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研究员 博士生导师 硕士生导师

教师拼音名称:zeng gang







  • 基本信息
  • 个人简介
  • 近期主要论著
  • 近期科研项目
  • 姓       名:  曾刚

    出生年月:  1973年11月

    国       籍:  中国

    性       别:  男

    导       师:  孙照渤教授,Prof.Wei-Chyung Wang

    职       称:  研究员

    最高学历:  博士

    研究方向:  东亚季风、极端天气气候事件、气候变化

    办公地点:  气象楼405

    邮       箱:  zenggang@nuist.edu.cn

    主讲课程:  短期气候预测基础、现代气候学、海-陆-气相互作用、专业英语

    主要研究领域:  东亚季风年代际变化、海-气相互作用、极端天气气候事件、气候变化评估与预估

  • 荣誉获奖:  

    2023年,“Future Changes in Extreme High Temperature over China at 
            1.5°C–5°C Global Warming Based on CMIP6 Simulations”论文
            获“2023 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Esteemed Paper Prize”
    2013年,“Atmospheric circulation cells associated with anomalous East 
            Asian winter monsoon”论文获南京市第十届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(第一完成人)




  • (#学生,*通讯作者)


    [145] Chen Chen#,  Zeng Gang*, Tao Yining, Datti Dalhatu Aminu, Zhang Jie. 2025. Possible influence of the preceding October sea ice over the Greenland Sea on the Indian summer monsoon rainfall.   (Submitted)

    [144] Chen Chen#,  Zeng Gang*, Tao Yining, Datti Dalhatu Aminu. 2025. Enhanced relationship between preceding autumn-winter sea ice over Greenland Sea and following Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall after early-2000s.  (Submitted)

    [143] Zhou Xiaoying#,  Zeng Gang*,Yang Xiaoye,Datti Dalhatu Aminu, Lin Zhaohui, Zhang Jingyong. 2025. Influences of soil moisture anomalies over northern Eurasia on two types of summer heat waves over Northeast Asia. Climate Dynamics. (Submitted)

    [142] Huang Kaidi#,  Zeng Gang*,Datti Dalhatu Aminu, Dong Changming. 2025. Influence of the East Asia-Pacific and Eurasian teleconnection on the summer marine heatwaves in the Japan/East Sea. Weather and Climate Extremes. (Submitted)  

    [141] 钟诗雅#,曾刚*倪东鸿,施健. 2025. PDO/AMO对ENSO与前后冬东亚冬季风年际关系的年代际调制. 大气科学学报. (已录用)

    [140] 黄凯迪#,曾刚*. 2025. 影响日本海夏季海洋热浪事件的主要大气环流型及其可能机理. 大气科学学报. (已录用)

    [139] Zhang Shiyue#,  Zeng Gang*, Chen Chen, Chen Deliang. 2025. Mechanisms behind consecutive extreme cold spells in Eurasia: Insights from 2023 and historical analysis. Climate Dynamics. (Accepted)

    [138] 顾稷泰#曾刚*,李忠贤. 2025. 夏季热带太平洋海表温度与北极海冰年际关系的年代际变化. 地球物理学进展, 40(1): 0001-0010. doi: 10.6038/pg2025II0163. 

    [137] Chen Chen#,  Zeng Gang*,Datti Dalhatu Aminu. 2025. Impact of sea ice over the Greenland sea on the Indian ocean dipole mode during boreal autumn.  Geophysical Research Letters, 52,e2024GL114000. doi: 10.1029/2024GL114000


    [136] Datti Dalhatu Aminu#,  Zeng Gang*, Monerie Paul-Arthur, Oo Than Kyaw, Chen Chen. 2025. A review of the Arctic-West African monsoon:How Arctic sea ice deline influences monsoon system. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. doi: 10.1007/s00704-024-05255-5.

    [135] Zhang Shiyue#,  Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Li Zhongxian. 2024. Warming of mid-latitude North Atlantic sea surface temperature strengthens the daily variability of winter PM2.5 in eastern China. Environmental Research Letters, 19, 094028. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad6a28. 

    [134] 李忠贤,王庭轩,曾刚,邓伟涛. 2024. 秋季北大西洋马蹄型海温异常与初冬我国气温年际变化的联系. 大气科学,48(3): 1131-1143. doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2209.22106.

    [133] Zhang Shiyue#,  Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Lin Zhaohui. 2024. Potential impacts of reduced winter Kara Sea ice on the dipole pattern of cold surge frequency over the tropical western Pacific. Environmental Research Letters, 19, 064047. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad4c7f.

    [132] Gu Jitai#,  Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Datti Dalhatu Aminu. 2024.  Interdecadal variations in the interannnual relationship between winter tropical Pacific SST and subsequent summer Arctic sea ice in early 2000s.  International Journal of Climatology. doi: 10.1002/joc.8489.

    [131] Datti Dalhatu Aminu#,  Zeng Gang*, Tarnavsky Elena, Cornforth Rosalind, Abudullahi Ahmad Bello, Anselem Onyejuruwa. 2024. Evaluation of satellite-based rainfall estimates against rain gauge observations across agro-climatic zones of Nigeria, West Africa.  Remote Sensing,16,1755. doi: 10.3390/rs16101755. 

    [130] Li Fangyu#,  Zeng Gang*Zhang Shiyue, Hamadlnel Monzer. 2024. Connection between Barents sea ice in May and early summer monsoon rainfall in the South China Sea and its possible mechanism. Atmosphere, 15, 433. doi: 10.3390/atmos15040433. 

    [129] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Zhang Shiyue, Iyakaremye Vedaste, Shen Cheng, Wang Wei-Chyung, Chen Deliang. 2024. Phase-locked Rossby wave-4 dominates the 2022-like concurrent heat extreme across the Northern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107106. doi: 10.1029/2023GL107106.  

    [128] Zhang Shiyue#,  Zeng Gang*,Yang Xiaoye,Wang Tijian. 2024. Opposite trends of cold surges over South China Sea and Philippines Sea and their different impacts on PM2.5 in eastern China. Science of The Total Environment. 908: 168454. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168454.


    [127] 吴昊宸,朱彬*,房宸蔚,周顺武,曾刚,章炎麟,廖宏. 2023. 硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶影响南海夏季风爆发的数值模拟研究数值模拟研究. 大气科学,47(6): 1955-1966.

    [126] Dong Xiao#,  Zeng Gang*, Zhang Guwei*Yang Xiaoye. 2023. Current AMO mitigating extreme high temperature in Central Asia under global warming. International Journal of Climatology. doi: 10.1002/joc.8066. 

    [125] Zhang Shiyue#Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2023. Two leading patterns of winter PM2.5 variations in eastern China before the outbreak of cold surge and their causes. Atmospheric Research, 287, 106696. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106696.

    [124] Chen Peng#,  Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2023. Comparison of atmospheric circulation anomalies between daytime and nighttime extreme high temperature in North China. Atmosphere, 14(3), 495. doi: 10.3390/atmos14030495. 


    [123] Zhang Shiyue#,  Zeng Gang*, Wang Tijian, Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2022. Three dominant synoptic atmospheric circulation patterns influencing severe winter haze in eastern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 16017-16030. doi: 10.5194/acp-22-16017-2022. 

    [122] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Wang Wei-Chyung, Iyakaremye Vedaste, Zhang Shiyue. 2022. Asymmetry in Arctic summer onset and ending: Role of sea-ice melting. Environmental Research Letters, 17. 114039, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac9dad.

    [121] 白寒冰#曾刚*. 2022. 1990s和2000s华北寒潮的对比及其与北极海冰的联系. 气候与环境研究, 27(3): 368-382. 

    [120] 吴越#曾刚*, 杨效业,李忠贤. 2022. Ningaloo Nino/Nina 与华南冬季降水异常的联系. 气象科学, 42(1): 24-32. 

    [119] Zhang Guwei#Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2022.Two spatial types of North China heatwaves and their possible links to Barents-Kara Seas ice changes.  International Journal of Climatology, 42: 6876-6889. doi: 10.1002/JOC.7617.

    [118] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Iyakaremye Vedaste, Zhu Bin. 2022. Effects of different types of heat wave days on ozone pollution over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its future projection.  Science of Total Environment. 837,155762. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155762.

    [117] Zhang Shiyue#,  Zeng Gang*, Wang Tijian, Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2022. Interannual relationship between the displacement and intensity of East Asian jet stream and the haze over eastern China in winter. Science of Total Environment. 829, 154672. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154672.

    [116] Zhang Shiyue#,Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste, Hao Zhixin. 2022. Connection between interannual variation of spring precipitation in Northeast China and preceding winter sea ice over the Barents sea.  International Journal of Climatology, 42(3): 1922-1936. doi: 10.1002/joc.7343.

    [115] Tang Yue#Zeng Gang*,  Yang Xiaoye, Iyakaremye Vedaste, Li Zhongxian. 2022. Intraseasonal oscillation of summer extreme high temperature in Northeast China and associated atmospheric circulatin anomalies. Atmosphere, 13, 387. doi: 10.3390/atmos14030387.

    [114] Iyakaremye Vedaste#Zeng Gang*Ullah Irfan, Gahigi Aimable, Mumo Richard, Ayugi Brian. 2022. Recent observed changes in extreme high-temperature events and associated meteorological conditions over Africa. International Journal of Climatology, 42(9): 4522-4537. doi: 10.1002/joc7485


    [113] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*,Zhang Shiyue, Wang Wei-Chyung, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2021. Cold anomaly over Nova Zembla-Ural Mountains: A precursor for the summer long-lived heat wave in Northeast Asia? Geophysical Research Letters, 48,e2021GL095563. doi: 10.1029/2021GL095563.

    [112] Zhang Shiyue# Zeng Gang*Yang Xiaoye, Wu Ruixi, Yin Zhicong. 2021. Comparision of influence between two types of cold surge on haze dispersion in Eastern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 15185-15197. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-15185-2021.

    [111] Ge Hangcheng#Zeng Gang*,Iyakaremye Vedaste,Yang Xiaoye, Wang Zongming. 2021. Comparison of atmospheric circulation anomalies between dry and wet extreme high-temperature days in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yellow River. Atmosphere, 12,1265.  doi: 10.3390/atmos12101265. 

    [110] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Zhang Guwei, Li Jingwei, Li Zhongxian, Hao Zhixin. 2021. Interdecadal variations of different types of summer heatwaves in Northeast China and their possible relationships with AMO and PDO. Journal of Climate, 34(18): 7783-7797.  doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0939.1 

    [109] Zhang Guwei#Zeng Gang*, Liang Xinzhong*, Huang Cunrui. 2021. Increasing heat risk in China's urban agglomerations.  Environmental Research Letters. 16, 064073. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac046e.

    [108] Iyakaremye Vedaste#Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, et al. 2021. Increased high-temperature extremes and assoicated population exposure in Africa by the mid-21st century. Science of Total Environment. 790, 148162. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148162.

    [107] Iyakaremye Vedaste#Zeng Gang*, Siebert Asher, Yang Xiaoye. 2021. Contribution of external forcings to the observed trend in surface temperature over Africa during 1901-2014 and its projection from CMIP6 simulations. Atmospheric Research. 254: 105512. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105512.

    [106] 李经纬#曾刚*,杨效业,张顾炜. 2021. 中国东北夏季极端高温的分类及其与北大西洋海表温度异常的联系. 大气科学学报,44(2): 302-313. 

    [105] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*,Zhang Guwei, Li Chun. 2021. Linkage between interannual variation of winter cold surge over East Asia and Autumn sea ice over the Barents sea. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,144(1): 339-351. doi: 10.1007/s00704-021-03545-9.

    [104] 吴瑞曦#曾刚*,杨效业,张顾炜. 2021. 中国北方盛夏高温日数的年代际变化特征及其与蒙古高原土壤湿度的联系. 地球物理学进展, 36(1):78-87.

    [103] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Zhang Shiyue, Hao Zhixin, Iyakaremye Vedaste. 2021. Relationship between two types of heat waves in northern East Asia and temperature anomalies in Eastern Europe. Environmental Research Letters. 16, 024048. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abdc8a

    [102] Iyakaremye Vedaste#Zeng Gang*, Zhang Guwei. 2021. Changes in Extreme Temperature over Africa when Global Warming stabilized at 1.5℃ and 2.0℃. International Journal of Climatology, 41(2): 1506-1524.  doi: 10.1002/joc.6868

    [101] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Zhang Guwei, Iyakaremye Vedaste, Xu Ying. 2021. Future Projection of Winter Cold Surge Paths over East Asia from CMIP6 Models. International Journal of Climatology, 41(2): 1230-1245.  doi: 10.1002/joc.6797

    [100] Xu Bei, Chen Haishan, Gao Chujie, Zeng Gang, Huang Qinghan. 2021. Abnormal change in spring snowmelt over Eurasia and its linkage to the East Asian summer monsoon: The hydrological effect of snow cover.  Frontiers in Earth Science. 8: 594656. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.594656. 

    [99] Zhang Guwei#Zeng Gang*, Yang Xiaoye, Jiang Zhihong. 2021. Future changes in Extreme high temperature over China at 1.5℃-5℃ global warming based on CMIP6 simulations. Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 38(2): 253-267. doi: 10.1007/s00376-020-0182-8


    [98] Huang Man#, Li Jiandong*Zeng Gang, Xie Yongkun. 2020. Rapid Changes in Cloud Radiative Effects and Top-of-atmosphere Radiation Budget Associated with the South China Sea Monsoon Onset. Journal of Meteorogical Research. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34(6): 1167-1182.  doi: 10.1007/s13351-020-0018-6.

    [97] Zhang Guwei#, Zeng Gang*, Iyakaremye  Vedaste, You Qinglong. 2020. Regional Changes of Extreme Heat Events in China when Global Warming stabilized at 1.5℃ and 2.0℃. Advances in Climate Change Research, 11(3): 198-209.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accre.2020.08.003. 

    [96] 王会军, 唐国利, 陈海山, 吴绍洪, 效存德, 姜大膀, 周波涛, 孙建奇, 段明铿, 徐影, 罗勇,杨晓光, 王凡, 康世昌, 王毅, 高清竹, 左军成, 张元明, 魏伟, 郑景云, 王国庆, 高学杰, 李宁, 刘传玉, 曾晓东, 鲍艳松, 张弛, 曾刚, 孙博, 黄艳艳, 尹志聪, 张杰, 俞淼, 陈活泼, 祝亚丽, 马洁华, 燕青, 郭东林, 张颖, 高雅, 吴通华, 刘慧, 谭显春, 尹云鹤, 于仁成, 黄海军, 2020: “一带一路”区域气候变化事实、影响及可能风险, 大气科学学报, 43(1): 1-9. 

    [95] Yang Xiaoye#Zeng Gang*, Zhang Guwei, Li Zhongxian. 2020. Interdecadal Variation of Winter Cold Surge Path in East Asia and Its Relationship with Arctic Sea Ice.  Journal of Climate, 33: 4907-4925. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0151.1

    [94] Zhang Guwei#, Zeng Gang*, Li Chun, Yang Xiaoye. 2020. Impact of PDO and AMO on Interdecadal Variability in Extreme High Temperatures in North China Over the Most Recent Forty-Year Period. Climate Dynamics,54(5):3003-3020. doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05155-z

    [93] Nyongesa M. Aston#, Zeng Gang*, Ongoma Victor. 2020. Hidden Markov Model for Downscaling of Short Rains Occurrence in Kenya. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 139(3): 1333-1347. Doi: 10.1007/s00704-019-03016-2.


    [92] 李忠贤, 余滔, 曾刚, 邓伟涛, 王健治, 吴玲玲. 2019. 夏季大西洋Niño基本特征及其与中国夏季降水异常的联系. 大气科学学报, 42(6):835-844.

    [91] Xu Bei., Chen Haishan, Gao Chujie, Zeng Zeng, Sun Shanlei, Ma Hedi, Hua Wenjian. 2019 Decadal intensification of local thermal feedback of summer soil moisture over north China. Theor. Appl. Climatol.,doi:10.1007/s00704-019-02918-5.

    [90] Li Zhongxian, He Ping, Zhu Jieshun, Chen Haishan, Zeng Gang, Deng Weitao. 2019. Improving the simulation of East Asian summer monsoon with mesoscale enhancement in an AGCM. Climate Dynamics, 53(1-2):225-236. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4580-x. 

    [89] Bai Mengxin, Zheng Jingyun, Hao Zhixin, Zhang Xuezhen, Zeng Gang. 2019. Hydroclimate patterns over the Northerns Hemisphere when megadroughts occurred in North China during the last millennium. Climate Change, 157(3-4): 365-385. doi: 10.1007/s10584-019-02580-w.

    [88] 李忠贤, 于怡秋,  邓伟涛, 曾刚, 吴玲玲. 2019. 春季北大西洋三极型海温异常变化及其与NAO和ENSO的联系. 气象科学, 39(6):721-730.

    [87] 张莹,王锦杰,曾刚,等. 2019. 夏季南亚高压年代际变化及其对长江中下游降水的影响. 长江流域资源与环境, 28(7): 1663-1673.

    [86] Cai Bo#, Zeng Gang*, Zhang Guwei, Li zhongxian. 2019.  Autumn Cold Surge Paths over North China and the Associated Atmospheric Circulation. Atmosphere, 2019, 10(3),134, doi: 10.3390/atmos10030134.

    [85] Li Jiandong, Wang Wei-Chyung, Mao Jiangyu, Zeng Gang, Chen Guoxing. 2019. Persistent spring cloud shortwave radiative effect and the associated circulations over southeastern China. J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0385.1.

    [84] Hu Weiwei#, Zhang Guwei, Zeng Gang*, Li Zhongxian. 2019. Changes in Extreme Low Temperature over Northern China Under 1.5℃ and 2.0℃ Warmer Future Scenarios. Atmosphere, 10(1), doi:10.3390/atmos10010001.

    [83] 李忠贤, 陈晨, 曾刚, 邓伟涛, 吴玲玲.  2019. 春季热带大西洋北部海温异常与我国盛夏降水异常的联系. 热带气象学报, 35(6):756-766.

    [82] 王涛#曾刚*,伯忠凯,李忠贤. 2019. 不同海域海表温度强迫对东亚夏季风环流潜在可预报性的影响. 地球物理学进展. 34(4): 1341–1350. doi:10.6038/pg2019CC0133.


    [81] 金爱浩#曾刚*,余晔,邓伟涛,李忠贤. 2018. 南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压经纬向位置配置对中国东部夏季降水的影响. 热带气象学报,34(6):806-818.

    [80] 李忠贤,范倩莹,曾刚,邓伟涛. 2018. 盛夏南海低空越赤道气流变化与东亚夏季风的联系. 热带气象学报, 34(3):339-346.

    [79] 白寒冰#曾刚*. 2018. 热带太平洋外海气耦合作用对东亚夏季风年代际变化的可能影响. 地球物理学进展,33(3):0909-0915.


    [78] 孙照渤,王宗明,曾刚. 2017. 基于气流轨迹模式的西北地区强冷空气特征研究. 郑州大学学报(理学版),4(4): 132-138.

    [77] 曾刚*,高琳慧. 2017. 华南秋季干旱的年代际转折及其与热带印度洋热含量的关系. 大气科学学报, 40(5): 596-608.

    [76] Wang Lin, Chen Wen, Huang Gang, Zeng gang . 2017. Changes of the transitional climate zone in East Asia: past and future. Clim Dyn, 49: 1463-1477. DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3400-4

    [75] Wang Zongming, Sun Zhaobo, Zeng Gang. 2017. Characteristics of Strong Cold Air Outbreaks in China’s Central and Eastern Mongolian Region between 1970 and 2013. Atmosphere, 8, 98; doi:10.3390/atmos8060098.

    [74] 王宗明,孙照渤,曾刚. 2017. 1970_2013年中国东北地区强冷空气活动特征. 信阳师范学院学报,30(3): 407-411.

    [73] 周璐#,徐世明,曾刚. 2017. 20 世纪 90 年代以来北极海冰减少的热动力分析—基于PIOMAS 模式结果. 大气科学, 41 (1): 57-70.

    [72] 伯忠凯#曾刚*,武英娇,李忠贤,史丹妮. 2017. 华南夏季降水20世纪90年代初的年代际变化及其与南亚高压关系. 海洋气象学报,37(2): 65-73.

    [71] 唐孟琪#曾刚*. 2017. 近30多年中国东北地区春季寒潮的年代际变化及其可能原因. 气候与环境研究,22(4): 473-486

    [70] Zhang Ying, Zhu Jieshun, Li Zhongxian, Chen Haishan, Zeng Gang. 2017. Sea surface temperature predictions using a multi-ocean analysis ensemble scheme. Climate Dynamics, 48(3): 1049-1058. doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3100-0.


    [69] 黄悦#曾刚*,唐慧琴. 2016. 不同外强迫对20世纪全球季风降水变化趋势的影响—NCAR CCSM3.0模式结果分析. 地球物理学进展, 31(6): 2360-2369.

    [68]  唐慧琴#曾刚*,黄悦. 2016. BCC_CSM1.1(m)模式对热带太平洋潜热通量的模拟评估. 应用气象学报, 27(4):463-472.

    [67] 曾刚*,张顾炜,武英娇,孙照渤. 2016. 海表温度异常对南亚高压年代际变化影响的数值模拟. 气象科学,36(4): 436-446.

    [66] 吴丹晖#曾刚. 2016. 近20a孟加拉湾海表温度变化对南海夏季风爆发早晚的影响. 气象科学, 36(3): 358-363.

    [65] 张顾炜#曾刚*,倪东鸿,周国兵.2016. 西南地区秋季干旱的年代际转折及其可能原因分析.大气科学,39(6):311-323.


    [64] 曾刚*,武英娇,张顾炜,倪东鸿,董新宁. 2015. 1990年以来重庆秋季年代际干旱及其可能成因,大气科学学报,38(5): 620-632.


    [63]Zeng Gang, Wang Wei-Chyung, Shen Caiming, Hao Zhixin. 2014. Summer precipitation changes over the Yangtze River valley and North China: Simulations from CMIP3 models. Asian-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science,50(3):355-364, doi:10.1007/s13143-014-0022-9.

    [62] 史贵涛, 孙波,曾刚,等. 2014. 南半球环状模与南极冰芯中气候信息关联研究综述. 极地研究, 26(3): 352-361.

    [61]李忠贤, 何鹏, 倪东鸿, 曾刚, 邓伟涛. 2014. 阵风效应对冬季北太平洋涛动年际变化模拟效果的影响. 大气科学学报, 37(2):155-162.

    [60] Ni Donghong, Sun Zhaobo, Li Zhongxian, Zeng Gang, Deng Weitao. 2014. Characterics of Middle East Stream during seasonal transition and its relation with Indian summer monsoon onset.  Journal of Tropical Metoorology, 20(3):208-217.

    [59]Gao Chu-jie, Chen Hai-shan, XuBei, Zeng Gang. 2014 Possible relationship among South China Sea SSTA, soil moisture anomalies in southwestand summer precipitation in Eastern China. Journal of Tropical Metoorology, 20(3): 228-235.


    [58]Zeng Gang*, Sun Zhaobo, Deng Weitao, Lin zhaohui, Li Chunhui. 2013. Numerical simulation of SSTA impacts upon the interdecadal variation of the cross-equatorial flows in Eastern Hemisphere. J. Trop. Meteor., 19(3): 223-232.

    [57]曾刚*,伯忠凯,孙照渤,倪东鸿. 2013. 海表温度异常影响东亚夏季风年代际变化的数值模拟.大气科学学报,36(3):286-296.

    [56]曾刚*,伯忠凯,倪东鸿,李忠贤. 2013. 多套大气再分析资料的南亚高压强度变化特征及其与海表温度异常关系的比较分析.大气科学学报,36(5):577-585.

    [55]Li Chun, Zeng Gang. 2013. Impacts o f ENSO on a autumn rainfall over Yellow River loop valley in observation: possible mechanism and stability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118: 3110-3119, doi: 10.1002/jdrd.50264.

    [54]Shen Caiming, Wang Wei-Chyung, Zeng Gang, et al. 2013.  Rates of global temperature change during the past millennium. Climate Research, 57:11-18.  doi: 10.3354/cr01159

    [53]邱博,李亚春,曾刚. 2013. 冬季东亚副热带西风急流变化及其与海表温度的关系. 气象科学,2013,33(4): 400-407.

    [52]李忠贤,孙照渤,倪东鸿,曾刚,邓伟涛. 2013. 北大西洋海温异常影响中东急流的观测分析和数值试验.热带气象学报, 29(1):83-92.

    [51]李忠贤,倪东鸿,曾刚. 2013. 土壤湿度对中国西北地区夏季气候年际变率模拟效果的影响.解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 14(3):329-336.

    [50]倪东鸿,孙照渤,李忠贤,曾刚,邓伟涛. 2013. 中东急流的季节转变特征及与印度夏季风爆发早晚的关系.热带气象学报, 29(1):7-16.

    [49]高楚杰、陈海山,许蓓,曾刚.2013. 南海海温和西南地区土壤湿度异常与我国东部夏季降水的可能联系.热带气象学报,29(1): 75-82.


    [48]Zeng Gang, Wang Wei-Chyung, Shen Caiming. 2012. Assocation of the rainy-season precipitation with low-level meridional wind in the Yangtze RiverValley and North China. Journal of Climate, 25(2): 792-799, doi: 10. 1175/JCLI-D-10-05027.1.

    [47]李忠贤,陈海山,倪东鸿,曾刚. 2012. 土壤湿度对东亚夏季气候潜在可预报性影响的数值模拟.大气科学学报, 35(4):423-430.

    [46]Shen Caiming, Wang Wei-Chyung, Zeng Gang. Decadal Variability in Snow Cover over the   Tibetan Plateau during the last two centuries. Geophysical Research Letters, 2011, 38, L10703, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047288.

    [45]Wang Xuezhong, Sun Zhaobo, Hu Banghui, Tan Yanke, Zeng Gang. Relationship between Arctic sea ice thickness distribution and climate of. ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 2012, 26(2): 189-204.

    [44]张韧,徐志新,黄志松,曾刚,申双和. 2012. 非对称信息扩散理论模型及其小样本灾害事件影响评估. 地球科学进展,27(11):1229-1235.


    [43]Zeng Gang*, Wang Wei-Chyung, Sun Zhaobo,Li Zhongxian. 2011. Atmospheric circulation cells associated with anomalous East Asian winter monsoon,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28(4):913-926, doi: 10.1007/s00376-010-0100-6.

    [42]曾刚*,孙照渤,邓伟涛,林朝晖,李春晖.2011.不同海域SSTA对东半球越赤道气流年代际变化影响的数值模拟研究, 热带气象学报, 27(5): 609-618.


    [41]曾刚*,孙照渤,林朝晖,倪东鸿. 2010.不同海域海表温度异常对西北太平洋副热带高压年代际变化影响的数值模拟研究, 大气科学, 34(2): 307-322.

    [40]Zeng Gang*, Yu Ying, Li Zhongxian, Deng Weitao, Li Chunhui.2010. Interdecadal Variability of East Asian summer monsoon: the roles of sea surface temperature and direct Atmoshperic Radiative Forcings, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Application of Matthematics and Physics, 48-63, 8-9 May, 2010, Nanjing, China.

    [39]Zeng Gang*, Yu Ying, Zhou Guobing, Li Chunhui. 2010. Roles of tropical Indain-Pacific oceans SSTs in the interdecadal Variability of East Asian summer monsoon: A modeling study. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Digtial Manufacuring & Automation, 329-332, Doi 10.1109/ICDMA.2010.368,18-20 Dec,2010, Changsha, China.

    [38]Shen Caiming, Wang Wei-Chyung, Zeng Gang. 2011.Decadal Variability in Snow Cover over the Tibetan Plateau during the last two centuries. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L10703, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047288.

    [37]李忠贤,陈海山,曾刚,倪东鸿. 2011. 海温强迫下的东亚夏季大气环流潜在可预报性特征.大气科学学报, 34(3):281-287.

    [36]潘敖大,李忠贤,倪东鸿,曾刚. 2011.  欧洲冬季500 hPa环流异常及与中国气候异常的关系. 气象科学,  31(2): 129-134.

    [35]倪东鸿,潘敖大,孙照渤,李忠贤,曾刚. 2011. 中东急流的季节变化特征及其与热力影响的关系. 大气科学学报, 34(2):135-145.


    [34]曾刚*,孙照渤,林朝晖,朱艳峰,李春晖.2009.东亚夏季风的自然变率-NCAR Cam3模拟结果分析,大气科学学报,32(4): 498-506.

    [33]Zeng Gang*,Wang Wei-Chyung,Sun Zhaobo, Lin Zhaohui. 2009. Natural variability of East Asian summer monsoon simulated by NCAR Cam3 model. Proc. of SPIE, Vol.7454, 74541A,doi: 10.1117/12.825428.


    [31]岳彩军,寿绍文,曾刚,王咏青. 2009.“海棠”台风(2005)雨强差异成因分析,气象科学, 30(1): 1-7.

    [30]李忠贤,孙照渤,倪东鸿,曾刚. 2009. 北太平洋海平面气压场变化与海温的关系.大气科学学报, 32(5):637-644.

    [29]邓伟涛,孙照渤,曾刚,倪东鸿.2009. 中国东部夏季降水型的年代际变化及其与北太平洋海温的关系,大气科学,33(4):835-846.

    [28]Xu Zhongfeng, Zeng Gang, Fu congbin. 2009. Global and Regional impacts of vegetation on the Hydrological cycle and energy budget as represented by the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3), Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(2): 85-90.

    [27]谭桂容,朱伟军,曾刚,孙照渤,彭丽霞. Possible influence of stratospheric circulation on January surface air temperature over, Proc. of SPIE, 2009, Vol.7456, 745612, doi: 10.1117/12.825852.

    [26]Ni Donghong, Sun Zhaobo, Chen Haishan, Zhu Weijun, Zeng Gang. Spatial/temporal features of SSTA in Kuroshio and its relations to atmospheric circulation, Proc. of SPIE, 2009, Vol. 7454, 745419, doi: 10.1117/12.825422.

    [25]王黎娟,管兆勇,于波,曾刚,何金海.  Effects of diabatic heating on the short-term position variation of the west Pacific subtropical high during persistent heavy rain event in South China, Proc. of SPIE, 2009.

    [24]管兆勇,于波,王黎娟,何洁琳,曾刚. Features of the short-term position variation of the West Pacific subtropical high during the torrential rain in Yangtze-Huaihe river valley and its possible cause, Proc. of SPIE, 2009.

    [23]刘向文,孙照渤,顾宗伟,邓伟涛,曾刚. 2009.我国东部季风区夏季持续非绝热加热的特征分析和数值试验, 大气科学, 33(1): 71-80.

    [22]刘向文,孙照渤,倪东鸿,邓伟涛,曾刚,谭桂容.2009.澳洲冷空气活动的季节内和年际变化特征, 南京气象学院学报, 32(1): 24-31.

    [21]谢再红, 孙照渤,曾刚,陈海山.2009.平流层环状模的分类特征及其与对流层的关系, 气象科学, 29(4): 489-506.


    [20]张宁, 孙照渤, 曾刚. 2008. 1955~2005年中国极端气温的变化. 南京气象学院学报, 31(1): 123-128.

    [19]岳彩军, 寿绍文, 曾刚, 王咏青. 2008.“海棠”(Haitang)台风降水非对称分布成因初步研究, 高原气象, 27(6): 1333-1342

    [18]岳彩军, 陆维松, 曾刚, 王咏青.2008. 1997/1998 El Nino 事件的热力学诊断分析. 气象科学, 28(5): 473-479.

    [17]岳彩军, 寿亦萱, 寿绍文, 曾刚, 王咏青. 2008. 各非地转Q矢量之间的定量比较. 高原气象, 27(3): 608-618.


    [16]Zeng Gang*, Sun Zhaobo, Wang Wei-Chyung, Min Jinzhong. 2007. Interdecadal variability of East Asian summer monsoon and associated atmospheric circulation. Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(5): 915-926.

    [15]曾刚*, 孙照渤, 王维强, 林朝晖, 倪东鸿. 2007. 东亚夏季风年代际变化—基于全球观测海表温度驱动NCAR Cam3的模拟结果分析. 气候与环境研究, 12(2): 211-224.

    [14]Yu Zhengshou,SunZhaobo, Ni Donghong, Zeng Gang. 2007. Effects of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over Eastern China, Part II: Numerical simulations. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 13(2): 113-119.

    [13]Yu Zhengshou,SunZhaobo, Ni Donghong,Zeng Gang. 2007. Effects of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over Eastern China, Part I: Observational analysis. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 13(2): 105-112.

    [12]李忠贤,陈建萍,倪东鸿,曾刚. 2007. 太平洋湍流热通量异常与中国夏季降水年代际变化. 气象与减灾研究, 30(2):6-12.

    [11]岳彩军,寿亦萱,寿绍文,曾刚,王咏青. 2007. 湿Q矢量释用技术及其在定量降水预报中的应用. 应用气象学报,18(5): 666-675.

    [10]徐文明,孙照渤,曾刚,邓伟涛. 2007.长江中下游夏季降水及其与全球热通量的关系. 南京气象学院学报, 30(1): 26-33.


    [9]曾刚*,孙照渤,倪东鸿,陈海山.2006.赤道太平洋次表层要素变化特征及其与表面风应力关系. 南京气象学院学报, 29(2): 145-150.

    [8]陈海山,倪东鸿,李忠贤,曾刚. 2006. 植被覆盖异常变化影响陆面状况的数值模拟. 南京气象学院学报, 29(6): 725-734.


    [7]余贞寿, 孙照渤, 曾刚. 2005. 太平洋SSTA对中国东部夏季降水的影响 II—数值模拟. 热带气象学报, 2005, 21(5): 478-487.

    [6]余贞寿, 孙照渤, 曾刚. 2005.太平洋SSTA对中国东部夏季降水的影响 I—观测分析, 热带气象学报, 2005, 21(5): 467-477.

    [5]Li Zhongxian, Sun Zhaobo, Ni Donghong, Zeng Gang. 2005.Impacts of previous winter Kuroshio SSTA on summer rainfall in. Acta Meteorologica Sinica,19(1): 76-82.

    [4]闵锦忠, 孙照渤, 曾刚, 高庆九.2005. 全球海气耦合模式系统(NIM/COAMS)Ⅰ.一种新的再分析同步耦合方案. 南京气象学院学报, 28(5): 601-608.

    [3]秦正坤, 孙照渤, 曾刚. 2005. 冬季风风场持续异常对黑潮流域影响的数值模拟. 南京气象学院学报, 28(3): 302-307


    [2]曾刚*, 孙照渤, 闵锦忠.2004.冬季戴维斯海峡的海冰年代际变化与大气环流关系. 南京气象学院学报, 2004, 27(4): 511-518.


    [1]曾刚*, 孙照渤,闵锦忠. 2001.冬季戴维斯海峡的海冰面积年际变化与东亚气候关系研究.  南京气象学院学报, 24(4): 476-482.

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