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副教授 硕士生导师
教师拼音名称:Dongmei Xu
电子邮箱: 002727@nuist.edu.cn
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邮箱 : dmxu@nuist.edu.cn
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姓 名: 许冬梅
性 别: 女
导 师: 闵锦忠,黄向宇
职 称: 副教授
最高学历: 博士
所属系部: 数值预报系
研究方向: 资料同化,数值模拟
主要研究领域: 卫星资料同化,卫星资料云反演,集合变分资料同化方法,雷达资料同化
2010年-2014年,南京信息工程大学,大气科学学院,博士,导师:闵锦忠,Xiang-Yu Huang
2021年-至今 大气科学学院数值预报系 副教授
2018年-2020年,美国国家大气研究中心 (NCAR),博士后,合作导师:Zhiquan Liu
2015年-2016年,美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR),博士后,合作导师:Thomas Auligné,Chris Snyder
2011年-2014年,美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR),访问学者,合作导师:Xiang-Yu Huang
本人担任国内外多个主流气象期刊的审稿人,包括《Monthly Weather Review》,《Journal of Geophysical Research》,《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》,《Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics》,《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》, 《Atmospheric Science Letters》,《Frontiers of Earth Science》,《大气科学》,《高原气象》,《气象科学》,《大气科学学报》。兼任美国国家大气研究中心资料同化暑期培训班讲师,承担世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization, WMO)雷达气象讲习培训班中的资料同化的讲授工作。
1. Xu, D., Chen, J., Li, H., Shen, F., and He, Z. (2025). The impact of radar radial velocity data assimilation using variational and EnKF systems on the forecast of Super Typhoon Hato (2017) with Rapid Intensification. Atmos. Res., 314, 107748.
2. Shu, A., Xu, D., Min, J., Luo, L., Fei, H., Shen, F., Guan, X., & Sun, Q. 2025. The Impacts of Assimilating Radar Reflectivity for the Analysis and Forecast of “21.7” Henan Extreme Rainstorm Within the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation–Ensemble Kalman Filter System: Issues with Updating Model State Variables. Remote Sensing, 17(3), 501.
3. Shu, A., Shen, F*., Li, H., Min, J., Luo, J., Xu, D. et al. 2025. Impacts of assimilating polarimetric radar KDP observations with an ensemble Kalman filter on analyses and predictions of a rainstorm associated with Typhoon Hato (2017). Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., e4943.
1. Xu, D., Zhang, X., Min, J., & Shen, F.(2024). Impacts of assimilating all-sky FY-4A AGRI satellite infrared radiances on the prediction of Super Typhoon In-Fa during the period with abnormal changes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD040784.
2.Zhang, X., Xu, D., et al. (2024). A Machine Learning-based Bias Correction Scheme for the All-Sky Assimilation of AGRI Infrared Radiances in a Regional OSSE Framework. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 0.1109/TGRS.2024.3427434
3. Xu. D. Lizheng Huang, Jinzhong Min et al., 2024, Impacts of the all-sky assimilation of FY-3D and FY-3E MWHS-2 radiances on analyses and forecasts of Typhoon Muifa (2022).Atmospheric Research, 293, 106898.
4. Zhang, X., Xu, D., Shen, F., Li, J., Zhang, P., Min, J. et al. (2024). Impacts of offline nonlinear bias correction schemes using the machine learning technology on the all-sky assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiances. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(12)
1. Xu, D., et al., (2023). All-sky infrared radiance data assimilation of FY-4A AGRI with different physical parameterizations for the prediction of an extremely heavy rainfall event, Atmospheric Research, 293, 106898.
2. Zhang X., Xu D. Nonlinear Bias Correction of the FY-4A AGRI Infrared Radiance Data Based on the Random Forest Remote Sens. 2023
1. 许冬梅,沈菲菲,李泓,等. 新一代静止气象卫星葵花8号的晴空红外辐射率资料同化对台风“天鸽”的预报影响研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,43(7):1–13
2. 许冬梅,束艾青,等FY-2G云导风资料同化在台风“天鸽”数值预报中的应用[J].海洋预报,2022,39(01):56-66.
3. 许冬梅,李玮,武芳,束艾青,卞慧敏.红外高光谱IASI卫星资料同化对一次大风过程的影响研究[J].沙漠与绿洲气象,2022,16(01):124-132.
4. 束艾青,许冬梅,等.FY-3D卫星MWHS-2辐射率资料直接同化对台风“米娜”预报的影响[J/OL].热带海洋学报:1-13[2022-09-22].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/44.1500.p.20220117.1445.002.html
5. Xu, D., Yang, G., Wu, Z., Shen, F., Li, H., & Zhai, D. (2022). Evaluate Radar Data Assimilation in Two Momentum Control Variables and the Effect on the Forecast of Southwest China Vortex Precipitation, Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3460.
6. Shu, A.; Xu, D.; Zhang, S.; Shen, F.; Zhang, X.; Song, L. (2022). Impacts of Multi-Source Microwave Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation on the Forecast of Typhoon Ampil. Atmosphere, 2022, 13, 1427.
7. Zhang, X.; Xu, D.; Liu, R.; Shen, F. Impacts of FY-4A AGRI Radiance Data Assimilation on the Forecast of the Super Typhoon “In-Fa” (2021). Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4718
1. Xu D., F. Shen, and J. Min. 2021.Assimilation of GPM Microwave Imager Radiance for Track Prediction of Typhoon Cases with the WRF Hybrid En3DVAR System. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 38(6): 983-993
2. Xu D., Z. Liu, S. Fan, M. Chen, and F. Shen. 2021. Assimilating all-sky infrared radiances from Himawari-8 using the 3DVar method for the prediction of a severe storm over north China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 38(4): 661-676
3. Xu, D., Shu, A., Li, H., Shen, F., Min, J., 2021, Effects of Assimilating Clear-Sky FY‐3D MWHS2 Radiance on the Numerical Simulation of Typhoon Ampil. Remote Sens. 13(15), 2873.
4. Xu, D., Zhang X, and co-authors. 2021, Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite’s MWHS-2 Data Assimilation. Remote Sens. 13(22),4556.
1. Xu D., F. Shen, and J. Min. 2020. Effect of background error tuning on assimilating radar radial velocity observations for the forecast of hurricane tracks and intensities. Meteorol Appl., 27e1820.
2. Xu D., A. Shu, F., Shen, 2020. Effects of Clear-Sky Assimilation of GPM Microwave Imager on the Analysis and Forecast of Typhoon “Chan-Hom”. Sensors., 20(9), 2674.
3. Xu D., A. Shu, F., Shen, J. Min, 2020. Impacts of Multiple Radiance Data Assimilation on the Simulation of Typhoon Chan-Hom. 10.3390
4. Xu D., F. Shen, and J. Min. 2019. Effect of Adding Hydrometeor Mixing Ratios Control Variables on Assimilating Radar Observations for the Analysis and Forecast of a Typhoon. Atmosphere., 10(7), 415.
5. Xu D., J. Min, F. Shen, J. Ban, and P. Chen. Assimilation of MWHS radiance data from the FY-3B satellite with the WRF Hybrid-3DVAR system for the forecasting of binary typhoons. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 2016, 8, 1014-1028
6. Xu D., T. Auligné, G. Descombes, and C. Snyder. A method for retrieving clouds with satellite infrared radiances using the particle filter. Geosci. Model Dev., 2016, 9, 3919-3932.
7. Xu D., T. Auligné, X.-Y Huang. 2015. A Validation of the Multivariate and Minimum Residual Method for Cloud Retrieval Using Radiance from Multiple Satellites. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32, 349-362.
8. Xu D., X.-Y., Huang, Z. Liu, and J. Min. 2014. Comparisons of Two Cloud Detection Schemes for Infrared Radiance Observations. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7, 358-363.
9. Xu D., Z. Liu, X.-Y., Huang, J. Min, and H. Wang. 2013. Impact of Assimilating IASI Radiance Observations on Forecasts of Two Tropical Cyclones. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 122, 1-18.
10. Xu D., X.-Y. Huang, Z. Liu, and J. Min. Impact of Assimilating Radiances with the WRFDA ETKF/3DVAR Hybrid System on the Prediction of Two Typhoons (2012). J. Meteor. Res., 2015, 29, 028-040.
11.Shen, F., Xu, D., Hong Li, Jinzhong Min, Ruixia Liu. 2021.Assimilation of GPM Microwave Imager Radiance data with the WRF Hybrid 3DEnVar System for the Prediction of Typhoon Chan-hom (2015). Atmospheric Research. Accepted.
12.Shen, F., Xu, D., H. Li, R. Liu 2021. Impact of Radar Data Assimilation on a Squall line over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin with a Radar Reflectivity Operator Accounting for Ice-phase Hydrometeors. Meteorological Applications, Accepted.
13.Shen F., D. Xu, J. Min, Z. 2019. Assimilation of radar radial velocity data with the WRF hybrid 4DEnVar system for the prediction of hurricane Ike (2008). Atmos.Res.
14. Shen F., D. Xu, J. Min, Z. Chu. 2019. Effect of Momentum Control Variables on Assimilating Radar Observations for the Analysis and Forecast for Typhoon Chanthu (2010). Atmos.Res., 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104622.
15. Shen F., D. Xu, M. Xue, and J. Min. 2017. A comparison between EDA-EnVar and ETKF-EnVar data assimilation techniques using radar observations at convective scales through a case study of Hurricane Ike (2008). Meteorol Atmos Phys., 130, 649-666.
16. Shen F., J. Min., and D. Xu. 2016. Assimilation of Radar Radial Velocity Data with the WRF Hybrid ETKF-3DVAR System for the Prediction of Hurricane Ike (2008). Atmos.Res., 169, 127-138.
17. Wang, H., X.-Y. Huang, D. Xu, J. Liu. 2014. A scale-dependent blending scheme for WRFDA: Impact on regional weather forecasting. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 7, 2455-2482.
18. Wang H., X.-Y. Huang, J. Sun, D. Xu, S. Fan, J. Zhong, and M. Zhang. 2014. Inhomogeneous Background Error Modeling for WRF-Var using the NMC method. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 53, 2287-2309.
19. Sun. J., H. Wang, W. Tong, Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Lin, D. Xu. 2014. Comparing impact of momentum control variables in limited-area high-resolution variational data assimilation. Mon Wea. Rev., 144, 149-169.
20. 许冬梅,沈菲菲,李泓,翟丹华,李耀华. 晴空条件下GPM微波成像仪资料同化对台风数值模拟的影响研究. 海洋学报,2020,(录用)
21. 耿晓雯,闵锦忠,杨春,王元兵,许冬梅. 2020. FY-4A AGRI辐射率资料偏差特征分析及订正试验. 大气科学,10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1907.18254.
22. 沈菲菲,唐超,许冬梅,李泓. 基于不同背景场条件的雷达资料同化在登陆台风“桑美”中的应用研究. 海洋学报,2020,(录用)
23. 袁海翔,许冬梅,束艾青, 沈菲菲,邓华,王琛. 2016年7月长江中下游一次暴雨过程的诊断分析与数值模拟. 兰州大学学报. 2020,56(1).
24. 束艾青,许冬梅,沈菲菲,夏晓丽,楚志刚,卞慧敏. 2019. 不同控制变量的AMSR2资料同化方法对台风“山神”预报的影响研究. 海洋预报,36(05), 19-29.
25. 戚佩霓,沈菲菲,寇蕾蕾,楚志刚,许冬梅. 2019. 多普勒雷达资料同化在台风“灿都”(2010)预报中的应用研究. 热带海洋学报,38(02),20-31.
26. 钱玲,沈菲菲,许冬梅,张冰,赵文远. 2019. AMSR2微波成像资料同化对飓风“桑迪”预报的影响研究. 海洋预报,36(03),9-17.
27. 李秋阳,沈菲菲,许冬梅,楚志刚,王易. 2019. 不同初始场资料对台风“桑美”数值模拟的影响. 气象科技,47(03),460-468.
28. 薛文博,沈菲菲,王琛,许冬梅. 2019. 不同边界层方案对台风灿都路径和强度模拟的影响. 陕西气象,(02),13-18.
29. 李超,沈菲菲,许冬梅,束艾青,王琛,康彦. 2019. 超强台风“Saomai”的数值模拟及诊断分析. 陕西气象,(03),8-17.
30. 许冬梅,沈菲菲,闵锦忠,张备. 2018. 基于卫星辐射率资料的两种三维云反演方法对比研究. 大气科学,42(02),411-420.
31. 沈菲菲,许冬梅,闵锦忠,张冰,李超. 2018. 云尺度雷达资料的混合同化对台风“桑美”的数值模拟研究. 海洋学报,40(5),48-61.
32. 沈菲菲,闵锦忠,许冬梅,张冰. 2016. Hybrid ETKF-3DVAR方法同化多普勒雷达速度观测资料Ⅰ:模拟资料试验. 大气科学学报,39(01),81-89.
33. 沈菲菲,闵锦忠,许冬梅,戴泽军,张冰,陈依濛. 2016. 双多普勒雷达资料同化在飓风“艾克”预报中的应用研究. 海洋学报,38(11),60-72.
34. 王元兵,陈耀登,闵锦忠,高玉芳,黄向宇,王洪利,许冬梅,刘建宇. 2016. ETKF协方差膨胀方案对WRFDA混合同化及预报的影响. 高原气象,35(02),397-405.
35. 沈菲菲,闵锦忠,许冬梅,王世璋. 2015. WRF-Hybrid背景误差协方差调整在台风同化及预报中的应用研究. 气象科学,35(2),150-159.
主持气象灾害教育部重点实验室开放课题基金(KLME201806), 2018.10-2020.09.
参与国家卫星气象中心项目“FY-3多源数据三维分析融合应用示范”子课题二。 2017.07-2020.06.6.
参与辽宁省气象局科技攻关项目 (2020SYIAE07)
参与科技部973项目,2013CB430102,“突发性强对流天气演变机理和监测预报技术研究”第二课题“突发性强对流天气的多源资料融合和同化理论”,2013.7-2017.6. (已结题)