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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
教师拼音名称:yin zhicong
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姓 名: 尹志聪
职 称: 教授
研究方向: 北极-中高纬气候变异与东亚极端气候
办公地点: 气象楼707 (博士生导师)
邮 箱: yinzhc@nuist.edu.cn
上述成果发表在Nat. Commun., NSR, Sci. Bull., Nat. Geosci., GRL, ACP和JC等期刊。入选2023年度中国十大气象科技进展(第一完成人)、2024年度中国气候研究重大进展(第一完成人)、江苏省自然科学百篇优秀学术成果论文(第一完成人)和《国家自然科学基金优秀成果选编》。
2025年,2024年度中国气候研究重大进展(第一完成人) 2024年,2023年度中国十大气象科技进展(第一完成人) 2024年,江苏省自然科学百篇优秀学术成果论文(第一完成人) 2022年,第十届“清华大学-浪潮集团计算地球科学青年人才奖”(全国5人) 2010-2022年,奖项和资助若干
气候系统全重“极端气候事件形成机理”PI 《大气科学》等期刊编委 中国气象学会“统计气象学与气候预测专业委员会”副主任委员 中国气象学会“大气环境与污染气象学专业委员会”委员
《中国碳中和与清洁空气协同路径报告》 召集人(CLA) 清华大学、北大、生态部、南信大等多家单位 《中国气候与生态环境演变:2021》 第一卷、综合卷 主要作者(LA) 中科院/中国气象局 《科技支撑中国西部生态屏障建设战略研究》 气候变化应对专题 主要作者(LA) 中科院 《“一带一路”区域气候变化灾害风险》 主要作者(LA)
《天有可测风云》 王会军 段明铿 尹志聪及合作者 中国少年儿童出版社 《区域气候与全球变化》 周波涛 左志燕 尹志聪及合作者 科学出版社
National Science Review、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics、Journal of Climate、Science Bulletin、Atmospheric Research、Environmental Pollution、Journal of Cleaner Production、Scientific Report、International Journal of Climatology、Atmospheric Environment、Journal of Environmental Management、JGR-Atmosphere、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters、Atmosphere、Frontiers in Climate 、Meteorological Applications、Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics、科学通报、气象学报、大气科学学报、中国环境科学、地理科学、气候与环境研究
1、已毕业学生(论文均为前2作者) 张艺佳 硕博 继续深造,在读时发表SCI论文9篇,获江苏省三好学生、博士新生奖学金、国家奖学金、校一等奖学金; 杨 全 博士 就职于南京气象科技创新研究院,在读时发表SCI论文2篇(联合培养); 李雨嫣 硕士 就职于华风南信大研究院,在读时发表SCI论文3篇,研究生优秀毕业生; 张心雨 硕士 就职于江苏省气象局(预警中心),在读时发表SCI论文1篇(联合培养); 夏束薇 硕士 就职于常州市气象局,在读时发表SCI论文1篇(联合培养); 曹不凡 硕士 南信大读博,在读时发表SCI论文2篇,获国家奖学金; 麻晓晴 硕士 南信大读博,在读时发表SCI论文2篇; 万 羽 硕士 就职于湖北省气象台,在读时发表SCI论文3篇; 朱彦威 硕士 南信大读博,在读时发表核心论文1篇(联合培养) 2、在读研究生 麻晓晴 博士 已发表SCI论文4篇 潘石凤 博士 已发表SCI论文1篇(联合培养) 许天宝 硕博 已发表SCI论文2篇、国家奖学金 宋晓蕾 硕博 已发表SCI论文2篇、国家奖学金、校大学生年度人物 郭海辰 硕博 已发表SCI论文1篇 马景钊 博士 霍芊伊 直博 已发表SCI论文1篇(联合培养) 宁淑畅 硕士 童 凯 硕士(联合培养) 熊 露 硕士 展 雪 硕士 孙樱菡 硕士 关宇歆 硕士(联合培养) 许珂溢 硕士 胡琳曼 硕士(联合培养) 3、优秀本科生 钟沃谷 本科 保研到复旦大学,在读时发表SCI论文1篇; 董 莹 本科 保研到南京大学,在读时发表核心论文1篇; 张艺佳 本科 保研到南信大硕博连读,在读时发表SCI论文1篇; 张曦文 本科 中科院地球所读博,优秀毕业论文 霍芊伊 本科 大气科学拔尖班(联合培养),江苏省优秀毕业生 张 蕊 本科 保研到中科院大气所;
1. Yin, Z. C., Zhang, Y. J., He, S. P., Wang, H. J., 2024. Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia pattern helps predict spring wildfires burned area in West Siberia, Nature Communications, 15: 9041.
2. Yin, Z. C., Zhang, Y. J., Zhou, B. T., Wang, H. J., 2023. Subseasonal variability and the "Arctic warming-Eurasia cooling" trend, Science Bulletin, 68(5): 528-535.
SciBull2023.pdf 【“暖北极-冷欧亚”在次季节尺度上的新认识】【中国十大气象科技进展】【Highlight】
3. Yin, Z. C., Song, X. L., Zhou, B. T., Jiang, W. H., Chen, H. P., Wang, H. J., 2024. Traditional Meiyu-Baiu has been suspended by global warming, National Science Review, nwae166.
NSR2024.pdf 【梅雨不霉,烟雨不再】【2024年度中国气候研究重大进展】【Highlight】
4. Yin, Z. C., Wan, Y., Zhang, Y. J., Wang, H. J., 2022. Why super sandstorm 2021 in North China?, National Science Review, 9(3): nwab165.
NSR-2021.pdf 【超级沙尘暴缘何再现?】【ESI高被引】【 Highlight】【江苏百篇优秀论文】
5. Yin, Z. C., Zhou, B. T., Duan, M. K., Chen, H. S., Wang, H. J., 2023. Climate extremes become increasingly fierce in China, The Innovation, 4(2): 100406.
The Inno2023.pdf 【极端气候“狂飙”,能预知吗?】
6. Yin, Z. C., Duan, M. K., Li, Y. Y., Xu, T. B., Wang, H. J., 2022. Predicting gridded winter PM2.5 concentration in east of China, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 22(17): 11173–11185.
7. Xu, T. B., Yin, Z. C., Zhang, Y. J., Zhou, B. T., 2024. Identification of shortcomings in simulating the subseasonal reversal of the warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(3): e2023GL105430.
GRL2024.pdf 【“暖北极-冷欧亚”模态前后冬反转的模拟能力亟待提升】
8. Zhang, Y. J., Yin, Z. C., Zhou B. T., Wang, H. J., 2022. Possible Relationship between January "Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia" and February Haze in North China, Journal of Climate, 35 (13): 4115-4130.
JC2022.pdf 【“暖北极-冷欧亚”模态对华北后冬霾日数的影响机制】
9. Zhang, Y. J., Yin, Z. C., Song, X. L., Wang, H. J., 2024. Subtropical SST improved the understanding of the subseasonal reversal of surface air temperature in winter over the mid-high latitudes of Asia, Atmospheric Research, 299: 107208.
10. Song, X. L., Yin, Z. C., Wang, H. J., 2024. Interdecadal Changes in the Links Between Late-winter NAO and North Atlantic Tripole SST and Possible Mechanism, Geophysical Research Letters, e2024GL110138
GRL2024b.pdf 【后冬NAO南节点的年代际位移及其影响】
92. Huo, Q. Y., Yin, Z. C.#, Ma, X. Q., Wang, H. J., 2025. Distinctive dust weather intensities in North China resulted from two types of atmospheric circulation anomalies, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 25(3): 1711-1724. doi.org/10.5194/acp-25-1711-2025
91. Ma, X. Q., Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2025. Subseasonal reversal of Northwest Pacific SST anomalies influenced the dipole pattern of cold extremes in China, Atmospheric Research, 315: 107862. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107862
90. Gong, J. C., Yin, Z. C..(共同一作), 51 co-authors, 2025. The 2023 report of the synergetic roadmap on carbon neutrality and clean air for China: Carbon reduction, pollution mitigation, greening, and growth, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 23: 100517. doi:10.1016/j.ese.2024.100517
89. Hu, D. Z., Liu, M. C., Guan, Z. Y., Tian, W. S., Yin, Z. C. 2025. Longer Duration of Extreme Cold Events Over East Asia Affected by the Stratospheric Polar Vortex Extension, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 130(2): e2024JD042299. doi: 10.1029/2024JD042299
88. Jiang, S. L, Han, T. T., Zhou, X. Wang, H. J., Yin, Z. C., Song, X. L. 2025. A robust statistical prediction model for late-summer heavy precipitation days in North China, Science China Earth Sciences, 68: 158–171. doi:10.1007/s11430-024-1448-5
87. Yin, Z. C., Zhang, Y. J., He, S. P., Wang, H. J.#, 2024. Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia pattern helps predict spring wildfires burned area in West Siberia, Nature Communications, 15: 9041. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53470-4
86. Yin, Z. C., Song, X. L., Zhou, B. T., Jiang, W. H., Chen, H. P., Wang, H. J., 2024. Traditional Meiyu-Baiu has been suspended by global warming, National Science Review, nwae166, doi:10.1093/nsr/nwae166
NSR2024.pdf 【传统梅雨停摆,江南缘何不再多烟雨?】
85. Zhou, B. T., Song, Z. Y., Yin, Z. C., Xu, X. P., Sun, B., Hsu, P. C., Chen, H. S., 2024. Recent autumn sea ice loss in the eastern Arctic enhanced by summer Asian-Pacific Oscillation, Nature Communications, 15: 2798, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-47051-8
NC2024.pdf 【夏季亚洲-太平洋涛动变化加速了北极秋季海冰减少】
84. Song, X. L., Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2024. Interdecadal Changes in the Links Between Late-winter NAO and North Atlantic Tripole SST and Possible Mechanism, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110138. doi: 10.1029/2024GL110138
83. Xu, T. B., Yin, Z. C.#, Zhang, Y. J., Zhou, B. T., 2024. Identification of shortcomings in simulating the subseasonal reversal of the warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(3): e2023GL105430. doi: 10.1029/2023GL105430
GRL2024.pdf 【“暖北极-冷欧亚”模态前后冬反转的模拟能力亟待提升】
82. Zhang, Y. J., Yin, Z. C.#, Song, X. L., Wang, H. J., 2024. Subtropical SST improved the understanding of the subseasonal reversal of surface air temperature in winter over the mid-high latitudes of Asia, Atmospheric Research, 299: 107208. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107208
81. Guo, H. C., Yin, Z. C.#, Xu, T. B., Zhou, B. T., 2024. Different responses of surface air temperature over Eurasia in early and late winter to the autumn Kara–Laptev Sea ice, Environmental Research Letters, 19(4). doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad345f
80. Pan, S. F., Yin, Z. C.#, Duan, M. K., Han, T. T., Fan, Y., Huang, Y. Y., Wang, H. J.#, 2024. Seasonal Prediction of Extreme High-Temperature Days over the Yangtze River basin, Science China Earth Sciences, 67: 2137–2147, doi:10.1007/s11430-023-1265-2.
79. 王会军, 戴永久, 杨崧, 李天明, 罗京佳, 尹志聪, 段明铿, 周放, 张艺佳, 2024. 气候系统预测:基础创新和集成应用, 大气科学学报, 47(2):161-172.
78. 陈海山,张耀存,张文君,尹志聪,华文剑,况雪源,陈国森,马红云,韩婷婷,2024. 中国极端天气气候研究——“地球系统与全球变化”重点专项项目简介及最新进展, 大气科学学报, 47(1):23-45.
77. Geng, G. N., Liu, Y. X., Liu, Y., Liu, S. G., Cheng, J., Yan, L., Wu, N. N., Hu, H. W., Tong, D., Zheng, B., Yin, Z. C., He, K. B., Zhang, Q., 2024. Efficacy of China's clean air actions to tackle PM2.5 pollution between 2013 and 2020, Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/s41561-024-01540-z
76. Han, T. T., Sun, W. Y., Zhi, Yao., Wang, H. J., Li, S. F., Yin, Z. C., 2024. Seasonal prediction of midsummer compound heat-humidity events over Southeast China, Atmospheric Research, 308: 107541, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107541.
75. Zhou, F., Wu, Y. Q., Han, T. T., Yin, Z. C., 2024. Stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Modulates the Impact of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation on Rainfall Extremes in the Yangtze–Huaihe River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110922. doi: 10.1029/2024GL110922
74. Zhang, J., Chen, H. S., Fang, X. Y., Yin, Z. C., Hu, R., 2024. Warming-induced hydrothermal anomaly over the Earth’s three Poles amplifies concurrent extremes in 2022. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(8). doi: 10.1038/s41612-023-00553-6
73. Li, P. L, Zhou, B. T, Zhang, D. P., Xie, W. X., Yin, Z. C., Huang, Y. Y., Sun, B., Sun. Q. H. 2024. Contribution of anthropogenic aerosol and greenhouse gas emissions to changes in summer upper-tropospheric thermal contrast between Asia and the North Pacific, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7: 303. doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00865-1
72. Fan, Y., Lyu, Y., Zhu, S. P., Yin, Z. C., Duan, M. K., Zhi, X. F., Zhou, B. T. 2024. Monthly Prediction on Summer Extreme Precipitation With a Deep Learning Approach: Experiments Over the Mid-To-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Earth and Space Science, 11(11): e2024EA003926. doi: 10.1029/2024EA003926
71. Yin, Z. C., Zhang, Y. J., Zhou, B. T., Wang, H. J.#, 2023. Subseasonal variability and the "Arctic warming-Eurasia cooling" trend, Science Bulletin, 68(5): 528-535. doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.02.009.
SciBull2023.pdf 【新闻报道:“暖北极-冷欧亚”在次季节尺度上的新认识】【中国十大气象科技进展】
70. Yin, Z. C., Zhou, B. T., Duan, M. K., Chen, H. S., Wang, H. J.#, 2023. Climate extremes become increasingly fierce in China, The Innovation, 4(2): 100406. doi: 10.1016/j.xinn.2023.100406.
The Inno2023.pdf 【新闻报道:极端气候“狂飙”,能预知吗?】
69. 尹志聪#, 霍芊伊,麻晓晴,张艺佳,马小会#,王会军, 2023. 触发2023年春季中国北方沙尘暴的沙源累积和天气扰动机制, 大气科学学报, 46(3):321-331.
68. Yin, Z. C.#, Li, Y. Y., Zhang, Y. J., Wang, H. J., 2023. Evident Differences of Haze Days between December and January in North China and Possible Relationships with Preceding Climate Factors, International Journal of Climatology, 43(1): 438-455. doi: 10.1002/joc.7778.
IJC2023.pdf 【新闻报道:12月和1月华北霾日数存在显著差异并与前期气候因子有密切联系】
67. Zhang, Q., Yin, Z. C.(共同一作), 39 co-authors, 2023. Synergetic roadmap of carbon neutrality and clean air for China, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 16: 100280. doi: 10.1016/j.ese.2023.100280
ESE2023.pdf 【新闻报道:多家机构联合提出《中国碳中和与清洁空气协同路径》】
66. Lei, Y., Yin, Z. C.(共同一作), 48 co-authors, 2023. The 2022 report of synergetic roadmap on carbon neutrality and clean air for China: Accelerating transition in key sectors, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 10: 100335. doi: 10.1016/j.ese.2023.100335
ESE2023b.pdf 【新闻报道:50名专家学者联合发布2022年中国碳中和与清洁空气协同路径报告】
65. Song, X. L., Yin, Z. C.#, Zhang, Y. J., 2023. Subseasonal reversals of winter surface air temperature in mid-latitude Asia and the roles of westward-shift NAO, Environmental Research Letters, 18: 034018. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/acb787.
64. Xu, T. B., Yin, Z. C.#, Ma, X. Q., Huang, Y. Y., Wang, H. J., 2023. Hybrid seasonal prediction of meridional temperature gradient associated with "Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia", Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 40(9): 1649-1661.doi: 10.1007/s00376-023-2226-3.
63. Zhang, Y. J., Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2023. Subseasonal transition of Barents–Kara sea-ice anomalies in winter related to the reversed warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 16(5): 100392. doi: 10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100392
62. Ma, X. Q., Yin, Z. C.#, Cao, B. F., Wang, H. J., 2023. Meteorological influences on co-occurrence of O3 and PM2.5 pollution and implication for emission reductions in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 66(6): 1258-1267. doi: 10.1007/s11430-022-1070-y.
61. Song, Z. Y., Zhou, B. T., Xu, X. P., Yin, Z. C., Interdecadal change in the response of winter North Atlantic Oscillation to the preceding autumn sea ice in the Barents-Kara Seas around the early 1990s, Atmospheric Research, 297:107123. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107123.
60. Qian, D. W., Huang, Y. Y., Li, H. X., Zhou, B. T., Yin, Z. C., Wang, H. J., 2023. Decadal variations in the summer precipitation over eastern china associated with spring arctic sea ice, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128: e2023JD039231. doi: 10.1029/2023JD039231.
59. Qian, Z. L., Ma, J. H.#, Yin, Z. C., 2023. Impacts of the SSTs over the equatorial central-eastern Pacific and southeastern Indian Ocean on the cold and rainy/snowy/icy weather in southern China, Journal of Meteorological Research, 37: 48-261. doi: 10.1007/s13351-023-2128-4.
58. 孙博,王会军,黄艳艳,尹志聪,周波涛,段明铿,2023. 2022年夏季中国高温干旱气候特征及成因探讨, 大气科学学报, 46(01):1-8.
57. Yin, Z. C., Wan, Y., Zhang, Y. J., Wang, H. J.#, 2022. Why super sandstorm 2021 in North China?, National Science Review, 9(3): nwab165. doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwab165 (ESI高被引论文)
56. Yin, Z. C.#, Duan, M. K., Li, Y. Y., Xu, T. B., Wang, H. J., 2022. Predicting gridded winter PM2.5 concentration in east of China, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 22(17): 11173–11185. doi: 10.5194/acp-22-11173-2022.
55. Zhang, Y. J., Yin, Z. C.#, Zhou B. T., Wang, H. J., 2022. Possible Relationship between January "Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasia" and February Haze in North China, Journal of Climate, 35 (13): 4115-4130. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0465.1.
54. Wan, Y., Yin, Z. C.#, Huo, Q. Y., Zhou, B. T., Wang, H. J., 2022. Weather extremes led to large variability in O3 pollution and associated premature deaths in east of China, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 947001. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.947001.
53. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., Liao, H., Fan, K., Zhou B. T., 2022. Seasonal to Interannual Prediction of Air Pollution in China: Review and Insight, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 15 (1): 100131.doi: 10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100131.
52. Wang, H. J., Dai, Y. J., Yang S., Li, T., Luo, J. J., Sun, B., Duan, M. K., Ma, J. H., Yin, Z. C., Huang, Y. Y., 2022. Predicting climate anomalies: a real challenge, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 15 (1): 100115. doi: 10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100115.
软著1:尹志聪. 关键区域霾污染气候预测方法和系统V1.0. 2021年4月23日. 中华人民共和国国家版权局
51. Ma, X. Q., Yin, Z. C.#, 2021 Dipole Pattern of Summer Ozone Pollution in the east of China and Its Connection with Climate Variability, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 21(21): 16349–16361. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-16349-2021.
50. Zhang, Y. J., Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., He, S. P., 2021. 2020/21 Record-breaking Cold Waves in East of China Enhanced by the 'Warm Arctic-Cold Siberia' Pattern, Environmental Research Letters, 16: 094040. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1f46.
ERL-2021.pdf 【新闻报道】
49. Yin, Z. C.#, Wan, Y., Wang, H. J., 2021. Decadal Changes of Connections among Late-spring Snow cover in West Siberia, summer Eurasia Teleconnection and O3-related meteorology in North China, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 21(15): 11519–11530. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-11519-2021.
48. Yin, Z. C#., Zhang, Y. J., Wang, H. J., Li, Y. Y., 2021. Evident PM2.5 Drops in the East of China due to the COVID-19 Quarantine measures in February, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 21(3): 1581-1592. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-1581-2021.
47. Yin, Z. C.#, Zhou, B. T., Chen H. P., Li Y. Y., 2021. Synergetic Impacts of Precursory Climate Drivers on Interannual-Decadal Variations in Haze Pollution in North China: A Review, Science of the Total Environment. 755: 143017. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143017.
46. 尹志聪, 李雨嫣, 段明铿, 王会军#. 2021. 2020年大气科学与环境健康交叉领域的研究热点回眸, 科技导报, 39(1): 88-96. doi: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2021.01.006.
45. Xia, S. W., Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2021. Remote Impacts from Tropical Indian Ocean on Haze Pollution in January over the Yangtze River Delta, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 14(3): 100042. doi: 10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100042.
44. Zhang, X. Y., Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., Duan, M. K., 2021. Monthly variations of atmospheric circulations associated with haze pollution in the Yangtze River Delta and North China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-020-0227-z.
43. 董莹 (本科大创), 尹志聪#, 段明铿. 2021. 长三角地区冬季霾污染日数的季节预测, 大气科学学报, 44(2): 290-301. doi: 10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20200525001.
42. Huang, W., Yu Y. Y., Yin, Z. C., Chen, H. S., Gao, M., 2021. Appreciable role of stratospheric polar vortex in the abnormal diffusion of air pollutant in North China in 2015/2016 winter and implications for prediction, Atmospheric Environment, 259(15): 118549. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118549.
41. Hao, X., Li J. D., Wang, H., J., Liao, H., Yin, Z. C., Hu, J., L., Wei, Y., Dang, R., J., 2021. Long-term health impact of PM2.5 under whole-year COVID-19 lockdown in China, Environmental Pollution, 291(1): 118118. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118118.
40. Zhang, S. Y., Zeng, G., Yang, X. Y., Wu, R. X., Yin, Z. C., 2021. Comparison of the influence of two types of cold surge on haze dispersion in eastern China, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 21(19): 15185–15197. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-15185-2021.
39. Yin, Z. C.#, Ma, X. Q., 2020. Meteorological Conditions Contributed to Changes in Dominant Patterns of Summer Ozone Pollution in Eastern China, Environmental Research Letters, 15: 124062. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc915.
38. 王会军, 唐国利, 陈海山, 吴绍洪, 效存德, 姜大膀, 周波涛, 孙建奇, 段明铿, 徐影, 罗勇,杨晓光, 王凡, 康世昌, 王毅, 高清竹, 左军成, 张元明, 魏伟, 郑景云, 王国庆, 高学杰, 李宁, 刘传玉, 曾晓东, 鲍艳松, 张弛, 曾刚, 孙博, 黄艳艳, 尹志聪, 张杰, 俞淼, 陈活泼, 祝亚丽, 马洁华, 燕青, 郭东林, 张颖, 高雅, 吴通华, 刘慧, 谭显春, 尹云鹤, 于仁成, 黄海军, 2020: “一带一路”区域气候变化事实、影响及可能风险, 大气科学学报. 43(1): 1-9. doi: 10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20191110003.
37. Zhang, Y. J. Yin, Z. C#., Wang, H. J., 2020. Roles of Climate Variability on the Rapid Increases of early Winter Haze Pollution in North China after 2010, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 20(20): 12211–12221. doi: 10.5194/acp-20-12211-2020.
36. Cao, B. F., Yin, Z. C.#,. 2020. Future Atmospheric Circulations Benefit Ozone Pollution Control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei with Global Warming, Science of the Total Environment. 734(15):140645. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140645.
35. Yin, Z. C.#, Li, Y. Y., Cao B. F., 2020. Seasonal Prediction of Surface O3-related Meteorological Conditions in summer in North China, Atmospheric Research. 246: 105110. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105110.
Atmospheric Research2020.pdf 【新闻报道】
34. Yin, Z. C.#, Zhang, Y. J., 2020. Climate Anomalies Contributed to the Rebound of PM2.5 in Winter 2018 Under Intensified Regional Air Pollution Preventions, Science of the Total Environment. 726: 138514. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138514.
33. LI, Y. Y., Yin, Z. C.#, 2020. Melting of perennial sea ice in the Beaufort Sea enhanced its impacts on Early-winter haze pollution in North China after mid-1990s, Journal of Climate. 33(12): 5061-5080. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0694.1.
32. Yin, Z. C.#, Yuan, D. M., Zhang, X. Y., Yang, Q., and Xia, S. W., 2020. Different Contributions of Arctic Sea Ice Anomalies from Different Regions to North China Summer Ozone Pollution, International Journal of Climatology. 40(1): 559-571. doi: 10.1002/joc.6228.
31. Yin, Z. C#., Cao, B. F., and Wang, H. J., 2019. Dominant patterns of summer ozone pollution in eastern China and associated atmospheric circulations, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 19(22): 13933–13943. doi: 10.5194/acp-19-13933-2019.
30. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., and Ma, X. H., 2019. Possible Relationship between the Chukchi Sea Ice in the Early Winter and the February Haze Pollution in the North China Plain, Journal of Climate. 32(16): 5179-5190. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0634.1.
29. Zhong, W. G (本科大创), Yin, Z. C.#, and Wang, H. J., 2019. The Relationship between Anticyclonic Anomalies in Northeast Asia and Severe Haze in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 19(9): 5941-5957, doi: 10.5194/acp-19-5941-2019.
28. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., Li, Y. Y., Ma, X. H., and Zhang, X. Y., 2019. Links of Climate Variability in Arctic sea ice, Eurasia teleconnection pattern and summer surface ozone pollution in North China, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 19(6): 3857-3871. doi: 10.5194/acp-19-3857-2019.
27. 尹志聪#, 王会军, 段明铿. 2019. 近几年我国霾污染实时季节预测概要, 大气科学学报, 42 (1): 2-13. doi: 10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20181224001.
26. Yin, Z. C.#, Li, Y. Y., and Wang, H. J., 2019.Response of early winter haze in the North China Plain to autumn Beaufort sea ice, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 19(3): 1439-1453. doi: 10.5194/acp-19-1439-2019.
25. Yin Z. C.#, Jasmina H, Alexander K, Wang Y. 2019. On Statistical Nowcasting of Road Surface Temperature. Meteorological Applications, 26(1):1-13. doi: 10.1002/met.1729.
24. Chen, H. P., Wang, H. J., Sun, J. Q., Xu, Y. Y., and Yin, Z. C., 2019. Anthropogenic fine particulate matter pollution will be exacerbated in eastern China due to 21st century GHG warming, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 19(1): 233-243. doi: 10.5194/acp-19-233-2019.
23. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2018. The Strengthening Relationship between Eurasian Snow Cover and December Haze Days in Central North China after the Mid-1990s. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 18(7): 4753-4763. doi: 10.5194/acp-18-4753-2018.
22. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2017. Role of Atmospheric Circulations in Haze Pollution in December 2016. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 17(18): 11673-11681. doi: 10.5194/acp-17-11673-2017.
21. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H J., 2017. Statistical Prediction of Winter Haze Days in the North China Plain Using the Generalized Additive Model. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 56: 2411–2419. doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-17-0013.1.
20. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., Chen, H. P., 2017. Understanding severe winter haze events in the North China Plain in 2014: roles of climate anomalies. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 17: 1641-1651. doi: 10.5194/acp-17-1641-2017.
19. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2016. The relationship between the subtropical Western Pacific SST and haze over North-Central North China Plain. International Journal of Climatology, 36: 3479-3491. doi: 10.1002/joc.4570.
18. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., 2016. Seasonal Prediction of Winter Haze Days in the North Central North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 16(23): 14843-14852. doi: 10.5194/acp-16-14843-2016.
17. Zhu, L. J., Wang, Y. F., Yin, Z. C., 2016. Relationship between tropical iso and tropical cyclone activity over the south china sea. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 22(3): 318-329. doi: 10.16555/j.1006-8775.2016.03.006.
16. Yin, Z. C.#, Wang, H. J., Guo, W. L., 2015. Climatic change features of fog and haze in winter over North China and Huang-Huai Area. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 58(8): 1370-1376. doi:10.1007/s11430-015-5089-3.
15. 尹志聪#,王会军,2015, 华北黄淮冬季霾年代际增多与东亚冬季风的减弱,科学通报,60(15): 1395-1400.
14. 尹志聪,郭文利,李乃杰,2015, 北京城市内涝积水的数值模拟,气象,41(9): 1111-1118.
13. Yin, Z C.#, Li, N. J., 2015. The Forecasting Application of Beijing Urban Waterlogging Risk Warning in 2012-2014. Env. and Eng,
12. 邓长菊, 郭文利, 尹志聪, 刘建忠, 2015, 烟花爆竹燃放气象指数, 气象科技, 43(4): 740-743.
11. 赵娜,尹志聪,吴方.2014, 北京一次持续性雾霾的特征及成因分析. 气象与环境学报, 30(5): 15-20.
10. Yin, Z. C., Zhu, L. J., Yuan, D. M., The North-South Anti-phase Distribution of Rainfall in Meiyu Periods and its Relationship with Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation in The Atmosphere,Journal of Tropical Meteorology,2014,20(2): 154-162.
9. 尹志聪,袁东敏,丁德平,谢庄,香山红叶变色日气象统计预测方法研究,气象,2014,40(2): 229-233.
8. 袁东敏,郭建平,尹志聪*. SRES B2 气候情景下东北玉米产量变化数值模拟,应用气象学报,2014,25(3): 284-292.
7. 李迅, 袁东敏, 尹志聪, 等. 2014. 2011 年长江中下游旱涝急转成因初步分析. 气候与环境研究, 19(1): 41–50.
6. Yin Z C, Li X, Wu F, Xie Z, 2014, Research on the application of Road Weather Stations on Expressway in China, Hydraulic Engineering II
5. 李迅,尹志聪*,丁德平,谢庄, 北京地区高速公路道面结冰特征及气象条件,应用气象学报,2012,23(5): 578-584.
4. 祝丽娟, 王亚非, 尹志聪. 2012. 热带MJO和ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋影响研究综述. 气象科技, 2012, 40(1): 65-73.
3. Wang, Y. , Xu, X. , Lupo, A. R. , Li, P. , & Yin, Z. . (2011). The remote effect of the tibetan plateau on downstream flow in early summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116(D19), -.
2. 尹志聪,王亚非,袁东敏,梅雨准双周振荡的年际变化及其前期强信号分析,大气科学学报,2011,34(3): 297-304.
1. 尹志聪,王亚非,江淮夏季降水季节内振荡和海气背景场的关系, 大气科学,2011,35(3): 495-505.