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- 近期科研项目
姓 名: 张文君
国 籍: 中国
性 别: 男
导 师: Fei-Fei Jin教授、李建平教授 (博士);周天军研究员、宇如聪研究员 (硕士)
职 称: 教授
研究方向: ENSO动力学、大尺度海气相互作用动力学、东亚气候变异及模拟
办公地点: 气象楼705室
邮 箱: zhangwj@nuist.edu.cn
主讲课程: 动力气象学、ENSO动力学、流体力学、气候动力学、高等大气动力学(研究生)
主要研究领域: 主要从事大尺度海-气相互作用动力学研究,尤其关注热带太平洋ElNino-SouthernOscillation(ENSO)动力学,及其在区域气候影响和全球气候变化中的作用。
2024 气象教育培训委员会副主任委员2023 江苏省海洋与气候变化专业委员会副主任委员
2023 《高原气象》编委
2023 《大气科学学报》编委
2022 《气象科学》编委
2022 IAMAS-CNC青年工作组委员
2021 《干旱气象》编委
2020 山西省气象学会理事
2018 WMO气象科学人员基础指导教程BIP远程咨询专家
荣誉获奖:2025 南京信息工程大学十一届学术委员会委员(2025-2029)
2023 江苏省高校优秀科技创新团队带头人
2022 江苏省重大人才工程B类特聘教授
2022 气象灾害预警预报与评估协同创新中心 季风与海气相互作用团队首席科学家
2021 国家杰出青年基金获得者
2019 山东省科学技术一等奖(排名第五)
2017 南京信息工程大学教学成果奖特等奖(排名第二)
2016 江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科学技术带头人
2015 江苏省“六大人才高峰”培养对象
2014 江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养人选
2012 南京市自然科学优秀学术论文奖
2024 (14/9#First or Corres. SCI)
S. Li, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, S. Hu, T. Zhang. 2024:Prominent impact of re-occurring La Nina on boreal winter North tropical Atlantic SST. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL111081.
F. Liu, J. Vialard#, A. V. Fedorov, C. Ethe, R. Person, W. Zhang, M. Lengaigne. 2024: Why do oceanic nonlinearities contribute only to extreme El Nino events? Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL108813.
C. Liu, S.-I. An#, S.-K. Kim, M. Stuecker, W. Zhang, F.-F. Jin, J.-H. Park, L. Jiang, A. Xue, X. Geng, H.-J. Park, Y.-M. Yang, J.-S. Kug. 2024: Synchronous decadal climate variability in the tropical central Pacific and tropical South Atlantic. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 253.
S. Hu, M. Watanabe, W. Zhang#, T. Iwakiri, F. Jiang. 2024:Quantifying the amplifying effect of the winter North Pacific Oscillation on the subsequent ENSO. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL111019.
S. Hu, W. Zhang#, M. Watanabe, F. Jiang, F.-F. Jin, H,-C. Chen. 2024: Equatorial western-central Pacific SST responsible for the North Pacific oscillation-ENSO sequence. Journal of Climate, 37, 3191-3204.
J. Yan, W. Zhang#, S. Hu, F. Jiang. 2024: Different ENSO impacts on eastern China precipitation patterns in early and late winter associated with seasonally-varying kuroshio anticyclonic anomalies. Advances in Atmosphertic Sciences, 1-13.
Y. Xie, W. Zhang#, S. Hu, F. Jiang. 2024: Seasonal reversal of ENSO impacts on SST in the East China Sea-Kuroshio region. Journal of Climate, 37, 1797-1810.
T. Zhang, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, F.-F. Jin. 2024: La Nina's teleconnection to the Indian Ocean Dipole controlled by its longitudinal position. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107119.
G. Mu, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, D. Hu, F.-F. Jin. 2024: Asymmetric impact of ENSO on the late winter warm Arctic-Cold Eurasian Pattern. Climate Dynamics, 62, 9807-9819.
X. Xia, X. Zou#, W. Zhang. 2024: El Nino signals revealed by ASU-A brightness temperature observation. Climate Dynamics, 1-20.
L. Liu, W. Zhang#, C. Liu, F. Jiang. 2024: Important influences of North Atlantic Oscillation on interannual variability of the boreal autumn East Siberian-Beaufort Sea ice. Journal of Climate, 37, 639-653.
Z. Xuan, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, M. F. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin. 2024: Seasonal-varying characteristics of tropical Pacific westerly wind bursts during El Nino due to annual cycle modulation. Climate Dynamics, 62, 299-314.
陈海山#,张耀存,张文君,尹志聪,华文剑,况雪源,陈国森,马红云,韩婷婷. 2024: 中国极端天气气候研究——“地球系统与全球变化”重点专项项目简介及最新进展. 大气科学学报,47(1), 23-45.
敖康顺,耿新#,张文君,王林. 2024:东亚冬季风指数对中国冬季气候变化表征能力的对比分析. 气象学报,82(2), 168-189.
2023 (13/7#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang#, F. Jiang. 2023: Subseasonal variations in the winter ENSO-NAO relationship and the modulation of tropical North Altantic SST variability. Climate, 11, 47. http://doi.org/10.3390/cli11020047. (约稿)
F. Jiang, W. Zhang#, J. Boucharel, F.-F. Jin. 2023: Tropical origins of the Pacific meridional mode associated with the nonlinear interaction of ENSO with the annual cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL106225.
F. Jiang, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker, A. Timmermann, M. McPhaden, J. Boucharel, A. Wittenberg. 2023: Resovling the tropical Pacific/Atlantic interaction conundrum. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103777.
S. Hu, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, L.-C. Hong, F. Jiang, M. Stuecker. 2023: Seasonal dependence of the Pacific-North American teleconnection associated with ENSO and its interaction with the annual cycle. Journal of Climate, 36, 7061-7072.
C. Liu, S.-I. An#, F.-F. Jin, J. Shin, J.-S. Kug, W. Zhang, M. Stuecker, X. Yuan, A. Xue, X. Geng, S.-K. Kim. 2023: Hysteresis of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation to CO2 forcing. Science Advances, 9, eadh8442.
C. Liu, S.-I. An#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker, W. Zhang, J.-S. Kug, X. Yuan, J. Shin, A. Xue, X. Geng, S.-K. Kim. 2023: ENSO skewness hysteresis and associated changes in strong El Nino under a CO2 removal scenario. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 117.
F. Liu, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, F. Jiang, J. Boucharel, S. Hu. 2023: New insights into multi-year La Nina dynamics from the perspective of a near-annual ocean process. Journal of Climate, 36, 1-35.
A. Xue, F.-F. Jin#, W. Zhang#, J. Boucharel, J.-S. Kug. 2023: Parametering the nonlienar feedback on ENSO from tropical instability (TIWs) by nonlinear eddy thermal diffusivity. Climate Dynamics, 61: 3525-3540.
Z. Xuan, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, M. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin. 2023: Seasonal-varying characteristics of tropical Pacific westerly wind bursts during El Nino due to annual cycle modulation. Climate Dynamics, published online.
X. Geng, K.-M. Noh, J.-S. Kug, W. Zhang. 2023: Diurnal cycle dependence of ENSO influence on the winter surface air temperature in southeastern China. Journal of Climate, 36, 4677-4690.
S. Hu, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, F.-F. Jin. 2023: Understanding the sub-seasonal variation in the wintertime AO spatial pattern from the viewpoint of El Nino-Southern Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 60, 3629-3643.
黄怡陶,张文君#,薛奥运. 2023: ENSO对印度洋偶极子非对称性的影响及机制研究. 气象科学,43(1), 1-14.
刘莉,张文君#,刘超. 2023: 东西伯利亚-波佛特海海冰多年代际变率及其与大西洋多年代际振荡的联系. 气象学报,81(1), 137-151.
2022 (14/8#First or Corres. SCI)
J. Xue#, J-J Luo, W. Zhang, T. Yamagata. 2022: ENSO-IOD inter-basin connections is controlled by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL101571. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101571.
H.-L. Ren#, W. Zhang, T. Lian, R. Xie, M. Hayashi. 2022: Editorial: ENSO nonlinearity and complexity: features, mechanisms, impacts and prediction. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:967362. doi:10/3389/feart.2022.967362.
H. Zhang, W. Zhang#, X. Geng, F, Jiang, M. Stuecker. 2022: Seasonally modulated El Nino precipitation response in the eastern Pacific and its dependence on El Nino flavors. Journal of Climate, 35, 5449-5462.
Z. Huang, W. Zhang#, C. Liu, M. Stuecker. 2022: Extreme Indian Ocean dipole events associated with El Nino and Madden-Julian Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 59, 1953-1968.
C. Zhao, X. Geng#, W. Zhang#, L. Qi. 2022: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation modulates ENSO atmospheric anomaly amplitude in the tropical Pacific. Journal of Cliamte, 435,3891-3903.
Z. Xuan, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, F.-F. Jin. 2022: Effective ENSO amplitude forecasts based on oceanic and atmospheric preconditions. Journal of Cliamte, 35, 3279-3291.
S. Hu, W. Zhang#, X. Geng, J. Sun. 2022: Dominant modes of interannual variability of winter fog days over eastern CHina and their association with major SST variability. Climate Dynamics, 58, 413-426.
C. Liu, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker, L. Geng. 2022: Equatorial origin of the observed tropical Pacific quasi-decadal variability from ENSO nonlinearity. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL097903. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL097903.
F. Jiang, W. Zhang#. 2022: Understanding the complicated relationship between ENSO and wintertime North Tropical Atlantic SST variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL097889. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL097889.
W. Zhang#, Z. Yu, F. Jiang, X. Geng, R. Zhang. 2022: Importance role of the ENSO combination mode in the mainteance of the anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific in boreal summer. Science China Earth Sciences, 65, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-021-9908-5.
张文君#,余佐励,姜枫,耿新,张人禾. 2022: ENSO组合模态对夏季西北太平洋异常反气旋维持的关键作用. 中国科学:地球科学,52, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-021-9908-5 (上文的中文版).
雷徐奔,张文君#,刘超. 2022: 夏季印度洋MJO活跃时间对中国长江流域降水日数的影响. 气象学报,80(4), 503-514.
祁莉#,毛欣,张文君. 2022: 北太平洋海温Victoria模态与ENSO年际关系的非对称特征. 大气科学学报,45:280-291.
钱小立,秦正坤#,张文君. 2022: 太平洋上云水路径反演产品及其气候变化特征分析. 大气科学,46(6):1381-1393
2021 (12/10#First or Corres. SCI)
F. Jiang, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker. 2021: Meridional migration of ENSO impact on tropical Atlantic precipitation controlled by the seasonal cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096365. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL096365.
F. Jiang, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker, R. Allan. 2021: El Nino pacing orchestrates inter-basin Pacific-Indian ocean interannual connections. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095242. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095242.
C. Liu, W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, M. Stuecker, Z. Huang. 2021: Record-low WNP tropical cyclone activity in early summer 2020 due to Indian Ocean warming and Madden-Julian Oscillation activity. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094578. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094578.
W. Zhang#, F. Jiang, M. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin#, A. Timmermann. 2021: Spurious North tropical Atlantic precursors to El Nino. Nature Communications, 12, 3096, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23411-6.
A. Xue, W. Zhang#, J. Bouncharel, F.-F. Jin#. 2021: Anomalous tropical instability wave activity hindered the development of the 2016/2017 La Nina. Journal of Climate, 34, 5583-5600.
Y. Zhao, C. Qian#, W. Zhang, D. He, Y. Qi. 2021: Extreme temperature indices in Eurasia in a CMIP6 multi-model ensemble: Evaluation and projection. International Journal of Climatology. 41, 5368-5385.
L. Qi#, Y. Ji, W. Zhang. 2021: Indispensable role of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the 2019 extreme autumn drought over eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2020JD034123. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034123.
X. Geng#, W. Zhang, Y. Xiang, F. Jiang. 2021: Dominant spatiotemporal variability of wintertime precipitation days in China and the linkage with large-scale climate drivers. International Journal of Climatology, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7035.
X. Lei, W. Zhang#, P.-C. Hsu, C. Liu. 2021: Distinctive MJO activity during the boreal winter of 2015/16 super El Nino in comparison with other super El Nino events. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 555-568. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-020-0261-x.
F. Liu, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, S. Hu. 2021: Decadal modulation of the ENSO-Incian Ocean basin warming relationship during the decaying summer by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 34, 2685-2699.
W. Zhang#, Z. Hunag, F. Jiang, M. Stuecker, G. Chen, F.-F. Jin. 2021: Exceptionally persistent Madden-Julian Oscillaiton activity contributes to the extreme 2020 East Asian summer monsoon rainfall. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091588. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091588.
W. Zhang#, W. Mao, F. Jiang, M. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin, L. Qi. 2021: Tropical Indo-Pacific compounding thermal conditions drive the 2019 Australian extreme drought. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL090323. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL0.
2020 (17/8#First or Corres. SCI)
X. Yuan, F.-F. Jin#, W. Zhang#. 2020: A concise and effective expression relating subsurface temperature to the thermocline in the equatorial Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL087848.
Z. Li, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker, C. Sun, A. Levine, H. Xu, C. Liu. 2020: A robust relationshuip between multidecadal global warming rate variations and the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability. Climate Dynamics, 55, 1945-1959.
X. Li, W. Zhang, R. Ding#, L. Shi. 2020: Joint impact of North Pacific Victoria mode and South Pacific Quadrapole mode on Pacific ITCZ summer precipitation. Climate Dynamics, 54: 4545-4561.
F. Jiang,W. Zhang#, M. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin. 2020: Decadal change of combination mode spatiotemporal characteristics due to an ENSO regime shift. Journal of Climate, 33, 5239-5251.
Q. Wu, X. Wang#, X. He, W. Liang, W. Zhang. 2020: Validation and application of soil moisture active passive sea surface salinity observation over Changjiang River Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 39, 1-8.
X. Geng,W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. Stuecker, A. Levine. 2020: Modulation of the relationship between ENSO and its combination mode by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 33, 4679-4695.
A. Xue, F.-F. Jin#, W. Zhang#, J. Bouncharel, S. Zhao, and X. Yuan. 2020: Delineating the seasonally modulated nonlinear feedback onto ENSO from tropical instability waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085863.
Z. Huang, W. Zhang#, X. Geng, P.-C. Hsu. 2020: Accumulated effects of intra-seasonal oscillation convections over the tropical western North Pacific on the meridional location of western Pacific subtropical high. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8: 579442. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.579442.
S. Zhao, M. Stuecker#, F.-F. Jin, J. Feng, H.-L. Ren, W. Zhang, and J. Li. 2020: Improved predictability of the Indian Ocean Dipole using a stochastic dynamic model compared to the North American multimodel ensemble forecast. Weather and Forecasting, 35, 379-399.
H.-L. Ren#, F. Zheng, J.-J. Luo, R. Wang, M. Liu, W. Zhang, T. Zhou, G. Zhou. 2020: A review of research on tropical air-sea interaction, ENSO dynamics, and ENSO prediction in China. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34, 1-20.
S. Hu, W. Zhang#, A. Turner, J. Sun. 2020: How does El Nino-Southern Oscillation affect winter fog frequency over eastern China? Climate Dynamics, 54, 1043-1056.
Z. Huang, W. Zhang#, X. Geng, F.-F. Jin. 2020: Recent shift in state of the Western Pacific Subtropical High due to ENSO change. Journal of Climate, 33, 229-241.
秦楚菲,孙家仁,张文君#,廖志恒,腾宇威,陈朋龙,陈静华. 2020: 基于数值模拟和统计拟合分析华北冬季一次大范围重污染过程的形成机理. 气候与环境研究, 25(2), 185-198.
金晨阳,张文君#,刘超. 2020: 赤道太平洋高低频纬向环流差异及其物理机制.气象学报,78(2), 187-198.
任曼琳,张文君#,耿新,刘超. 2020: ENSO对中国冬季天气尺度气温变率的影响及可能机理. 气象学报,78(2), 199-209.
腾宇威,张文君#,刘超,耿新,秦楚菲. 2020: ENSO空间形态变异对ENSO-IOD关系年代际减弱的可能作用.气象学报,78(2), 187-198.
2019 (10/8#First or Corres. SCI)
C. Liu, W. Zhang#, X. Geng, M. F. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin. 2019: Modulation of tropical cyclones in the southeastern part of western North Pacific by tropical Pacific decadal variability. Climate Dynamics, 53, 4475-4488.
F. Jiang, W. Zhang#, X. Geng, M. F. Stuecker, C. Liu. 2019: Impact of central Pacific El Nino on Southern China spring precipitation controlled by its longitudinal position. Journal of Climate, 32, 7823-7836.
C. Liu, W. Zhang#, M. F. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin. 2019: Pacific Meridional mode-Western North Pacific tropical cyclone linkage explained by tropical Pacific quasi-decadal variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085340.
Z. Li, W. Zhang#, M. F. Stuecker, H. Xu, F.-F. Jin, C. Liu. 2019: Different effects of two ENSO types on Arctic surface air temperature in boreal winter. Journal of Climate, 32, 4943-4961.
X. Hao, H. Ren, W. Zhang#, M. Liu, Y. Wei. 2019: Diagnosing the spatiotemporal diversity of westerly wind events in the tropical Pacific. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 86, 90-103.
Y. Li, Q. Chen#, J. Li, W. Zhang, M. Song, W. Hua, H. Cai, X. Wu. 2019: The tropical Pacific cold tongue mode and its associated main ocean dynamical process in CMIP5 models. Earth and Planetary Physics, 3, 400-413.
W. Zhang#, S. Li, F.-F. Jin, R. Xie, C. Liu, M. F. Stuecker, A. Xue. 2019: ENSO regime changes responsible for decadal phase relationship variations between ENSO sea surface temperature and warm water volume. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082943.
W. Zhang#, X. Mei, X. Geng, A. Turner, F.-F. Jin. 2019: A nonstationary ENSO-NAO relationship due to AMO modulation, Journal of Climate, 32, 33-43.
W. Zhang#, Z. Wang, M. F. Stuecker, A. Turner, F.-F. Jin, X. Geng. 2019: Impact of ENSO longitudinal position on teleconnections to the NAO, Climate Dynamics, 52, 257-274.
张璐, 刘鹏#, 张文君, 张乐楠. 2019: 中国不同区域气候条件对冬季雾日形成的差异性分析, 气候与环境研究, 24(5): 585-596.
2018 (6/1#First or Corres. SCI)
X. Geng, W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker. 2018: A new method for interpreting nonstationary running correlations and its application to the ENSO-EAWM relationship, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, doi:10.1002/2017GL076564.
Z. Li, W. Zhang, H. Xu#. 2018: Possible impacts of spatial and temporal non-uniformaity in land surface temperature data on trend estimation, Journal of Meteorological Research, 32, 819-828.
J. Sun, H. Li, W. Zhang, T. Li, W. Zhao, Z. Zuo, S. Guo, D. Wu#, S. Fan. 2018: Modulation of the ENSO on winter aerosol pollution in the Eastern region of China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD028534.
M. Stuecker#, C. Bitz, K. Armour, C. Proistosescu, S. Kang, S.-P. Xie, D. Kim, S. McGregor, W. Zhang, S. Zhao, W. Cai, Y. Dong, F.-F. Jin. 2018: Polar amplification dominated by local forcing and feedbacks, Nature Climate Change, 8, 1076-1081.
张文君#,雷徐奔,耿新,祁莉. 2018: ENSO对中国南方降水低频变率的可能影响.大气科学学报, 41(5), 585-595.
刘明竑,任宏利,张文君#,任鹏飞. 2018: 超强厄尔尼诺对中国东部春夏季极端降水频率的影响. 气象学报, 76(4), 539-553.
2017 (8/2#First or Corres. SCI)
X. Geng, W. Zhang#, M. F. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin. 2017: Strong sub-seasonal wintertime cooling over East Asia and Northern Europe associated with super El Niño events, Scientific Report, 7, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03977-2.
X. Geng, W. Zhang#, M. F. Stuecker, P. Liu, F.-F. Jin, G. Tan. 2017: Decadal modulation of the ENSO-East Asian winter monsoon relationship by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 49, 2531-2544.
Y. Li, J. Li#, W. Zhang, Q. Chen, J. Feng, F. Zheng, W. Wang, X. Zhou. 2017: Impacts of the tropical Pacific cold tongue mode on ENSO diversity under global warming. Journal of Geophysical Research Ocean, 122, doi:10.1002/2017JC013052.(本研究成果被编辑评为科研亮点http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/article/10.1002/2017JC013052/editor-highlight/)
M. F. Stuecker#, A. Timmermann, F.-F. Jin, Y. Chikamoto, W. Zhang, A. T. Wittenberg, E. Widiasih, S. Zhao. 2017: Revisiting ENSO/Indian Ocean Dipole phase relationships. Geophysical Research Letter, doi:10.1002/2016GL072308.
汪子淇, 张文君#, 耿新. 2017: 两类ENSO对中国北方冬季平均气温和极端低温的不同影响. 气象学报, 75(4), 564-580.
袁心仪, 张文君#, 耿新. 2017: ENSO发展和衰亡阶段中非线性项的作用. 气象学报, 75(5), 784-796.
罗蕊, 祁莉#,张文君, 何金海. 2017: 热带太平洋海温异常对北极海冰的可能影响. 海洋学报, 39(7), 53-69.
祁莉,马琼#,张文君. 2017: GRAPES模式对2011/12年冬季寒潮天气过程预报能力的检验. 大气科学学报, 40(6), 791-802.
2016 (7/2#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang, F.-F. Jin#, M. F. Stuecker, A. T. Wittenberg, A. Timmermann, H.-L. Ren, J.-S. Kug, W. Cai, and M. Cane. 2016: Unraveling El Niño’s impact on the East Asian Monsoon and Yangtze River summer flooding, Geophysical Research Letter, 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071190.
W. Zhang#, H. Li, M. F. Stuecker, F.-F. Jin, A. G. Turner. 2016: A new understanding of El Niño’s impact over East Asia: Dominance of the ENSO combination mode. Journal of Climate, 29, 4347-4359.
W. Li, P.-C. Hsu, J. He, Z. Zhu, W. Zhang. 2016: Extended-range forecast of spring rainfall in southern China based on the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Meteorological and Atmospheric Physics, 128, 331-345.
张文君#, 耿新. 2016:2015/2016年超级El Nino局地海气特征及其特殊性.大气科学学报,39(6), 778-787.(约稿)
李海燕, 张文君#, 何金海, 王亚兰. 2016: 年循环对El Nino事件局地海气过程的影响. 海洋学报, 38(1), 56-68.
李海燕, 张文君#, 何金海. 2016: ENSO及其组合模态对中国东部各季节降水的影响. 气象学报, 74(3), 322-334.
谭桂容#, 高萌, 张文君, 徐邦琪. 2016: 中国东南部地区4-6 月强降水的低频变化特征. 气象科学, 36( 1), 55-62.
2015 (7/3#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang#, Y. Wang, F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker, and A. G. Turner. 2015: Impact of different El Nino types on the El Nino/IOD relatioship. Geophysical Research Letter, 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL065703.
W. Zhang#, H. Li, F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker, A. G. Turner, and N. P. Klingaman. 2015: The annuale-cycle modulation of meridional asymmetry in ENSOs atmospheric response and its dependence on ENSO zonal structure. Journal of Climate, 28, 5795-5812. doi:http:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00724.1.
W. Zhang#, L. Wang, B. Xiang, L. Qi, and J. He. 2015: Impacts of two types of La Nina on the NAO during boreal winter. Climate Dynamics, 44, 1351-1366. doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2155-z.
Li, Y., J. Li#, W. Zhang, X. Zhao, F. Xie, and F. Zheng. 2015: Ocean dynamical processes associated with the tropical Pacific cold tongue mode. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC010814.
李智玉, 张文君,徐海明#. 2015: 两类ENSO事件非对称性特征分析.气象学报, 73(6):1019-1038.
刘嘉慧敏, 张文君, 何金海#, 祁莉. 2015: 前期春季西北太平洋潜热通量与中国南方秋季降水的联系及其可能的物理机制. 气象学报, 73(2), 305-318.
何珊珊, 张文君, 祁莉#, 何金海. 2015: 两类厄尔尼诺事件发展年秋季印度洋海温异常特征对比. 气象学报, 73(3): 515-528
2014 (5/1#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, and A. G. Turner. 2014: Increasing autumn drought over southern China associated with ENSO regime shift. Geophysical Research Letter, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060130. (本研究成果被Nature Climate Change评为科研亮点进行专门报道 http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v4/n7/full/nclimate2298.html)
王磊, 张文君, 祁莉, 何金海#. 2014: 两类La Nina季节演变过程的海气耦合特征对比. 海洋学报, 36(1), 72-85.
祁莉#, 王晓芳,何金海,张文君, 吴捷. 2014: 前期西太平洋暖池热含量异常影响长江中下游夏季降水的可能途径. 地球物理学报, 57(6), 1769-1781.
任倩,何金海#,祁莉,张文君. 2014: 中国南方冬季降水与前期暖池热含量异常的关系及可能机制. 高原气象,33(6), 1568-1578.
祁莉#, 何珊珊,张文君, 何金海. 2014: 与不同El Nino相伴随的IOD事件的季节演变特征对比. 大气科学学报, 37(6), 673-683.
2013 (2/2#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, J.-X. Zhao, L. Qi, and H.-L. Ren. 2013: The possible influence of a nonconvential El Nino on the severe autumn drought of 2009 in Southwest China. Journal of Climate, 26, 8392-8405. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00851.1.
W. Zhang, F.-F. Jin#, J.-X. Zhao, and J. Li. 2013: On the bias in simulated ENSO SSTA meridional width of CMIP3 models. Journal of Climate, 26, 3173-3186. doi:10.10075/JCLI-D-12-00347.1.
2012 (6/2#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang, and F.-F. Jin#. 2012: Improvements in the CMIP5 simulations of ENSO-SSTA meridional width. Geophysical Research Letter, 39, doi:10.1029/2012GL053588.
W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, H.-L. Ren, J. Li, and J.-X. Zhao. 2012: Difference in teleconnection over the North Pacific and rainfall shift over the USA associated with two types of El Nino during boreal autumn. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90, 535-552. doi:10.2152/jmsj.2012-407.
X. Zhao, J. Li#, and W. Zhang. 2012: Summer persistence barrier of sea surface temperature anomalies in the central western North Pacific. Advances in Atmospshric Sciences, 29, 1159-1173.
张文君#, 周天军, 智海. 2012: 土壤湿度影响中国夏季气候的数值试验. 气象学报, 70(1), 78-90.
张文君#, 谭桂荣. 2012: 全球变暖形势下中国陆表水分的变化. 大气科学学报, 35(5), 550-563.
智海,俞永强#,严厉,张文君, 李志强. 2012: 厄尔尼诺衰减年东亚夏季大气环流和降水异常的耦合模式后报试验. 气象学报, 70(4), 779-788.
2011 (1/1#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang#, F.-F. Jin, J. Li, and H.-L. Ren. 2011: Contrasting impacts of two-type El Nino over the western North Pacific during boreal autumn. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 89, 563-569. doi:10.2151/jmsj.2011-510.
2010 (1/1#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang, J. Li#, and X. Zhao. 2010: Sea surface temperature cooling mode in the Pacific cold tongue. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, doi:1029/2010JC006501.
2009 (1/1#First or Corres. SCI)
W. Zhang, J. Li#, and F.-F. Jin. 2009: Spatail and temporal features of ENSO meridional scales. Geophysical Research Letter, 36, doi:1029/2009GL038672.
2008年以前 (4)
张文君#, 周天军, 宇如聪. 2008: 中国土壤湿度的分布与变化I. 多种资料间的比较验. 大气科学, 32(3), 581-597.
张文君#, 宇如聪, 周天军. 2008: 中国土壤湿度的分布与变化II. 耦合模式模拟结果评估. 大气科学, 32(5), 1128-1142.
张文君#, 周天军, 宇如聪. 2007: 中国东部水分收支的初步分析. 大气科学, 31(2), 329-345.
侯瑞钦#, 景华, 张迎新, 张文君. 2006: 05.7.23河北暴雨中尺度分析. 气象, 32(7), 88-94.