5)Peng, K., Tian, Y.-X., Fang, J.*, Liu, Y., & Gu, J.-F., 2024. Diversity of tropical cyclones rapid intensification. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL108006. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL108006 (提出用与台风灾害性程度相关性更高的强度指标——最低气压来讨论热带气旋快速增强,能关注到尺度快速扩张的高影响型热带气旋)
4)Peng, K., J.-J. Luo*, and Y. Liu, 2023: Prediction of seasonal tropical cyclone activity in the NUIST-CFS1.0 forecast system. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40, 1309-1325, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2213-8. (系统评估团队开发的NUIST-CFS1.0预测系统对北半球热带气旋季节预测的技巧)
3)Peng, K., & Fang, J*, 2021: Effect of the initial vortex vertical structure on early development of an axisymmetric tropical cyclone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033697, https://doi. org/10.1029/2020JD033697. (探讨初始涡旋垂直伸展对热带气旋初期发展的影响及机制,提出垂直涡旋伸展越低,热带气旋初期调整时间越长,需要更长时间建立稳定深厚次级环流,从而进入快速发展阶段)
2)Peng K., R. Rotunno, G. H. Bryan and J. Fang*, 2019: Evolution of an Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone before Reaching Slantwise Moist Neutrality. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 1865–1884, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-18-0264.1. (利用轴对称理想数值试验,探讨热带气旋发展初期系统性次级环流建立机制及该阶段的涡旋增强机制,提出浮力对流爆发引起的高层动量强迫是高层气流存在向外出流偏差的主要原因,以及浮力对流引起的重力内波响应对涡旋中心暖心的增强作用)
1)Peng K., R. Rotunno* and G. H. Bryan, 2018: Evaluation of a Time-dependent Model for the Intensification of Tropical Cyclones. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 2125-2138, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-17-0382.1. (利用轴对称理想数值试验,探讨热带气旋增强机制。提出热带气旋发展初期不满足湿对流倾斜中性假设,Emanuel热带气旋增强可解析模型不适用;在稳定发展期间,Emanuel热带气旋增强模型中非平衡作用的忽略是理论模型与数值模型风速差异的最主要原因)—— 该文在K. Emanuel 2018年撰写的《100 years of progress in tropical cyclone research》综述文中4处引用。
2) Tao Tang, Jing-jia Luo*, Ke Peng, Li Qi and Shaolei Tang, 2021: Over-projected Pacific warming and extreme El Nino frequency due to CMIP5 common biases. National Science Review, nwab056. http://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwab056
1) Wang X.*, H. Jiang, J. A. Zhang and K. Peng, 2020: Satellite-observed warm-core structure in relation to tropical cyclone intensity change. Atmospheric Research, 240, 104931.