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姓 名: 徐海明
出生年月: 1964年12月
国 籍: 中国
性 别: 男
导 师: 博士:何金海教授;硕士:倪允琪教授和包澄澜教授
职 称: 教授
最高学历: 博士
所属专业: 气象学
所属系部: 天气学系
毕业院校: 本科和硕士·:南京大学;博士:南京气象学院
研究方向: 海气相互作用;区域气候变化
办公地点: 气象楼313室
邮 箱: hxu@nuist.edu.cn
主讲课程: 中国天气
主要研究领域: 近年来主要感兴趣的研究领域:(1)局地海气相互作用及其对区域气候和区域变化的影响,如我国近海的东中国海、南海以及黑潮和黑潮延伸体等海区海气相互作用特征及其对东亚区域气候和气候变化的影响;(2)东亚季风变化与中国气候异常,如中国东部城市化和气溶胶对东亚季风的影响,中国大范围洪涝和干旱(高温)的成因及其机制等。
1981.09-1985.07,南京大学,气象学系,本科 1985.09-1988.12,南京大学,大气科学系,硕士 1996.09-1999.07,南京气象学院,大气科学系,博士
1988.12-1991.06,国家海洋局海洋环境预报中心,助理工程师 1991.07-1992.05,南京气象学院,气象系,助教 1992.06-1997.05,南京气象学院,气象系,讲师 1997.06-2002.01,南京气象学院,大气科学系,副教授 2002.01-2005.01,美国夏威夷大学,国际太平洋研究中心,博士后 2003.06-至今,南京信息工程大学,大气科学系,教授
中国气象学会副热带气象委员会副主任委员 中国气象学会热带与海洋气象委员会副主任委员 《气象科学》常务编委;《南京信息工程大学》编委
2018年, 我国邻近海域海气相互作用特征、机制及其影响,2017年度江苏省科学技术奖三等奖,排名第1名共6人;
Deng, Jiechun, Haiming Xu, 2024: Modulation effects of the Tibetan-Mongolian Plateaus on East Asian winter air temperature associated with synoptic evolution of Siberian high. Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-024-07404-x
Miao, Haozeyu, Haiming Xu, Kai Yang, Haosu Tang, Jiechun Deng, Meng Xu, Guicai Ning, Gang Huang, 2024: The reversal of surface wind speed trend in Northeast China: Impact from aerosol emissions. Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-024-07544-0
Ma,Jing, Haiming Xu, Changming Dong, and Jing-Jia Luo, 2024: The forecast skills and predictability sources of marine heatwaves in the NUIST-CFS1.0 hindcasts, Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 41(8), 1589-1600. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-3139-x.
Lan, Hongxia, Jing Ma, Haiming Xu, and Jing-Jia Luo, 2024: Interdecadal variations of ENSO impacts over the Indo-Northwest Pacific region and the related mechanisms, Journal of Meteorological Reseach, 38(2),235-248. doi:10.1007/s13351-024-3114-1
李家庆,徐海明,邓洁淳,马静,冬季北半球对流层极涡天气型的长期变化特征及其成因,大气科学,2024,48(6): 2095-2109
袁钰,徐海明,马静,张彤. AMO对ENSO与初夏西太平洋海洋热浪年际关系的年代际调制作用,热带海洋学报,2024, 43(5):1-16
黄颖婷,徐海明,朱安豹. 海南岛地区秋汛期形成原因探讨,气象科学,2024,44(4):616-629
Zhang, Tong, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2023: Predictability of Northwest Pacific marine heatwaves in summer based on NUIST-CFS1.0 Hindcasts, Weather and Climate Extremes, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2023.100617
Qin, Ruyan, Hongli Chen, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, Jing Ma, and Mei Hu, 2023: Why a large-scale monsoon does not exist in North America: Orograpic effect, International Journal of Climatology, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.8121
Miao, Haozeyu, Haiming Xu, Gang Huang, Kai Yang, 2023: Evaluation and future projections of wind energy resources over the Northern Hemisphere in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, Renewable Energy, 211: 809-821. https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.05.007
Xu, Meng, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2023: Modulation of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on ENSO-East Asian early summer monsoon connection: role of a tropical pathway, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-06811-w
Li, Zeting, Wei Han, Haiming Xu, Hejun Xie, and Juhong Zou, 2023: Biases' characteristics assessment of the HY-2B scanning microwave radiometer (SMR)'s observations, Remote Sensing, 15, 889, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15040889
Hu, Jinggao, Z. Liu, Haiming Xu, Rongcai Ren, Dachao Jin. 2023. The spring stratospheric final warming process in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models. Sci China Earth Sci. 66(1), 129-145.
Wang,Qian, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2023: Subseasonal variation characteristics of low-cloud fraction in southeastern and northwestern North Pacific, Atmosphere, 14,1668, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14111668.
Liu, Jiawei, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, Jing Ma, and Leying Zhang, 2023: Differences of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation responses between transient and stabilization simulations. Atmosphere, 14, 1763, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14121763.
Ma, Jing, Pengfei Lin, Lu Wang, Baowen Zhao, and Haiming Xu, 2023: Increasing connections of the leading internal mode of the summertime Northwest Pacific subtropical anticyclone with preceding ENSO under greenhouse warming in FGOALS-g3 supper-large ensemble, International Journal of Climatology, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.8197
植炫惠,徐海明,马静,植石群. 华南冬季雾日年际变化特征及其与ENSO的关系. 大气科学,2023,47(4):1099-1112.
胡景高,刘泽萱,徐海明,任荣彩,金大超. CMIP5和CMIP6气候模式中平流层极涡春季最后增温过程. 中国科学:地球科学,2023,53(1): 132-150
Zhu, Anbao, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, Jing Ma, and Shaofeng Hua, 2022: Instant and delayed effects of March biomass burning aerosols over the Indochina Peninsula, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 15425–15447, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-15425-2022
Sun, Xiaoyan, X. Gao, Y. Luo, W.-K. Wong, and Haiming Xu, 2022: A comparative analysis of characteristics and synoptic backgrounds of extreme heat events over two urban agglomerations in Southeast China, Land, 11, 2235, https://doi.org/10.3390/land11122235.
Chang, Le, Y. Morioka, S. Behera, Jingjia Luo, Haiming Xu, & Bing Zhou, 2022: What mainly drives the interannual climate variability over the Barents-Kara Seas in boreal early autumn? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036216. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD036216
Hu, Jinggao, Xiang Gao, Rongcai Ren, Jingjia Luo, Jiechun Deng, and Haiming Xu, 2022: On the relationship between the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation and summer precipitation in northern China. Geophysical Research letters, 49, e2021GL097687. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097687
Ma, Jing, Haiming Xu, Jing-Jia Luo, and Shengjie Chen, 2022: Impact of tropical Atlantic SST anomaly on ENSO in the NUIST-CFS1.0. International Journal of Climatology, 1-17. https:/doi.org/10.1002/joc.7577
Chen, Hongli, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2022: Why is the mid-tropospheric North Atlantic subtropical high much stronger than the North Pacific subtropical high in boreal summer? Climate Dynamics, 59,1883-1895. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-06074-3
Xu, Meng, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma,and Jiechun Deng, 2022: Impact of Pacific Decadal Oscillation on interannual relationship between El Nino and South China Sea summer monsoon onset. International Journal of Climatology, 42 (5), 2739-2753. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7388
Ma, Jing, Shang-Ping Xie, Haiming Xu, Jiuwei Zhao, and Leying Zhang, 2021: Cross-basin interactions between the tropical Atlantic and Pacific in the ECMWF hindcast. Journal of Climate, 34(7): 2459-247
Zhang, Leying, Jiuwei Zhao, Jong-Seong Kug, Xing Geng, Haiming Xu, Jingjia Luo, Jae-Heung Park, and Ruifen Zhan, 2021: Pacific warming pattern diversity modulated by Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature gradient. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095516. http://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095516.
Sun, Xiaoyan, Yali Luo, Xiaoyu Gao, Mengwen Wu, Mingxin Li, Ling Huang, Da-Ling Zhang, and Haiming Xu, 2021: On the localized extreme rainfall over the Great Bay Area in South China with complex topography and strong UHI effects. Monthly Weather Review, 149: 2777-2801
Zhu, Anbao, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, Jing Ma, and Shuhui Li, 2021: El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effect on interannual variability in spring aerosols over East Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21: 5919-5933
Cai, Zhiying, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2021: Climatic effects of spring mesoscale oceanic eddies in the North Pacific: a regional modeling study. Atmosphere, 12,517. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12040517.
Liu, Jiawei, Jing-Jia Luo, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, Jiechun Deng, Leying Zhang, Baohua Bi, and Xie Chen, 2021: Robust regional differences in marine heatwaves between transient and stabilization responses at 1.5℃ global warming. Weather and Climate Extremes, 32,100316
Qiu, Danni, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, and Jing Ma, 2021: Different impacts of spring tropical Atlantic SST anomalies on Eurasia spring climate during the periods of 1970-1995 and 1996-2018. Atmospheric Research, 252, 105499
Zhang, Leying, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, Jiuwei Zhao, and Xia Xu, 2021: Downstream impact of the North Pacific subtropical sea surface temperature front on the North Atlantic westerly jet stream in winter. Atmospheric Research, 253,105492.
Xu, Meng, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2021: Impact of Atlantic multidecadal oscillation on interannual relationship between ENSO and East Asian early summer monsoon. International Journal of Climatology, 1-18
Change, Le, Jing-Jia Luo, Jiaqing Xue, Haiming Xu, and Dick Dunstone, 2021: Prediction of Arctic temperature and sea ice using a high-resolution couple model. Journal of Climate, 34(8): 2905-2922.
Liao, Chenfei, Jing Ma, Haiming Xu, Lan Wang, and Hong Guo, 2021: The impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on the interannual relationship between the storm track and SST over the North Atlantic in spring. Atmosphere-Ocean, doi: 10.1080/07055900.2021.1927665.
蒋子瑶,徐海明,马静, 2016年秋季中国南方降水异常的环流特征及海温影响,大气科学,2021, 45(3):1023-1038
彭韵萌,徐海明, 2017年华西秋雨异常偏多的环流及其成因分析,气象科学,2021, 41(3):363-373
Deng, Jiechun, Aiguo Dai, Haiming Xu, 2020: Nonlinear climate responses to increasing CO2 and anthropogenic aerosols simulated by CESM1. J. Climate, 33, 281-301.
刘雅楠,徐海明,张乐英, 冬季东太平洋峡谷风的季节内变化及相联系的海气特征,大气科学学报,2020,43(2):287-298
Hu, Mei, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, Jing Ma, Jinhai He, 2020: Influence of the southwards shift of North American continent on North American monsoon. International Journal of Climatology, 1-13.https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6572
Onyango, O. Augustine, Haiming Xu, Zhaohui Lin, 2020: Diurnal cycle of rainfall over Lake Victoria basin during the long-rain season based on TRMM satellite estimate. International Journal of Climatology, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6479
Ma,Jing, Haiming Xu, Lin Chen, Chenfei Liao, Jiechun Deng, and Leying Zhang, 2020: Different mechanisms for interannual variability of the Northwest Pacific subtropical anticyclone in June and July, Atmosphere-Ocean, 58(1),46-59. https://doi.org/10.1080/07955900.2020.1719028
Li, Zhiyu, Wenjun Zhang, Fei-Fei Jin, Malte F. Stuecker, Cheng Sun, Aaron F. Z. Levine, Haiming Xu, Chao Liu, 2020, A robust relationship between multidecadal global warming rate variations and the Atlantic multidecadal variability. Climate Dynamics, 55: 1945-1959
Xie, Jincai, Jinggao Hu, Haiming Xu, Shuai Liu and Huan He, 2020: Dynamics diagnosis of stratospheric sudden warming event in the boreal winter of 2018 and its possible impact on weather over North America. Atmosphere, 11, 438. Doi:10.3390/atmos11050438.
何金海,徐海明,王黎娟,祁莉,朱志伟,马静,罗京佳,南京信息工程大学季风研究若干重要进展回顾—明德格物一甲子,科教融合六十载,大气科学学报,2020,43(5): 768-784.
Lin, Yitong, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Haijun Li, 2019: Assessment of the capability of ENSEMBLES hindcasts in predicting spring climate in China, Journal of Meteorological Research, 33(2): 307-322, doi: 10.1007/s13351-019-8131-0
Leying Zhang, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, Ning Shi, and Jiechun Deng, 2019: North Pacific subtropical sea surface temperature frontogenesis and its conection with the atmosphere above, Earth System Dynamics, 10, 261-270.
Wang, Qian, Haiming Xu, Leying Zhang, and Jiechun Deng, 2019: Seasonal and interannual variation characteristics of low-cloud fraction in different North Pacific regions, Atmosphere, 10, 126; doi:10.3390/atmos10030126
Liu, Jiawei, Haiming Xu, Jing-Jia Luo, and Jiechun Deng, 2019: Distinctive evolutions of Eurasian warmings and extreme events before and after global warming would stabilize at 1.5oC, Earth's Future, 7; doi:10.1029/2018EF001093
Zhang, Jiuzheng, Haiming Xu, Jing Ma, and Jiechun Deng, 2019: Interannual variability of spring extratropical cyclones over the Yellow, Baohai, and East China Seas and possible causes, Atmosphere, 10,40; doi:10.3390/atmos10010040
Bai, Haokun, Haibo Hu, Xiuqun Yang, Xuejuan Ren, Haiming Xu, Guoqiang Liu, 2019: Modeled MABL responses to the winter SST front in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, in press
Li, Zhiyu, Wenjun Zhang, Malte F. Stuecker, Haiming Xu, Fei-fei Jin, Chao Liu, 2019: Different effects of two ENSO types on Arctic surface temperature in boreal winter, Journal of Climate, 32, 4943-4961
Zhao, Jiuwei, Ruifen Zhan, Yuqing Wang, and Haiming Xu, 2018: Contribution of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation to the recent decrease in tropical cyclone genesis frequency over the western North Pacific since 1998, J. Climate, 31: 8211-8224,doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-18-0202.1.
Chenfei Liao, Haiming Xu, Jiechun Deng, and Leying Zhang, 2018: Interannual relationship between ENSO and Atlantic storm track in spring modulated by the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation, Atmosphere, 9: 419; doi: 10.3390/atmos9110419.
Li, Zhiyu, Wenjun Zhang, and Haiming Xu, 2018: Possible impact of spatial and temporal non-uniformity in land surface temperature data on estimating trend, J. Meteor. Res., 32:819-828,doi: 10.1007/s13351-018-8037-2.
Hu, Jinggao, Tim Li, Haiming Xu, 2018: Relationship between the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation and the onset of stratospheric final warming in the Northern Hemisphere, Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-4065-3.
Liu, Jiawei, Haiming Xu, and Jiechun Deng, 2018: Porjection of East Asian summer monsoon change at global warming of 1.5 0C and 2 0C, Earth System Dynamics, 9,427-499.
Li, Huimin, Haiming Xu, Zhiyu Li, Jiechun Deng, 2018: Different evolution features for two types of El Nino and possible causes for these differences, International Journal of Climatology, 38: 2967-2979, doi: 10.1002/joc.5476.
Zhang, Leying, Haiming Xu, Ning Shi, and Jing Ma, 2018: Impact of the North Pacific subtropical sea surface temperature front on El Nino-Southern Oscillation, International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.5402
Zhang, Yutong, Haiming Xu, Fangli Qiao, and Changming Dong, 2018: Seasonal variation of the global mixed layer depth: comparison between Argo data and FIO-ESM, Front. Earth Sci., 12(1):24-36, doi:/10.1007/s11707-017-0631-6.
徐全倩,徐海明,马静,与夏季北太平洋副热带中尺度海洋涡旋相联系的海气关系,大气科学,2018, 42(6):1191-1207
Yu, Zifeng, Yuqing Wang, Haiming Xu, Noel Davidson, Yandie Chen, Yimin Chen, Hui Yu, 2017: On the relationship between intensity and rainfall distribution in tropical cyclones making landfall over China, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56:2883-2901, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0334.1
Hu, Jinggao, Tim Li, Haiming Xu, and Shuangyan Yang, 2017. Lessened response of boreal winter stratospheric polar vortex to El Niño in recent decades. Clim. Dyn., 49: 263-278
Ma, Jing, Shang-Ping Xie, and Haiming Xu, 2017: Contributions of the North Pacific meridional mode to ensemble spread of ENSO prediction, J. Climate, 30: 9167-9181, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0182.1.
Deng, Jiechun, Haiming Xu, Ning Shi, Leying Zhang, and Jing Ma, 2017: Impacts of northern Tibetan Planteau on East Asian summer rainfall via modulating mid-latitude transient eddies, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 8667–8685, doi:10.1002/ 2017JD027034.
Ma, Jing, Shang-Ping Xie, and Haiming Xu, 2017: Inter-member variability of the summer Northwest Pacific subtropical anticyclone in the ensembe forecast, J. Climate, 30: 3927-3941, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0638
Xu, Mimi, Haiming Xu, 2017: Influence of Kuroshio SST front in the East China Sea on the climatological evolution of Meiyu rainband, Clim Dyn, Doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3681-2
Zhang, Leying, Haiming Xu, Ning Shi, and Jiechun Deng, 2017: Responses of the East Asian jet stream to the North Pacific subtropical front in spring. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 34:144-156.
Su, Jiayi, Anmin Duan, and Haiming Xu, 2017: Quantitative analysis of the surface warming amplification over the Tibetan Plateau after the late 1990 using surface energy balance equation, Atmos. Sci. Let., 18: 112-117
李慧敏,徐海明,李智玉,El Nino年西北太平洋异常反气旋的年际变化特征及其影响,气象学报,2017,75(4):581-595
Deng, Jiechun, Haiming Xu, and Leying Zhang, 2016: Nonlinear effects of anthropogenic aerosol and urban land surface forcing on spring climate in eastern China. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 121,4581-4599,doi: 10.1002/2015JD024377.
Deng Jiechun, and Xu Haiming, 2016: Nonlinear effect on the East Asian summer monsoon due to two coexisting anthropogenic forcing factors in eastern China: an AGCM study, Climate Dynamics, 46: 3767-3784,DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2803-y.
Ma, Jing, Haiming Xu, and Changming Dong, 2016: Seasonal variations in atmospheric responses to oceanic eddies in the Kuroshio Extension. Tellus A, 68,31563.
Shi, N., X. Wang, L. Zhang, and H. Xu, 2016: Feattures of Rossy wave propagation associated with the evolution of summertime blocking highs with different configurations over Northeast Asia. Mon. Wea. Rev. doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-15-0369.1, in press.
Xu Mimi, Xu Haiming, and Ma Jing, 2016: Responses of the East Asian winter monsoon to global warming in CMIP5 models, Int. J. Climatol., 36: 2139-2155, DOI:10.1002/joc.4480
Huang, Jiaowen, Jinhai He, Haiming Xu, and Qihua Jin, 2016: Relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon circulation and Asian-Pacific thermal field and possible mechanisms, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 22(4): 466-478
袁超,徐海明,春季北太平洋风暴轴的年际与年代际变化特征及其与太平洋海温异常的关系,气象学报, 74(6):860-875
徐之骁,徐海明,不同云微物理方案对"7.21"特大暴雨模拟的对比试验,气象科学,2016, 36(1):45-54
Li Zhiyu, Xu Haiming, and Zhang Wenjun,2015: Asymmetric features for two types of ENSO. J. Meteor. Res., 29(6):897-917.
Li Gen, Du Yan, Xu Haiming, and Ren Baohua, 2015: An inter-model approach to identify the source of excessive equatorial Pacific cold tongue in CMIP5 models and uncertainty in observational datasets, J. Climate, 28,7630-7640.
Deng Jiechun, and Xu Haiming, 2015: Atmospheric responses to idealized urban land-surface forcing in eastern China during the boreal spring, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 10022-10039, doi:10.1002/2015JD023748
Xu Mimi, and Xu Haiming, 2015: Atmospheric responses to Kuroshio SST front in the East China Sea under different prevailing winds in winter and spring. J. Climate, 28,3191-3211.
Ma Jing, Xu Haiming, and Lin Pengfei, 2015: Meridional position biases of East Asian subtropical jet stream in CMIP5 models and their relationship with ocean model resolutions. Int. J. Climatol., DOI: 10.1002/joc.4256
Ma Jing, Xu Haiming, Dong Changming, Lin Pengfei, and Liu Yu, 2015: Atmospheric responses to oceanic eddies in the Kuroshio Extension region. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi: 10.1002/2014JD022930
黄晓璐,徐海明,邓洁淳, 冬季中国近海海表温度的长期升高及其对中国降水的影响.气象学报,2015,73(3):505-514
Yu Zifeng, Wang Yuqing, and Xu Haiming, 2015: Observed Rainfall Asymmetry in Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall over China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54(1):117-136
Hu J G, Ren R C, Xu H M, et al. 2015. Seasonal timing of stratospheric final warming associated with the intensity of stratospheric sudden warming in preceding winter. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58: 615–627, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-5008-z
胡景高, 任荣彩, 徐海明, 等. 冬季强、弱平流层增温事件的发生与春季最后增温事件爆发早晚的联系. 中国科学: 地球科学,2015, 45:389–401
杜美芳,徐海明,周超,基于 CMIP5 资料的热带大洋非均匀增暖及其成因的分析. 热带海洋学报,2015,34(3):1-12.
邢蕊,丁治英,徐海明,0704号热带气旋远距离降水的数值模拟诊断分析. 热带气象学报,2015,31(4):457-466.
Wang Yuanxiang, Zhao Ping, Xu Haiming, and Liu Ge, 2015: Anomalies of Northern Hemisphere ozone associated with a tropopause-lower stratosphere teleconnection during summer. Int. J. Climatol., DOI: 10.1002/joc.4386
Hu, Jinggao, Rongcai Ren, Haiming Xu, 2014: Occurrence of winter stratospheric sudden sarming events and the seasonal timing of spring stratospheric final warming. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 2319–2334.
胡景高, 任荣彩, 虞越越, 徐海明, 北半球春季平流层最后增温过程及其年际和年代际变化特征, 中国科学, 2014,44: 333–342
Deng Jiechun, Xu Haiming, Ma Hongyun, Jiang Zhihong, 2014. Numerical Study of the Effect of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Spring Persistent Rain over Eastern China. J. Meteor. Res., 28(3):341-353
Huang,Z., Y. Du, Y. Wu, and Haiming, Xu, 2013, Asymmetric response of the South China SST to El Nino and La Nina, J. Ocean Univ. China, 2013,12(2):272-278.
支星, 徐海明, 三种再分析资料的高空温度与中国探空温度资料的季节平均特征对比分析,高原气象,2013,32(1):97-109
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2006-2008年,中南半岛中尺度地形对南海夏季风的影响及其机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人 2005-2009年,我国南方致洪暴雨监测与预测的理论和方法研究,973项目,专题负责人 2006-2010年,“亚印太交汇区”海气相互作用及其对我国短期气候的影响,973项目,专题负责人 2010-2014年,“我国东部沿海城市带的气候效应及对策研究,973项目,专题负责人 2008-2010年,梅雨锋上中尺度暴雨的可预报性研究,苏省六大人才高峰项目,主持人 2010-2012年,我国东海和黄海局地海区相互作用及其机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人 2010-2013年,多尺度扰动相互作用对月-季节内尺度气候可预测性的应用研究,公益性行业(气象)科研专项,主持人 2009-2012年,中国高空气候变化监测检测研究,公益性行业(气象)科研专项,课题负责人 2012-2016年,太平洋印度洋对全球变暖的响应及其对气候变化的调控作用,全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划,专题负责人 2013-2016年,东中国海黑潮在东亚区域气候及其变化中的作用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人 2015-2019年,黑潮及延伸体海域海气相互作用机制及其气候效应,国家自然科学基金重大项目,研究骨干 2016-2019年,西北太平洋副热带海洋锋的变化特征及其对东亚-西北太平洋气候的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人 2015-2017年,中国东部人为气溶胶与城市下垫面协同作用对东亚季风的影响特征及其可能机制研究,省“333”项目,主持人 2020-2023年,北美大陆不存在大范围季风区的成因及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人 2022-2026年,洋际相互作用对西北太平洋海洋热浪的影响及其机理,国家自然科学基金重大项目(42192562),研究骨干