, 2022: Understanding extremely pluvial winters over Yangtze–Huia river basin in China: their complexity and tropical oceans influences. Climate Dynamics, 61, 687-707. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06614-5
Chang, L., Y. Morioka, S. Behera, J.-J. Luo*, H. Xu, and B. Zhou, 2022: What Mainly Drives the Interannual Climate Variability Over the Barents-Kara Seas in Boreal Early Autumn? Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere. 127(21), e2021JD036216. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD036216
Wei, J., Renlong Hang, Jing-Jia Luo*, 2022: Prediction of Pan-Arctic Sea Ice Using Attention-Based LSTM Neural Networks. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 860403. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.860403
Hu, Y., X. Wang, J-J Luo*, D. Wang, H. Yan, C. Yuan, and X. Lin, 2022: Forecasts of MJO during DYNAMO in a Coupled Tropical Channel Model: Impact of Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes. Atmosphere, 13 (5), 666. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13050666
Hu, Y., X. Wang, J-J Luo*, D. Wang, H. Yan, C. Yuan, and X. Lin, 2022: Forecasts of MJO during DYNAMO in a coupled tropical channel model, Part I: Impact of parameterization schemes. International Journal of Climatology, 42(13), 6771-6792. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7610
Ying, W, H Yan, J-J Luo*, 2022: Seasonal Predictions of Summer Precipitation in the Middle-lower Reaches of the Yangtze River with Global and Regional Models Based on NUIST-CFS1.0. Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 39(9), 1561-1578. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s00376-022-1389-7
Tang, S, J-J Luo*, L Chen, Y Yu, 2022: Distinct Evolution of the SST Anomalies in the Far Eastern Pacific between the 1997/98 and 2015/16 Extreme El Niños. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39, 927-942. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-021-1263-z
Li, Y., J Wu, J-J Luo*, Y-M Yang, 2022: Evaluating the Eastward Propagation of the MJO in CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models Based on a Variety of Diagnostics. Journal of Climate, 35 (6), 1719-1743. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0378.1
Wahiduzzaman, MD, KK Cheung, J-J Luo*, PK Bhaskaran, 2022: A spatial model for predicting North Indian Ocean tropical cyclone intensity: Role of sea surface temperature and tropical cyclone heat potential. Weather and Climate Extremes, 36, 100431, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2022.100431
孙惠杭, 王意国,罗京佳*,2022: 海洋资料同化对季节、年际预测技巧的影响试验[J]. 热带海洋学报. 41(3): 75-90. https://doi.org/10.11978/2021112
杨淑贤, 零丰华, 应武杉, 杨松, 罗京佳*, 2022: 人工智能技术气候预测应用简介[J]. 大气科学学报. 45(5), 641-659, https://doi.org/10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20210623003
Asfaw, TG, J-J Luo*, 2022: Seasonal Prediction of Summer Precipitation over East Africa Using NUIST-CFS1. 0. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39(3), 355-372. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-021-1180-1
Wahiduzzaman, MD, K Cheung, J-J Luo*, et al., 2022: Impact assessment of Indian Ocean Dipole on the North Indian Ocean tropical cyclone prediction using a Statistical model. Climate Dynamics, 58,1275-1292. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05960-0
欧立健,余锦华,钟校尧,张旭煜,王璐,罗京佳,2022:海表温度的增暖趋势和自然变率对长江中下游夏季极端降水强度的影响. 大气科学,46(6): 1595-1606. https://doi.org/10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2202.21221
SK Behera, A Cherchi, JJ Luo, A Kumar, 2022: The state of the art in climate predictions. Frontiers in Climate, 4, 1074938. https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2022.1074938
Ming Feng, Fabio Boschetti, Fenghua Ling, Xuebin Zhang, Jason Hartog, Mahmood Akhtar, Li Shi, Brint Gardner, Jing-Jia Luo, Alistair Hobday, 2022: Predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies at the eastern pole of the Indian Ocean Dipole—using a convolutional neural network model. Frontiers in Climate, 4, https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2022.92506
Danyi Sun, Wenyu Huang, Yong Luo, Jingjia Luo, Jonathon S Wright, Haohuan Fu, Bin Wang, 2022: A deep learning‐based bias correction method for predicting ocean surface waves in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100916. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100916
J. Hu, X. Gao, R. Ren, J.-J. Luo, J. Deng, and H. Xu, 2022: On the relationship between the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation and summer precipitation in northern China. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(9), e2021GL097687. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097687
Rao, J., Tongwen Wu, Chaim I Garfinkel, Jingjia Luo, Yixiong Lu, Min Chu, Jinggao Hu, 2022: Impact of the initial stratospheric polar vortex state on East Asian spring rainfall prediction in seasonal forecast models. Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06551-3
Chen, L, Y. Li, Z.A. Ge, B. Lu, L. Wang, X. Wei, M. Sun, Z. Wang, T. Li, J.-J. Luo, 2022: Causes of the extreme drought in late summer-autumn 2019 over Eastern China and its future risk. Journal of Climate, 36(4), 1085-1104. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0305.1
Xue, J. , J.-J. Luo, W. Zhang, and T. Yamagata, 2022: ENSO-IOD inter-basin connection is controlled by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL101571. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101571
Xue, J., H Yang, J-J Luo, C Yuan, B Wang, T Yamagata, 2022: Ningaloo Niño/Niña in CMIP6 Models: Characteristics, Mechanisms, and Climate Impacts. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (19), e2022GL099781. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL099781
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Rotstayn, L., E. Plymin, M. Collier, O. Boucher, J.-L. Dufresne, J.-J. Luo, K. von Salzen, S. Jeffrey, M.-Al. Foujols, Y. Ming, L. Horowitz, 2014: Declining aerosols in CMIP5 projections: effects on atmospheric temperature structure and midlatitude jets. J. Climate, 27, 6960–6977, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00258.1.
Luo, J.-J., 2014: [Tropics] Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2013”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 95, S109-S111.
Malherbe, J., W. A. Landman, C. Oliver, H. Sakuma, and J.-J. Luo, 2014: Seasonal forecasts of the SINTEX-F coupled model applied to maize yield and streamflow estimates over north-eastern South Africa. Meteorological Applications, 21, 733-742, DOI: 10.1002/met.1402.
Nair, A., U. C. Mohanty, A. W. Robertson, T.C. Panda, J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2014: An analytical study of hindcasts from general circulation models for Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Meteorological Applications, 21, 695-707, DOI: 10.1002/met.1395.
Chowdary, J. S., J.-Y. Lee, Y. Kosaka, J.-J. Luo, C. Gnanaseelan, 2014: Seasonal anomalies prediction in the summer 2010 over the tropical Indian Ocean and South Asia. J. Meteor. Soc. Jpn., 92, 1-16, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2014-101.
Yuan, C., T. Tozuka, J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2014: Predictability of the subtropical dipole modes in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Climate Dynamics, 42, 1291-1308, DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1704-1.
Izumo, T. M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, J.-J. Luo, T. Yamagata, and G. Madec, 2014: Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole and Pacific recharge on following year’s El Nino: interdecadal robustness. Climate Dynamics, 42, 291-310, DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1628-1.
Jia, X.-L., L.-J. Chen, and J.-J. Luo, 2014: Climate prediction experiment for tropical cyclone genesis frequency using the large-scale circulation forecast by a coupled global circulation model. J. Tropical Meteorology, 20 (2), 103-111.
Rotstayn L. D., M. A. Collier, A. Chrastansky, S. J. Jeffrey, and J.-J. Luo, 2013: Projected effects of declining aerosols in RCP4.5: Unmasking global warming? Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 10883–10905, doi:10.5194/acp-13-10883-2013.
Iizumi, T., H. Sakuma, M. Yokozawa, J.-J. Luo, A. J. Challinor, M. E. Brown, G. Sakurai, and T. Yamagata, 2013: Prediction of seasonal climate-induced variations in global food production. Nature Climate Change, 3, 904-908, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1945, featured.
Ratnam, J. V., S. K. Behera, S. B. Ratna, H. Rautenbach, C. Lennard, J.-J. Luo, Y. Masumoto, K. Takahashi, and T. Yamagata, 2013: Dynamical downscaling of austral summer climate forecasts over southern Africa using a simple regional coupled model. Journal of Climate, 26, 6015-6032, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00645.1.
Luo, J.-J., 2013: [Tropics] Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2012”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 94(8), S105-S108.
Liu, P., T. Li, B. Wang, M. Zhang, J.-J. Luo, Y. Masumoto, K. R. Sperber, X. Wang, and E. Roeckner, 2013: MJO change with A1B global warming estimated by the 40-km ECHAM5. Climate Dynamics, 41, 1009-1023, DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1532-8.
Sasaki, W., K. J. Richards, and J.-J. Luo, 2013: Impact of vertical mixing induced by small vertical scale structures above and within the equatorial thermocline on the tropical Pacific in a CGCM. Climate Dynamics, 41, 443–453, DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1593-8.
Nagura, M., W. Sasaki, T. Tozuka, J.-J. Luo, S. K. Behera, and T. Yamagata, 2013: Longitudinal biases in the Seychelles Dome simulated by 35 ocean-atmosphere coupled general circulation models. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 188, 1–16, doi:10.1029/2012JC008352.
Sasaki, W., K. J. Richards, and J.-J. Luo, 2012: Role of vertical mixing originating from small vertical scale structures above and within the equatorial thermocline in an OGCM. Ocean modelling, 57-58, 29-42, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.09.002.
Shi, L., H. H. Hendon, O. Alves, J.-J. Luo, M. Balmaseda, and D. Anderson, 2012: How predictable is the Indian Ocean Dipole? Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 3867-3884.
Luo, J.-J., W. Sasaki, and Y. Masumoto, 2012: Indian Ocean warming modulates Pacific climate change. PNAS,109, 18701-18706, www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1210239109.
Morioka, Y., T. Tozuka, S. Masson, P. Terray, J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2012: Subtropical dipole modes simulated in a coupled general circulation model. J. Climate, 25(12), 4029-4047.
Sasaki, W., J.-J. Luo, and S. Masson, 2012: Tropical cyclone simulation in a high-resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation model, Chapter 9 in Cyclones: Formation, Triggers and Control, edited by K. Oouchi and H. Fudeyasu, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, pp. 197-220.
Masson, S., P. Terray, G. Madec, J.-J. Luo, T. Yamagata, and K. Takahashi, 2012: Impact of intra-daily SST variability on ENSO characteristics in a coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 39, 681-707, DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1247-2.
Terray, P., K. Kakitha, S. Masson, G. Madec, A. K. Sahai, J.-J. Luo, and Toshio Yamagata, 2012: The role of the intra-daily SST variability in the Indian Monsoon variability and monsoon-ENSO-IOD relationships in a global coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 39, 729-754, DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1240-9.
Jeong, H.-I., D. Y. Lee, K. Ashok, J.-B. Ahn, J.-Y. Lee, J.-J. Luo, J.-K. E. Schemm, H. Hendon, K. Braganza, and Y.-G. Ham, 2012: Assessment of the APCC coupled MME suite in predicting the distinctive climate impacts of two flavors of ENSO during boreal winter. Climate Dynamics, 39, 475–493, DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1359-3.
Luo, J.-J., 2012: [Tropics] Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2011”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 93 (7), S121-S123.
Joseph, S., A. K. Sahai, B. N. Goswami, P. Terray, S. Masson, and J.-J. Luo, 2012: Possible role of warm SST bias in the simulation of boreal summer monsoon in SINTEX-F2 coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 38, 1561-1576, DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1264-1.
Kulkarni, M. A., N. Acharya, S. C. Kar, U. C. Mohanty, M. K. Tippett, A. W. Robertson, J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2012: Probabilistic prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using global climate models. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 107, 441-450.
Hsu, P.-C., T. Li, J.-J. Luo, H. Murakami, A. Kitoh, and M. Zhao, 2012: Increase of global monsoon area and precipitation under global warming: A robust signal? Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L06701,doi:10.1029/2012GL051037.
Lin, A., T. Li, X. Fu, J.-J. Luo, and Y. Masumoto, 2011: Effects of air-sea coupling on the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations over the tropical Indian Ocean. Climate Dynamics, 37, 2303-2322, DOI 10.1007/s00382-010-0943-7.
Luo, J.-J., 2011: Ocean dynamics not required? Nature, 477, 544-546.
Ajayamohan, R. S., H. Annamalai, J.-J. Luo, J. Hafner, and T. Yamagata, 2011: Poleward propagation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations: role of internal processes. Climate Dynamics, 37, 851–867, DOI 10.1007/s00382-010-0839-6.
An, Z., S. Clemens, J. Shen, X. Qiang, Z. Jin, Y. Sun, W. Prell, J.-J. Luo, S. Wang, H. Xu, Y. Cai, W. Zhou, W. Liu, Z. Shi, L. Yan, X. Xiao, H. Chang, F. Wu, L. Ai, and F. Lu, 2011: Glacial-interglacial Indian summer monsoon dynamics. Science, 333, 719-723.
Luo, J.-J., 2011: Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2010”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 92, S138-S140.
Luo, J.-J., S. Behera, Y. Masumoto, and T. Yamagata, 2011: Impact of global ocean surface warming on seasonal-to-interannual climate prediction. J. Climate, 24, 1626-1646.
Feng, L., T. Zhou, B. Wu, T. Li, and J.-J. Luo, 2011: Projection of future precipitation change over China with a high-resolution global atmospheric model. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 28, 464-476.
Chowdary, J. S., S.-P. Xie, J.-J. Luo, J. Hafner, S. Behera,Y. Masumoto, and T. Yamagata, 2011: Predictability of Northwest Pacific climate during summer and the role of the Tropical Indian Ocean. Climate Dynamics, 36, 607-621.
Li, T., M. Kwon, M. Zhao, J.-S. Kug, J.-J. Luo, and W. Yu, 2010: Global warming shifts Pacific tropical cyclone location. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L21804, doi:10.1029/2010GL045124.
Lee, J.-Y., B. Wang, I.-S. Kang, J. Shukla, A. Kumar, J.-S. Kug, J. K. E. Schemm, J.-J. Luo, T. Yamagata, X. Fu, O. Alves, B. Stern, T. Rosati, and C.-K. Park, 2010: How are seasonal prediction skills related to models’ performance on mean state and annual cycle? Climate Dynamics, 35, 267–283, DOI 10.1007/s00382-010-0857-4.
Luo, J.-J., 2010: Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2009”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 91, S103-S105.
Zhu, W., T. Li, X. Fu, and J.-J. Luo, 2010: Influence of the Maritime Continent on the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation. J. Meteor. Soc. Jpn., 88 (3), 395-407.
Izumo, T., J. Vialard, M. Lengaigne, C. Boyer Montegut, S. K. Behera, J.-J. Luo, S. Cravatte, S. Masson, and T.Yamagata, 2010: Influence of the state of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the following year's El Niño. Nature Geoscience, 3, 168-172.
Luo, J.-J., R. Zhang, S. Behera, Y. Masumoto, F.-F. Jin, R. Lukas, and T. Yamagata, 2010: Interaction between El Niño and extreme Indian Ocean Dipole. J. Climate, 23(3), 726-742.
Lin, A., T. Li, X. Fu, and J.-J. Luo, 2009: Impact of air-sea interactions over the Indian Ocean on the climatological state of tropical atmospheric circulation in boreal summer. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 33(6), 1123-1136 (in Chinese).
Rao, S. A., J.-J. Luo, S. K. Behera, and T. Yamagata, 2009: Generation and termination of Indian Ocean Dipole events in 2003, 2006 and 2007. Climate Dynamics, 33, 751-767.
Luo, J.-J., 2009: Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2008”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 90, S92-S94.
Kug, J.-S., K. P. Sooraj, F.-F. Jin, and J.-J. Luo, 2009: Impact of Indian Ocean Dipole on fast atmospheric variability over the Indian Ocean. Atmospheric Research, 94, 134-139, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.10.022.
Ajayamohan, R. S., S. A. Rao, J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2009: Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole on boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations in a coupled general circulation model. JGR-Atmosphere, 114, D06119, doi:10.1029/2008JD011096.
Wang, B., et al., 2009: Advance and prospectus of seasonal prediction: assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-model ensemble retrospective seasonal prediction (1980-2004). Climate Dynamics, 33, 93–117, DOI:10.1007/s00382-008-0460-0.
Luo, J.-J., and G. D. Bell, 2008: Indian Ocean Dipole [in “State of the climate in 2007”]. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 89, S81-S83.
Behera, S., J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2008: The Unusual IOD Event of 2007. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L14S11, doi:10.1029/2008GL034122.
Luo, J.-J., S. Behera, Y. Masumoto, H. Sakuma, and T. Yamagata, 2008: Successful prediction of the consecutive IOD in 2006 and 2007. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L14S02, doi:10.1029/2007GL032793. (AGU journal highlight)
Hong, C.-C., T. Li, and J.-J. Luo, 2008: Asymmetry of the Indian Ocean Dipole. Part II: Model diagnosis. J. Climate, 21, 4849-4858.
Tozuka, T., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, and T. Yamagata, 2008: Tropical Indian Ocean variability revealed by self-organizing maps. Climate Dynamics, 31, 333-343.
Jin, E. K., et al., 2008: Current status of ENSO prediction skill in coupled ocean-atmosphere models. Climate Dynamics, 31, 647-664.
Izumo, T., C. Montegut, J.-J. Luo, S. Behera, S. Masson, and T. Yamagata, 2008: The role of the western Arabian Sea upwelling in Indian monsoon rainfall variability. J. Climate, 21, 5603-5623.
Wang, B., J.-Y. Lee, I.-S. Kang, J. Shukla, J.-S. Kug, A. Kumar, J. Schemm, J-J. Luo, T. Yamagata, and C.-K. Park, 2008: How accurately do coupled climate models predict the Asian-Australia monsoon interannual variability? Climate Dynamics, 31, 605-619.
Navarra, A., S. Gualdi, S. Masina, S. Behera, J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, E. Guilyardi, P. Delecluse, and T. Yamagata, 2008: Atmospheric horizontal resolution affects tropical climate variability in coupled models. J. Climate, 21, 730-750.
Luo, J.-J., S. Masson, S. Behera, and T. Yamagata, 2008: Extended ENSO predictions using a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere model. J. Climate, 21, 84-93.
Bengtsson, L., K. I. Hodges, M. Esch, N. Keenlyside, L. Kornblueh, J.-J. Luo, and T. Yamagata, 2007: How may tropical cyclones change in a warmer climate? Tellus, 59A, 539-561.
Tozuka, T., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, and T. Yamagata, 2007: Seasonally stratified analysis of simulated ocean thermodynamics. J. Climate, 20, 4615-4627.
Luo, J.-J., S. Masson, S. Behera, and T. Yamagata, 2007: Experimental forecasts of Indian Ocean dipole using a coupled OAGCM. J. Climate, 20, 2178-2190.
Rao, S. A., S. Masson, J.-J. Luo, S. K. Behera, and T. Yamagata, 2007: Termination of Indian Ocean Dipole events in a coupled general circulation model. J. Climate, 20, 3018-3035.
Cherchi, A., S. Gualdi, S. Behera, J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, T. Yamagata, and A. Navarra, 2007: The influence of Tropical Indian Ocean SST on the Indian summer monsoon. J. Climate, 20, 3083-3105.
Qin, Z.-K., Z.-B. Sun, Z.-H. Lin, H. Chen, and J.-J. Luo, 2007: Evaluation on potential predictability of summer climate over East Asia by an air-sea coupled model. Climatic and Environmental Research, 12(3), 232-244 (in Chinese).
Tozuka, T., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson and T. Yamagata, 2007: Decadal modulations of the Indian Ocean dipole in the SINTEX-F1 coupled GCM. J. Climate, 20, 2881-2894.
Behera, K. S., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, S. A. Rao, H. Sakuma, and T. Yamagata, 2006: A CGCM study on the interaction between IOD and ENSO. J. Climate, 19, 1688-1705.
Kug, J.-S., T. Li, S.-I1 An, I.-S. Kang, J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, and T. Yamagata, 2006: Role of the ENSO-Indian Ocean coupling on ENSO variability in a coupled GCM. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L09710, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024916.
Jungclaus, J. H., M. Botzet, H. Haak, N. Keenlyside, J.-J. Luo, M. Latif, J. Marotzke, U. Mikolajewicz, and E. Roeckner, 2006: Ocean circulation and tropical variability in the coupled model ECHAM5/MPI-OM. J. Climate, 19, 3952-3972.
Behera, S., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, P. Delecluse, S. Gualdi, A. Navarra, and T. Yamagata, 2005: Paramount impact of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the East African Short Rains: A CGCM study. J. Climate, 18, 4514-4530.
Luo, J.-J., S. Masson, S. Behera, S. Shingu, and T. Yamagata, 2005: Seasonal climate predictability in a coupled OAGCM using a different approach for ensemble forecasts. J. Climate, 18, 4474-4497.
Luo, J.-J., S. Masson, E. Roeckner, G. Madec, and T. Yamagata, 2005: Reducing climatology bias in an ocean-atmosphere CGCM with improved coupling physics. J. Climate, 18, 2344-2360.
Masson, S., J.-J. Luo, G. Madec, J. Vialard, F. Durand, S. Gualdi, E. Guilyardi, S. Behera, P. Delecluse, A. Navarra, T. Yamagata, 2005: Impact of barrier layer on winter-spring variability of the southeastern Arabian Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L07703, doi:10.1029/2004GL021980.
Tozuka, T., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, S. Behera, and T. Yamagata, 2005: Annual ENSO simulated in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 39, 41-60.
Yamagata, T., S. Behera, J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, M. Jury, and S. A. Rao, 2004: Coupled ocean-atmosphere variability in the tropical Indian Ocean. Earth's Climate: The Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction. Geophys. Monogr. 147, Amer. Geophys. Union, 189-212.
Luo, J.-J., S. Masson, S. Behera, S. Gualdi, A. Navarra, P. Delecluse, and T. Yamagata, 2003: South Pacific origin of the decadal ENSO-like variation as simulated by a coupled GCM. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(24), 2250, doi:10.1029/2003GL018649.
Luo, J.-J., and T. Yamagata, 2003: A model study on the 1988/89 warming event in the northern North Pacific. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 1815-1828.
Luo, J.-J., and T. Yamagata, 2002: Four decadal ocean-atmosphere modes in the North Pacific revealed by various analysis methods. J. Oceanogr., 58, 861-876.
Luo, J.-J., and T. Yamagata, 2001: Long-term El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-like variation with special emphasis on the South Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 106, C10, 22211-22227.
Luo, J.-J., and L. Jameson, 2002: A wavelet-based technique for identifying, labeling, and tracking of ocean eddies. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19, 381-390.
Luo, J.-J., and J. He, 1997: Asian summer monsoon establishment and South China Sea monsoon onset features with the causes explored. J. Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 20, 293-300 (in Chinese).
Wen, M., J.-J. Luo, and J. He, 1997: Air-sea interaction in dry and wet years. J. Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 20, 341-347 (in Chinese).
2021-2025年 国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目,气候系统预测研究中心,项目骨干
2020-11至2025-04 科技部国家重点研发计划项目,大数据与深度学习方法创新地球系统模式发展及应用研究,项目负责人
2021-2025年 国家自然科学基金重点项目,ENSO和印度洋偶极子的季节-年际可预测性及多时空尺度信号的影响,主持
2019-2021年 江苏省双创个人项目,热带太平洋和印度洋气候季节-年际可预测性研究,主持
2018-2021年 Multi-year drought prediction (Northern Australian Climate Prediction),Project leader
2017-2018年 Multi-year ENSO prediction for Sydney Water basin,Project science leader
2014-2017年 Improved skill for regional climate in the ACCESS-based POAMA-3 model (澳大利亚 Grains Research & Development Corporation Project),Project investigator and sub-organizer
2014-2016年 Global aerosol, large-scale circulation and Australian climate change (澳大利亚ACCSP project),Investigator
2013-2016年 Decadal climate variability and predictability (澳大利亚ACCSP project),investigator
2013-2016年 A decadal to inter-decadal streamflow prediction system (Australian Research Council grant),Investigator
2013-2016年 Understanding the Mean Meridional Circulation (MMC) and its relevance to Victoria (澳大利亚Victoria Climate Initiative-Project),Investigator: multi-year climate prediction
2012-2014年 ACCESS Coupled climate model development (澳大利亚ACCSP project),Co-lead of ENSO simulation and its improvement
2011-2015年 973计划“热带太平洋海洋环流与暖池的结构特征、变异机理和气候效应”,海外受邀合作研究
2010-2014年 973计划“晚新生代以来我国季风-干旱环境耦合系统演变的动力学研究”,作为中国科学院地球环境所客座教授参与中国古气候研究,主要是参与气候变化基本机制方面的研究
2009-2014年 日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)地球规模课题和日本政府对发展中国家的国际援助项目(JICA ODA),核心参与人员,提供模式季节预报结果,研究南非地区的气候可预报性,参与发展降尺度模式和社会应用系统,参与培训南非有关机构的研究人员
2009-2011年 日本学术振兴会科学研究费补助金,项目主持人, 指导博士后研究员(日本人)进行高精度气候模式开发和台风模拟
团队成员Research Group