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  • 所在单位:数学与统计学院(公共数学教学部)
  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 办公地点:藕舫楼 709
  • 性别:
  • 职称:副教授
  • 毕业院校:同济大学
  • 学科:数学
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王朝 , 男, 1982年生, 汉族 , 中国民主同盟会盟员,博士,副教授,江苏盐城人。研究方向是非线性泛函分析、最优化和最优控制理论。主要科研项目和论文如下:


  1. 国家自然科学基金项目:关于一类非凸全局优化和变分问题的研究(11126290) 2012.01-2012.12    主持

  2. 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目:Canonical 对偶理论的应用 (13KJB110021)  2013.08-2015.12     主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(子课题):系统控制中Riccati方程解的迭代逼近 (61573192)  2017.09-2019.08   主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 粘弹性生物组织中非线性波传播的数学模型及动力学研究(11771216) 2018.01-2021.12  参与


  1. Honglei Fan, Chao Wang*Stability and Convergence Rate of Jungck-type Iterations for A Pair of Strongly Demicontractive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42(1):33, 2023.   (SCI)

  2. Chao Wang, Honglei Fan,  Weak stability of Ishikawa iteration for strongly demicontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces, Filomat, 36(14):4869-4876,  2022. (SCI)

  3. Chao Wang, Honglei Fan,  On the Error Estimation of the Ishikawa Iteration Process and Data Dependence for Strongly Demicontractive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 42(5):511-522, 2022.  (T3)

  4. Chao Wang, Honglei Fan, A fixed point theorem for a pair of generalized nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex metric spaces, Journal of Mathematical Study, 55:432-444, 2022.  (T3)

  5. Chao Wang, Xueli Li,  Fixed point theorems in generalized convex metric spaces and an application to the solution of a Volterra integral equations, J. Integr. Eq. Appl., 34(2) :257-265,2022. (SCI)

  6. Chao Wang, Xueli Li, Pengkun Huang,  On the error estimation and T-stability of the Ishikawa iteration for strongly demicontractive mappings, Journal of Inequalities And Applicaitons, (2019)2019: 75. (SCI)

  7. Chao Wang, Approximating fixed points of generalized nonlinear mappings in convex metric space, Thai Journal of Mathematics,17(2):379-387, 2019.

  8. Chao Wang, Jinghao Zhu, Baoqun Xie,   A note on the solution of operator Riccati equation for infinite dimensional systems,  Mathematica Applicata, 31(1), 89-94, 2018. 

  9. Chao Wang, Shunjie Li,   Some random fixed point theorems in generalized convex metric space,  Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications, 9(5): 2671-2679, 2016.   (SCI)

  10. Chao Wang, Taizhong Zhang, Approximating common fixed points for a pair of generalized nonlinear mappings in convex metric space, Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications,  9(1): 1-7, 2016.   (SCI)

  11. Chao Wang, A note on the error estimation of the Mann iteration, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 285: 226-229, 2015.    (SCI)

  12. Chao Wang, Some fixed point results for nonlinear mappings in convex metric spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications , 8(5): 670-677, 2015.   (SCI)

  13.  Chao Wang , Liwei Liu, Convergence theorems for a generalized pseudo contractive type mapping in real normal linear spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 311, 2013.  (SCI)

  14.  Chao Wang, Jin Li, Lianggen Hu, New iterative schemes for a finite family of nonself uniformly quasi-Lipschitzian mappings in Banach spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 72, 2012.  (SCI)

  15. Jinghao Zhu, Chao Wang, David Gao, Global Optimization over a Box via Canonical Dual Function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,  235: 1141-1147, 2011.   (SCI)

  16. 王朝, 朱经浩.  赋范线性空间中广义Phi半压缩映射的迭代逼近, 数学年刊A辑,第32卷,第3期,339-344,2011.   

  17.  Chao Wang, Jinghao Zhu. Solving an Optimal Control Problem via Canonical Dual Mehtod. Lecture notes in Decision Sciences, 2010,Vol.12(A):508-512.    

  18.  Chao Wang, Jinghao Zhu, Lili An. New iterative schemes for asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive nonself-mappings in Banach spaces. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233 (2010): 2948-2955.  (SCI)

  19. Chao Wang, Jinghao Zhu, Bosko Damjanovic, Lianggen Hu. Approximating fixed points of a pair of contractive type mappings in generalized convex metric spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215(2009):1522-1525.  (SCI)

  20.  Chao Wang, Liwei Liu. Convergence theorems for fixed points of uniformly quasi-Lipschitzian mappings in convex metric spaces. Nonlinear Analysis TMA,70 (2009):2067-2071.  (SCI)

  21. Chao Wang, Jinghao Zhu. Convergence theorems for common fixed point of nonself asymptotically quasi-non-expansive mappings. Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2008, doi:10.1155/2008/42824.  (SCI)