邵伟Shao Wei


电子邮箱: 002822@nuist.edu.cn




邵伟,1986年生,2017年获荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU Delft)水文学及水资源专业博士学位,2019年起任南京信息工程大学教授、硕导。目前兼任南通理工大学土木工程学院学术副院长、青海省气象灾害防御技术中心客座教授、《灌溉排水学报》青年编委等学术职务。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助和面上资助等。入选中国博士后科学基金资助者百人选介、江苏省双创博士。发表各类论文50余篇(SCI论文38篇,总被引1240次,h指数16)。第一作者SCI论文12篇,发表于Journal of HydrologyEngineering GeologyHydrology and Earth System SciencesHydrological ProcessesCanadian Geotechnical JournalCatena等重要期刊。独著英文专著1本。主讲工程力学、水文学原理、地下水水文学、水文地质与工程地质等专业核心课程。




指导江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目1项、大创项目4项、各类竞赛十余项。指导本科生、硕士研究生以第一作者在《水文》、《水利水电技术》、《科学技术与工程》、GeodermaHydrological ProcessesGeophysical Research LetterInternational Journal of Climatology等期刊发表论文10余篇。名下研究生获国家奖学金(李美骏2024)、校级研究生标兵(夏昕然2023,李美骏2024)等重要荣誉。


目前科研经费充裕,招收水利工程(学硕)、土木水利(专硕)研究生2名提供助研费、论文奖励和版面费等支持每年指导2-5项本科毕业设计请我院本科生尽早联系,将提供科研规划、论文发表、升学推荐等帮助。邮箱shao@nuist.edu.cn ;QQ 812600722




2004~2008:天津大学 建筑工程学院 水利水电工程 本科

2008~2011:河海大学  水文与水资源学院 水文学及水资源 硕士 (导师:冯杰,芮孝芳)

2011~2017:代尔夫特理工大学 水文学 博士(导师:Thom Bogaard, Mark BakkerHuub Savenije


20162017:香港科技大学  岩土工程系 访问学者 (导师:吴宏伟)

20182019:南京信息工程大学 水文气象学院 校聘教授

2019~今:南京信息工程大学 水文与水资源工程学院  教授





2019~今:Frontiers in Water编委;

Water Resources Research期刊审稿人;



1.   国家自然科学基金—面上项目:基于重构参数空间的基质流-优先流耦合影响下的滑坡水文机理及灾害预警(No. 42471032, 45万元);

2.   国家自然科学基金青年基金:强降雨条件下滑坡体中优先流特征与滑坡触发机理研究(No.41807286, 25万元);

3.   江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划双创博士(2019, 15万元);

4.   中国博士后科学基金特别资助:基于优先流理论的降雨型滑坡触发机理及模型研究(No. 2018T110527, 15万元);

5.   中国博士后科学基金面上资助:优先流入渗作用下地震滑坡堆积体失稳水-力耦合机制 (No. 2017M621783, 5万元);

6.   南京信息工程大学人才启动经费 (No. 2017r045, 20万元).

7.   青海省科技厅应用基础研究:青藏高原优先流影响下的滑坡触发机理及集合预警(No. 2023-ZJ-705, 30万元);


个人学术页面:Scholarmate  ORCID   ResearchGate  Google Scholar




1.      Shao, W.; Li, M.; Su, Y.; Gao, H. A modified Jarvis model to improve the expressing of stomatal response in a beech forest. Hydrological Processes 2023, 37, 14955

2.      Shao, W.; Chen, S.; Su, Y.; Dong, J.; Ni, J.; Yang, Z.; Zhang, Y. Reduce uncertainty in soil hydrological modeling: A comparison of soil hydraulic parameters generated by random sampling and pedotransfer function. Journal of Hydrology 2023, 623, 129740

3.      Shao, W.; Chen, S.; Li, M.; Su, Y.; Ni, J.; Dong, J.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, Z. Reducing uncertainties in hydromechanical modeling with a recently developed Rosetta 3 podeotransfer function. Engineering Geology 2023, 324, 107250

4.      Shao, W.; Li, M.; Wu, Y.; Ma, X.; Song, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Su, Y.; Ni, J.; Dong, J. Identification of varied soil hydraulic properties in a seasonal tropical rainforest. CATENA 2022, 212, 106104

5.      Shao, W.; Yang, Z.-j.; Ni, J.-j.; Su, Y.; Nie, W.; Ma, X.J.L. Comparison of single- and dual-permeability models in simulating the unsaturated hydro-mechanical behavior in a rainfall-triggered landslide. Landslides 2018, 15, 2449-2464, s10346-018-1059-0

6.      Shao, W.; Coenders-Gerrits, M.; Judge, J.; Zeng, Y.; Su, Y. The impact of non-isothermal soil moisture transport on evaporation fluxes in a maize cropland. Journal of Hydrology 2018, 561, 833-847, 04.033

7.      Shao, W.; Su, Y.; Yang, Z.-j.; Ma, X.; Langhammer, J.J.G. Quantify the Pore Water Velocity Distribution by a Celerity Function. Geofluids 2018, 1054730

8.      Shao, W.; Su, Y.; Langhammer, J. Simulations of coupled non-isothermal soil moisture transport and evaporation fluxes in a forest area. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 2017, 65, 410 - 425, 0038

9.      Shao, W.; Ni, J.; Leung, A.K.; Su, Y.; Ng, C.W.W. Analysis of plant root–induced preferential flow and pore-water pressure variation by a dual-permeability model. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2017, 54, 1537-1552, 0629

10.   Shao, W.; Bogaard, T.; Bakker, M.; Berti, M. The influence of preferential flow on pressure propagation and landslide triggering of the Rocca Pitigliana landslide. Journal of Hydrology 2016, 543, 360-372.

11.   Shao, W.; Bogaard, T.; Su, Y.; Bakker, M. Coupling a 1D Dual-permeability Model with an Infinite Slope Stability Approach to Quantify the Influence of Preferential Flow on Slope Stability. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 2016, 16, 128-136, 10.014

12.   Shao, W.; Bogaard, T.A.; Bakker, M.; Greco, R. Quantification of the influence of preferential flow on slope stability using a numerical modelling approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2015, 19, 2197-2212, hess-19-2197-2015

13.   Shao, W.; Bogaard, T.; Bakker, M. How to Use COMSOL Multiphysics for Coupled Dual-permeability Hydrological and Slope Stability Modeling. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 2014, 9, 83-90, 06.018

14.   邵伟; 冯杰; 张小娜; 胡友兵. 两域模型在原状土柱水盐运移模拟中的应用比较 水电能源科学 2010, 28, 13-15


15.   Li, M.; Su, Y.; Song, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Gao, H.; Dong, J.; Shao, W: Identified temporal variation of soil hydraulic parameters under seasonal ecosystem change using the particle batch smoother. Geoderma 2024, 442, 116782.

16.   Li, M.; Shao, W.; Su, Y., Coenders-Gerrits, M., Jarsjö, J.: Evidence of field-scale shifts in transpiration dynamics following bark beetle infestation: Stomatal conductance responses. Hydrological Processes 2024,e15162

17.   蔡雨菲; 邵伟; 马燮铫; 董建志; 倪钧钧;杨宗佶. 基于土壤水分数据同化的降雨型滑坡预警. 水文. 2024 已录用

18.   林雨珊; 邵伟; 董建志; 倪钧钧; 林齐根; 杨宗佶. 基于窗口粒子滤波算法的土壤水分同化及滑坡灾害预警. 水利水电技术(中英文). 2024.55(7):19-31

19.   Xia, X.; Fu, D.; Shao, W.; Jiang, R.; Wu, S.; Zhang, P.; Yang, D.; Xia, X. * : Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor Over Land From Satellite Passive Microwave Radiometer Measurements Using Automated Machine Learning. Geophysical Research Letters 2023, 50, 105197

20.   Xia, X.; He, W.; Wu, S.; Fu, D.; Shao, W.; Zhang, P.; Xia, X. A Thorough Evaluation of the Passive Microwave Radiometer Measurements onboard Three Fengyun-3 Satellites. Journal of Meteorological Research 2023, 37, 573-588, s13351-023-2198-3

21.   Xia, X.; Fu, D.; Fei, Y.; Shao, W.; Xia, X. An Improved Assessment Method and Its Application to the Latest IMERG Rainfall Product in Mainland China. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, 5107, 13245107

22.   夏昕然; 田烨; 谭伟丽; 邵伟. 多种卫星降水产品在中国的精度评估 水利水电技术 2022, 53, 29-40, wrahe.2022.08.003

23.   陈思婕; 李美骏; 罗雅婕; 邵伟; 杨宗佶. 优先流对土壤水文及滑坡触发的影响 科学技术与工程 2021, 21, 9698-9705

24.   Chen, S.; Yan, H.; Shao, W. ; Yu, W.; Wei, L.; Yang, Z.; Su, Y.; Kan, G.; Luo, S. Inverse Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters in a Landslide Deposit Based on a DE-MC Approach. Water 2022, 14, 3693, 14223693

25.   吴杨; 邵伟; 马燮铫; 宋清海; 张一平; 冯杰. 云南西双版纳热带季雨林土壤水分运动模拟及参数变化特征. 水文 2021, 41, 59-64, 1000-0852.20200328


26.   Tian, X.; Dong, J.; Chen, X.; Zhou, J.; Gao, M.; Wei, L.; Kang, X.; Zhao, D.; Zhang, H.; Crow, W.T.; Huang, R.; Shao, W.; and Zhou, H.; County-Level Evaluation of Large-Scale Gridded Data Sets of Irrigated Area Over China. JGR Atmospheres 2024, 129, 040333

27.   Gao, H.; Hrachowitz, M.; Wang-Erlandsson, L.; Fenicia, F.; Xi, Q.; Xia, J.; Shao, W.; Sun, G.; and Savenije, H. H. G.: Root zone in the Earth system, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2024, 28, 4477–4499.

28.   蔡忠周; 严海文; 李美骏; 邵伟; 杨宗佶. 基于DE-MCMC方法的滑坡堆积体土壤水力参数反演研究. 灾害学. 2024.39(3),48-53

29.   Yang, Z.; Pang, B.; Dong, W.; Li, D.; Shao, W. Hydromechanical coupling mechanism and an early warning method for paraglacial debris flows triggered by infiltration: Insights from field monitoring in Tianmo gully, Tibetan Plateau. Natural Hazards 2023, 117, 3287-3305, s11069-023-05987-y

30.   Lu, K.; Arshad, M.; Ma, X.; Ullah, I.; Wang, J.; Shao, W. Evaluating observed and future spatiotemporal changes in precipitation and temperature across China based on CMIP6-GCMs. International Journal of Climatology 2022, 42, 7703-7729, 7673

31.   Wang, F.; Shao, W.; Yu, H.; Kan, G.; He, X.; Zhang, D.; Ren, M.; Wang, G. Re-evaluation of the Power of the Mann-Kendall Test for Detecting Monotonic Trends in Hydrometeorological Time Series. Frontiers in Earth Science 2020, 8, 00014

32.   Ni, J.J.; Bordoloi, S.; Shao, W.; Garg, A.; Xu, G.; Sarmah, A.K. Two-year evaluation of hydraulic properties of biochar-amended vegetated soil for application in landfill cover system. Sci Total Environ 2020, 712, 136486

33.   Han, Y.; Bai, X.; Shao, W.; Wang, J. Retrieval of Soil Moisture by Integrating Sentinel-1A and MODIS Data over Agricultural Fields. Water 2020, 12, 1726, w12061726

34.   Bai, B.; Zhang, Q.; Shao, W.; Wang, Y.; Tan, D. The Response of the Aerosol Distribution to Monsoon Intensity Over the Summer Monsoon Transition Zone. Frontiers in Earth Science 2020, 7, 00356

35.   Zhou, C.-m.; Shao, W.; Yin, K.-l.; Yang, Z.-j. Estimating the properties of weathered bedrock and pilerock interaction from the geological strength index. Journal of Mountain Science 2018, 15, 1757-1776, s11629-017-4576-8

36.   Zhang, C.; Shao, W.; Yue, F.; Saffari, P.; Nie, W. Physical Tank Experiment Investigation on Rainfall Producing Groundwater Level in Homogeneous Material Slopes. Geofluids 2019, 2019, 5368765

37.   Yang, Z.; Cai, H.; Shao, W.; Huang, D.; Uchimura, T.; Lei, X.; Tian, H.; Qiao, J. Clarifying the hydrological mechanisms and thresholds for rainfall-induced landslide: in situ monitoring of big data to unsaturated slope stability analysis. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2019, 78, 2139-2150, s10064-018-1295-5

38.   Yang, Y.; Song, S.; Yue, F.; He, W.; Shao, W.; Zhao, K.; Nie, W. Superpixel-based automatic image recognition for landslide deformation areas. Engineering Geology 2019, 259, 105166

39.   Wei, L.; Dong, J.; Chen, X.; Shao, W. Temporal Changes in China’s Air Temperature Distribution and Its Impact on Hot Extreme Occurrence. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 748,  10120748

40.   Su, Y.; Shao, W.; Vlček, L.; Langhammer, J. Ecohydrological Behaviour of Mountain Beech Forest: Quantification of Stomatal Conductance Using Sap Flow Measurements. Geosciences 2019, 9, 243, 9050243

41.   Ni, J.; Sanandam, B.; Garg, A.; Shao, W.; Sreedeep, S. Simple Model on Water Retention and Permeability in Soil Mixed with Lignocellulose Fibres. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2019, 23, 138-146, s12205-017-0657-z

42.   Ni, J.-j.; Leung, A.K.; Ng, C.W.W.; Shao, W. Modelling hydro-mechanical reinforcements of plants to slope stability. Computers and Geotechnics 2018, 95, 99-109, 09.001

43.   Yang, Z.-j.; Shao, W.; Qiao, J.-p.; Huang, D.; Tian, H.; Lei, X.-q.; Uchimura, T. A Multi-Source Early Warning System of MEMS Based Wireless Monitoring for Rainfall-Induced Landslides. Applied Science 2017, 7, 1234, 7121234

44.   Nie, W.; Liang, Y.; Chen, L.; Shao, W. Modelling of River-Groundwater Interactions under Rainfall Events Based on a Modified Tank Model. Geofluids 2017, 2017, 1-11, 5192473

45.   Zhou, C.; Shao, W.; van Westen, C.J. Comparing two methods to estimate lateral force acting on stabilizing piles for a landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Engineering Geology 2014, 173, 41-53, 02.004

46.   张博美; 高红凯; 佘敦先; 邵伟; 夏军. 以地形为基础的HSC产流模型在辽西半干旱丘陵流域的适用性. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文) 2021, 19, 1072-1082, nsbdqk.2021.0110

47.   周春梅; 王宇; 吕雷; 张静波; 邵伟; 赵梦霄. 雨滴溅蚀下压实黄土变形破坏规律研究. 水文地质工程地质 2018, 45, 93-98, issn.1000-3665.2018.06.14

48.   张小娜; 冯杰; 邵伟; 尹义星. 土壤大孔隙对坡面溶质流失的影响 农业机械学报 2013, 44, 117-121

49.   胡友兵; 冯杰; 邵伟. CPSO算法在TOPMODEL参数优化中的应用. 水电能源科学 2011, 29, 13-15

50.   张小娜; 冯杰; 邵伟. 不同雨强下植被对坡地产汇流和溶质运移的影响. 河海大学学报(自然科学版) 2010, 38, 246-251.



1.      Shao, W., Numerical modeling of the effect of preferential flow on hillslope hydrology and slope stability[M]. Ipskamp Drukkers, Delft, The Netherlands, 2017, ISBN 978-94-028-0482-9



1.      吴杨:季节周期影响下的土壤水力学特征参数变化研究以西双版纳热带季雨林为例, 南京信息工程大学,2021. gnjqc.2021.000169.

2.      陈思婕:土壤水力参数不确定性影响下的渗流边坡稳定分析,南京信息工程大学,2023. gnjqc.2023.001108.

3.      夏昕然:星载微波成像仪全球陆地可降水水汽反演算法及应用, 南京信息工程大学,2024



1.       邵伟:优先流影响下的滑坡灾害模型构建,变化环境下的水安全与可持续发展:第二届水安全与可持续发展国际工程科技发展战略高端论坛(ESTDS2017) ,南京,河海大学,20171018

2.       Shao, W., Bogaard, T. A., Bakker, M., Berti, M. Savenije, H.H.G.: The influence of preferential flow on pressure propagation and landslide triggering of the Rocca Pitigliana landslide, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, AGU149666 San Francisco 12-16 December 2016.

3.       Shao, W., Bogaard, T. A., Bakker, M., Berti, M.: Analysing the influence of preferential flow on pressure transmission and landslide triggering, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-7571 (2015).

4.       Shao, W., Bogaard, T. A., Bakker, M., Su, Y., Savenije, H.H.G.: Can flow velocity distribution at a porescale be quantified by a celerity-saturation curve?, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU EGU2015-9611(2015).

5.       Shao, W., Bogaard, T. A., Bakker, M.: Modelling dual-permeability hydrological system and slope stability of the Rocca Pitigliana landslide using COMSOL Multiphysics, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-3723 (2014).

6.       Shao, W., Bogaard, T. A., Bakker, M.: The influence of preferential flow on slope stability, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU EGU2013-2642-1 (2013).



1.      南京信息工程大学2023-2024优秀班主任(2023龙山书院12班);

2.      江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目:融合多源物理信息的土壤水力参数时变规律及机制分析 (主持:李美骏 2024)

3.      大学生实践创新训练计划项目:气候变化背景下降雨诱发滑坡规律研究(主持:刘佳利、唐珍妮)

4.      大创项目互联网+”大赛、挑战杯系列竞赛专项项目:基于DE-MCMC法的土壤水力学参数优化在滑坡预警中的应用(主持:严海文);

5.      大学生实践创新训练计划项目:基于北斗卫星定位的滑坡预警系统研究——以都江堰银洞子流域为例 (主持:李美骏)

6.      南京信息工程大学2019届本科优秀毕业论文(设计)二等奖 (郭锦艳)


















[1] 天津大学 | 水利水电工程 | 大学本科毕业 | 工学学士
[2] 河海大学 | 水文学及水资源 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 工学硕士
[3] 代尔夫特理工大学 | 水文学及水资源 | 博士研究生毕业 | 工学博士


[1] 2016.1-2016.6
岩土工程系 | 香港科技大学 
[2] 2019.7-至今



