Prof. Dr. Zhi-Guo Yu Email: zhiguo.yu AT nuist.edu.cn Ecohydrology & Eco-meteorology Group, HOME PAGE/个人主页 :Click (点击这里) |
University of Bayreuth
2016.9 -- 至今
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology Dept. Hydrometeorology Professor
2015.9 -- 2016.9
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology Dept. Hydrometeorology Lecturer
2014.3 -- 2015.8
University of Münster Institute of Landscape Ecology Research Associate
2011.4 -- 2014.3
University of Bayreuth Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research Bayreuth Research Associate
2010.7 -- 2011.2
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Division of Life Science Research Associate
2009.9 -- 2010.7
Sun Yat-sen University School of Environmental Science and Engineering Research Associate
2006.5 -- 2008.7
Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecological Process Research Associate
中国生态学会污染生态专委会委员;《应用生态学报》编委;《地球环境学报》青年编委;《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》等英文期刊客座编辑;
1. Application of spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques characterizing chemical speciation of elements in DOM and redox properties of DOM, mechanisms and rate of reaction...
2. Biogeochemical processes for interaction of Sulfur-DOM-Iron under anaerobic condition (sediment, peatlands)
3. Redox properties of DOM (dissolved organic matter) in temporarily/permanently anoxic environmental systems (Peatlands, Sediments, Soils)
4. The role of redox transformations of humic substances for anaerobic electron flow and trace gas emissions in peatlands
5. The impact of groundwater inflow on biogeochemical processes and the surface water quality of Eutrophic lakes in Eastern China, e.g. lake Tai and lake Chao
6. The impact of drought, flooding and water transport on carbon, sulfur and iron transformations and carbon fluxes in Chinese and German peatlands/Lakes
团队名称:Laboratory of Hydrometeorology&Ecohydrology
团队介绍:The research group focuses on interactions between hydrological processes and Carbon, Sulfur, iron and trace metal cycling and transformations in wetlands and lake. To this end we quantify elemental fluxes and identify and characterize biogeochemical and geochemical processes with chemical-analytical techniques. Mathematical Simulation models and statistical tools are applied in a supportive way to characterize system dynamics and to analyze the interaction of physical, chemical and biological processes. The derived knowledge is used to elucidate the effect of environmental change on freshwater ecosystems on different spatial and temporal scales.