教育背景 (Education):
1993-1995: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA, Post-Doctor
1989-1992: 北京大学 (Beijing University),大气物理学,博士
1983-1986: 中国气象科学研究院 (CAMS/SMA),大气物理学,理学硕士
1979-1983: 南京气象学院 (南京信息工程大学, NUIST),大气物理学,理学学士
1997-1999: Concordia University (Canada),Computer Science, Graduate.
工作经历 (Professional Career):
2019 - 至今,教授(博导),南京信息工程大学
2019 - 至今,科技院长,南京信大气象科学技术研究院
1999 - 2019,Project Scientist 3,National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR),USA
1995 - 1999,Res.Associate. McGill University, Canada
1986 - 1992,助理研究员,中国气象科学研究院
学术兼职 (Scientific Servce and honors):
2014 - 2018,海外高层次专家,中国电力科学研究院
2021 - 至今,学术委员会委员,中国气象科学研究院
2021 - 至今,学术委员会委员,中国电工学会电力气象学会
2019 - 至今,学术委员会副主任,中国气象局人工影响天气重点实验室
2019 - 至今,中心主任,精细化区域地球模拟和信息中心,南京信息工程大学
2020 - 至今,科技院长,南京信大气象科学技术研究院
学术荣誉 (Honors and Awards):
2015: Colorado State Governor CO-LAB Award
2012: Nominated, NCAR Year-2012 best published paper.
2011:Winner, NCAR Year-2011 Scientific and Technological Advancement Award for research
of the wind power forecasting system for Xcel Energy
(美国国家大气研究中心2012年度最佳科学技术进步奖 [风能预报技术研发])
2006:Nominated, NCAR for Scientific and Technological Advancement Award for development
of a multi-scale weather system for the state critical facilities
2005:NASA Aviation Safety Program (NASP) Extraordinary Contribution Award for incorporating
and study TAMDAR data in mesoscale NWP
(美国航天局NASA航空安全计划特殊贡献奖 [机载气象仪器对气象预报运用])
2001:Winner, NCAR Year-2001 Scientific and Technological Advancement Award for developing
the 4-Dimensional Weather (4DWX) system
1994:2nd Prize, National Natural Science Council of China for advancements on severe
convection modeling study
(中国国家气象局科学进步 2等奖[强对流数值模式研发和摸拟])
1993:China Scientific Achievement Award, 2nd Rank for significant progress on the Northern
China rain enhancement field research
1992:1st Class Scientific Achievement Award, Natural Science Foundation of China for significant
progress on the Northern China rain enhancement field research
1990:Beijing University Overseas "Guanghua" award for academic achievement on an outstanding
paper during Ph.D graduate study
(北京大学海外“光华”奖[在读博士期间 优秀学术论文奖])
近期科研项目 (Sci. and Tech. R&D Projects):
2024年 - 2027年, 基金委:多频双偏振雷达和FY-4短波通道云和降水资料同化关键技术研究,PI
2023年 - 2027年, 科技部重大研发:暖云催化技术研究,课题负责人
2020年 - 2022年,乌鲁木齐机场空管工程数值预报系统及应用平台,PI
2020年 - 2021年,飞行高影响天气气象环境仿真系统,PI
2019年 - 2022年, 广泛互联的“天-地-网”气象观测及数据融合技术研究,课题负责人
2019年 - 2021年, 风电场风和功率集合预报技术研究, 首席科学家,主持(PI)
2019年 - 2021年, 西北人影工程建设人影四维资料同化和预报系统,主持(PI)
2019年 - 2021年,河北气象局环境气象中心环境气象数值预报,主持(PI)
2019年 - 2020年, 深圳市气象局FDDA实时天气分析、QPE和积涝预报,主持(PI)
2017年 - 2020年,中国电力投资有限公司风电场功率预报,主持(PI)
1999年 - 2018年,美国重要测试基地气象预报,数值模式研发首席科学家
2006年 - 2017年, PWS TAMDAR and NWP 长期合作项目,主持 (PI)
2009年 - 2016年, Xcel Energy Inc.:风能预报, CO-PI, 数值模式研发课题负责人
2009年 - 2017年, 以色列空军数值天气预报系统(MAGEN), 首席科学家(PI)
2013年 - 2019年,中国深圳市气象局:四维资料同化微气候和资源分析;主持(PI)
2018年 - 2019年,内蒙古电力公司风电场功率预报,主持(PI)
2012年 - 2014年,沙特阿拉伯气象局业务数值天气预报系统,首席科学家
2011年 - 2013年,韩国气象局: 风能预报(共3期项目),主持(PI)
2008年 - 2010年, 以色列水文局:季节降雨预报, 主持(PI)
2007年 - 2009年, UCAR西非数值天气预报演示系统, 主持(PI)
Zhou Y., and Liu* Y., Han Wei, 2023: Demonstrating the potential impact of assimilating FY-4 visible radiances on forecasts of cloud and precipitation with a localized particle filter. Mon. Wea. Rev.,151 (5), 1167-1188。 DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-22-0133.1
Wang F., Liu* Y., Zhou Y., Sun* R., Duan J., Li Y., Ding Q., Wang H., 2023: Retrieving vertical cloud radar reflectivity from MODIS cloud products with CGAN: An evaluation for different cloud types and latitudes. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15, 816. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/rs15030816.
Huo, Z., Liu* Y., Shi Y., Chen B., Li Y., and Fan H., 2023: An investigation on joint data assimilation of a radar network and ground-based profiling platforms for forecasting convective storms. Mon. Wea. Rev. ,DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-22-0332.1
Li Y., Liu* Y., Shi Y., Chen B., Zeng F., Huo Z. and Fan H., 2023: Probablistic convective initiation nowcasting using Himawari-8 AHI with explanable deep learning models. Mon. Wea. Rev. ( Conditionally accepted)
Hua S., Chen* B., Liu* Y., Chen G., Yang Y., Dong X., Zhao Z., Gao Y., Zhou X., Zhong R. and Duan J., 2023: Evaluation of the ice particle simulation of microphysics schemes with aircraft measurements of a stratiform cloud in North China. J. Atmos. Sci. DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-22-0155.1。
Li Y., Liu* Y., Sun R., Guo F., Xu X., and Xu H, 2023: Convective storm VIL and lightning nowcasting using satellite and weather radar measurements based on multi-task learning models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s00376-022-2082-6.
Yuan G., Zhang Y., Li E. and Liu* Y., 2023: Effects of different land use types on soil surface temperature in the Heihe River Basin. Sustainability. 15, 3859. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043859.
Fan H., Liu* Y., Li Y., Liu Yue., Duan J., Li L., Z. Huo, 2023: A deep learning method for predicting lower troposphere temperature using surface analysis. Atmospheric Research. 283, 1 March 2023. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106542.
Qin Y., Liu* Y., Jiang X., Li Y., Xu H., Shi Y. and Huo Z.,2023: Grid-to-Point Deep-Learning Error Correction for the Surface Weather Forecasts of a Fine-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction System. Atmosphere, 14,145. 9 Jan. 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14010145.
Wang H., Yuan S., Liu* Y., Li Y., 2022: Comparison of the WRF-FDDA-Based Radar Reflectivity and Lightning Data Assimilation for Short-Term Precipitation and Lightning Forecasts of Severe Convection.. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 5980. https://doi.org/10.3390/ rs14235980.
Zhou* Y., Liu* Y., Huo Z. and Li Y., 2022: Preliminary evaluation of FY-4A visible radiance data assimilation by the WRF/DART-RTTOV system for a tropical storm case. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7397–7420, 2022 https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-15-7397-2022.
Lu Z., Han* Y., Liu* Y., Liu S., Liu Z., Tang Y., and Jing W., 2022: An improvement of wind gust estimate (WGE) method for squall lines. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk.13:1, 993-1013, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2022.2064773.
Wen W., Liu* Y., Sun R., and Liu Yue, 2022: Research on Anomaly Detection of Wind Farm SCADA Wind Speed Data. Energies, 2022, 15, 5869. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15165869
Wang H., Liu* Y., Duan J., Shi Y., Lou X. and Li J., 2022: Assimilation of Radar Reflectivity Using A Time-Lagged Ensemble Based Ensemble Kalman Filter With “Cloud-Dependent” Background Error Covariances. JGR- Atmosphere. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD036207
Yuan G., Tang W. , Zuo T., Li E., Zhang L., Liu* Y., 2022: Impacts of afforestation on land surface temperature in different regions of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.18 (2022) 108901. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108901.
Sun, H.; Wang, H.; Yang, J.; Zeng, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Gu, J.; Huang, S. , 2022: Improving Forecast of Severe Oceanic Mesoscale Convective Systems Using FY-4A Lightning Data Assimilation with WRF-FDDA. Remote Sensing, 2022,14,1965. https:// doi.org/10.3390/rs14091965
Yang J., Liu E., Liu* Y. , Lin Y., Jin X., 2022: Impact of vertical wind shear on summer orographic clouds over Tian Shan Mountians: A case study based on radar observation and numerical simulation. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14, 1583. https://doi.org/10.3390/ rs14071583 .
Shi J.; Liu* Y., Li Y., Liu Yue., Roux G., Shi L., Fan X.,2022: Wind Speed Forecasts of a Mesoscale Ensemble for Large-Scale Wind Farms in Northern China: Downscaling Effect of Global Model Forecasts. Energies 2022,15,896. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/en15030896.
Shu Z., Zhao T., Liu Y., Zhang L., Ma X., Kuang X., Li Y., Huo Z., Ding Q., Sun X., Shen L., 2022: Impact of deep basin terrain on PM2.5 distribution and its seasonality over the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Environmental Pollution. 300, 118933-118944. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.118944.
Wang, H.; Liu*, Y.; Liu, Y.; Cao, Y.; Liang, H.; Hu, H.; Liang, J.; Tu, M.,2022: Assimilation of GNSS PWV with NCAR-RTFDDA to Improve Prediction of a Landfall Typhoon. Remote Sens.2022,14,178. https:// doi.org/10.3390/rs14010178。
袁锦涵, 周永波, 刘玉宝*, 段婧, 王新, 2022. 云滴谱分布对FY-4A/AGRI水云光学厚度与有效粒子半径反演的影响研究[J], 光学学报, 42(6), 2022.3. doi:10.3788/AOS202242.0628004
熊一帆,丁秋冀,舒卓智,刘玉宝*,赵天良, 2022: 基于数值模拟与资料同化探究长三角地区冬 季 PM2.5 污染过程的气象影响. 环境科学学报(J), 42(4),293-303. DOI:10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2022.0004
张依鸣,刘玉宝*,王昊亮,孙荣富、樊小伟,2022: GSI-3DVAR背景场误差协方差水平相关特征尺度对地面气象站资料同化适应性研究。气象科学 (已录用)。
He G.; Yuan G.; Liu* Y.; Jiang Y.; Liu Y.; Shu Z.; Ma X.; Li Y., Huo Z.,2022: The Effects of Topography and Urban Agglomeration on the Sea Breeze Evolution over the Pearl River Delta Region. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 39. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13010039
Shu Z., Liu* Y., Zhao T., et al., 2021: Long-term variations in aerosol optical properties, types, and radiative forcing in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China,Science of the Total Environment , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151490
Li Y., Liu* Y., Chen Y., Chen B., Zhang X., Wang W., Shu Z. and Huo Z., 2021: Characteristics of deep convective systems and initiation during warm seasons over China and its vicinity. Remote Sens. , 13, 4289. https://doi.org/10.3390/ rs13214289.
Huo Z., Liu* Y., …, 2021: Hydrometeor and Latent Heat Nudging for Radar Reflectivity Assimilation: Response to the Model States and Uncertainties. Remote Sensing. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13193821.
Pan, L., Liu Y., …, 2021: Seasonal variation of the surface wind forcast performance of the high-resolution WRF-RTFDDA system over China. Atmo. Res. 259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105673
Zhou, Y., Liu* Y. , C. Liu, 2021: A machine learning-based method to account for 3D Short-wave radiative effects in 1D satellite observation operators. J. Quant. Spec. & Rad. Trans., 275, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107891.
Shu, Z., Liu Y. , T, Zhao ..., 2021: Elevated 3D structure of PM2.5 and impact of complex terrain-forcing circulation on heavy haze pollution over Sichuan Basin, China. Atom. Chem. and Phys.; 21, 9253–9268, 2021 https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-9253-2021.
Lu, Z, Y. Han. Liu Y., 2021: Improving the Ramer scheme for diagnosis of freezing rain in China. Atmo. Res. 259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105520
李扬, 刘玉宝*, 许小峰, 2021: 基于深度学习改进数值天气预报模式和预报的研究及挑战. 气象科技进展, 11, 103 – 112. (2021.3). DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1973.2021.03.012.
刘玉宝*,丁秋冀,史月琴,方春刚,段婧, 楼小凤,李萍,霍朝阳,周永波,王昊亮,景晓琴,王新,陈添宇,陈宝君,李集明, 2021: 云解析人工影响天气数值模式的建立、初步试验和展望. 气象科技进展, 11, (2021.9).
Yuan,G., L. Zhang, Y. Liu, 2021: Impacts of soil moisture and atmospheric moisture transport on the T precipitation in two typical regions of China. Atmos. Res., 247 (2021) 105151.
Zhao, X., J. Zhu, L. Cheng, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, 2020: An Observing System Simulation Experiment to Assess the Potential Impact of a Virtual Mobile Communication Tower-based Observation Network on Weather Forecasting Accuracy in China. Part 1: Weather Stations with a Typical Mobile Tower Height of 40 m. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 37, 617–633 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-020-9058-1.
Kosovic, B.,... Y. Liu, …, 2020: A Comprehensive Wind Power Forecasting System Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Numerical Weather Prediction. Energies, 13, 1372; doi:10.3390/en13061372.
Liu,Y., Y. Liu, et al. , 2020: Simulation of Flow Fields in Complex Terrain with WRF-LES: Sensitivity Assessment of Different PBL Treatments. Journal of Appl. Met. Clim., 59, 1841-1501.
Huang,Y., Y. Liu*, Yue Liu, and J. C. Knievel, 2019: Budget analyses of a record-breaking rainfall event in the coastal metropolitan city of Guangzhou, China. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 124, 1-16.
Wei,X.,Y. Liu, Y. Liu, and L. Li, 2019: Numerical study of a local PM2.5 pollution event under the typhoon Neoguri (1408) background over a coastal metropolitan city, Shenzhen, China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 110, 99-108.
Du, J., H. Sun, Y. Cao, Y. Liu*, L.Pan and Yue Liu, 2019: Ensemble interpolation of missing wind turbine nacelle wind speed data in wind farms based on robust particle swarm optimized generalized regression neural network. International Journal of Green Energy, 16, 1210-1219 .
Huang, Y., Y. Liu*, Yue Liu, H. Li, and J. C. Knievel, 2018: Mechanisms for a Record‐Breaking Rainfall in the Coastal Metropolitan City of Guangzhou, China: Observation Analysis and Nested Very Large Eddy Simulation with WRF model. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 123, 1-22.
Wang, H., Y. Liu*, W. Y. Y. Cheng, T. Zhao, M. Xu, Yue. Liu,, A. O. Fierro, 2018: Continuous Assimilation of Lightning Data Using Time-Lagged Ensembles for a Convection-Allowing Numerical Weather Prediction Model. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 123, 9652-9673.
刘郁珏,苗世光,胡 非,刘玉宝, 2018: 冬奥会小海坨山赛区边界层风场大涡模拟研究. 高原学报, 37, 1388-1401.
Pan, L., Y. Liu, J. C. Knievel, L. Delle Monache, and G. Roux, 2018: Evaluations of WRF Sensitivities in Surface Simulations with an Ensemble Prediction System. Atmosphere, 9, 106.
Huang, Y., Y. Liu*, M. Xu, Yue. Liu, L. Pan, H. Wang, W. Y.Y. Cheng, Y. Jiang, H. Lan, H. Yang, X. Wei, R. Zong, Ch. Cao, and S. Jin, 2018: Forecasting severe convective storms with WRF-based RTFDDA radar data assimilation in Guangdong, China. Atmospheric Research, 209, 131-143.
Wang. H, Y. Liu*, T. Zhao, M. Xu, Y.W. Liu, F. Guo, W.Y.Y.Cheng, S. Feng, E.R. Mansell, A.O. Fierro, 2018: Incorporating geostationary lightning data into a radar reflectivity based hydrometeor retrieval method: An observing system simulation experiment. Atmospheric Research, 209, 1-13.
Li, L., Y. Jiang, W. Zhang, D. Wang, Y. Liu, L. Pan, Y. Liu, 2017: Using Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation technique: establishment of data set and preliminary applications. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 33, 874-883.
王昊亮, 刘玉宝, 赵天良, 郭凤霞, 冯双磊, 王勃, 2017: 基于数值天气模式及其模式输出的 闪电预报研究进展. 地球科学进展, 32, 44-55.
Knievel, J. C., Y. Liu, T. M. Hopson, J. S. Shaw, S. F. Halvorson, H. H. Fisher, G. Roux, R.-S. Sheu, L. Pan, W. Wu, J. P. Hacker, E. Vernon, F. W. Gallagher III, and J. C. Pace, 2017: Mesoscale Ensemble Weather Prediction at U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Weather and Forecasting, 32, 2195-2216.
Wang, H., Y. Liu, W. Y. Y. Cheng, T. Zhao, M. Xu, Yue. Liu, S. Shen, K. M. Calhoun, and A. O. Fierro, 2017: Improving Lightning and Precipitation Prediction of Severe Convection Using Lightning Data Assimilation With NCAR WRF-RTFDDA. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 122, 12296–12316.
Cheng, W.Y.Y., Y. Liu, A. Bourgeois, Y. Wu, S.E. Haupt, 2017: Short-term wind forecast of a data assimilation/weather forecasting system with wind turbine anemometer measurement assimilation. Renewable Energy, 107, 340-351.
Rostkier-Edelstein,D., P. Kunin, T. M. Hopson, Y. Liu and A. Givati, 2016: Statistical downscaling of seasonal precipitation in Israel. Journal of Climate, 36, 590–606.
Zhang, Y., Y. Liu, and Thomas Nipen, 2016: Evaluation of the Impacts of Assimilating the TAMDAR Data on 12/4 km Grid WRF-Based RTFDDA Simulations over the CONUS. Advances in Meteorology, 2016, 1-13.
杜杰,彭玲霞、刘玉宝, 2015: 风 电场风机测量风速缺损值的组合填充模型. 电力自动化设备, 9, 125-129.
Keller, T. L., S. B. Trier, W.D. Hall, R.D. Sharman, M. Xu, and Y. Liu, 2015: Lee Waves Associated with a Commercial Jetliner Accident at Denver International Airport. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54, 1373-1392.
Fernando H.J., … Y. Liu …, 2015: THE MATERHORN: Unraveling the Intricacies of Mountain Weather. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 131, 1945-1967.
Pan, L., Y. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Li, Y. Jiang, W. Cheng, and G. Roux, 2015: Impact of four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) on urban climate analysis. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 7, 1997–2011.
Rostkier-Edelstein, D., P. Kunin, T. Hopson, Y. Liu and A. Givati,, 2015: Statistical downscaling of seasonal precipitation in Israel. International. Journal of Climatology., 36, 590-606.
Zhang, Y., Y. Liu, P. A. Kucera, B. H. Alharbi, L. Pan, and A. Ghulam, 2015: Dust modeling over Saudi Arabia using WRF-Chem: March 2009 severe dust case. Atmospheric Environment, 119, 118-130.
Wyszogrodzki, A, Y. Liu, N. Jacobs, P. Childs, Y. Zhang, G. Roux and T. Warner, 2013: Analysis of the surface temperature and wind forecast errors of the NCAR-AirDat operational CONUS 4-km WRF forecasting system. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 125-143.
Rostkier-Edelstein, D., Y. Liu, W. Wu, P. Kunin, M. Ge and A. Givati, 2013: Towards a high-resolution climatography of seasonal precipitation over Israel. International. Journal of Climatology, 34, 1964-1979.
Cheng, W., Y. Liu, Y.W. Liu, Y. Zhang, W.P. Mahoney, and T. T. Warner, 2013: The impact of model physics on numerical wind forecasts. Renewable Energy, 55, 347-356.
Parks, K., Y.-H. Wan, G. Wiener and Y. Liu, 2012 Wind Energy Forecasting: A Collaboration of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Xcel Energy. 美国国家再生能源实验室(NREL) DE-AC36-08GO28308., 1-246.
Mahoney, W.P, K. Parks, G. Wiener, Y. Liu, W. Myers, J. Sun, L-D. Monache, T. Hopson, D. Johnson and S.E. Haupt, 2012: A Wind Power Forecasting System to Optimize Grid Integration. IEEE Transactiion on Sustainable Energy, 10, 670-682.
Givati, A., B. Lynn, Y. Liu, A. Rimmer, 2012: Using the WRF Model in an Operational Streamflow Forecast System for the Jordan River. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51, 285-199.
Wu, W., Y. Liu, M. Ge, D. Rostkier-Edelstein, G. Descobes, P. Kunin, T. Warner, S. Swerdlin, A. Givati, T. Hopson, D. Yates, 2012: Statistical downscaling of climate forecast system seasonal predictions for the Southeastern Mediterranean. Atmospheric Research, 118, 346–356 .
Delle Monache, L., T. Nipen, Y. Liu, G. Roux, and R. Stull, 2011: Kalman Filter and Analog Schemes to Postprocess Numerical Weather Predictions. Monthly Weather Review, 139, 3554-3570.
Liu, Y., T. Warner, Y.W. Liu, C. Vincent, W. Wu, B. Mahoney, S. Swerdlin, K. Parks, J. Boehnert, 2011: Simultaneous nested modeling from the synoptic scale to the LES scale for wind energy applications. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99, 308-319.
Frehlich, R., R. Sharman, F. Vanderberg, W. Yu, Y. Liu, and J. Knievel, 2010: Estimates of Cn2 from Numerical Weather Prediction Model Output and Comparison with Thermosonde Data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49, 1742-1755.
Steiner,M., R. Bateman, D. Megenhardt, Y. Liu, M. Xu, and J. Krozel, 2010: Translation of Ensemble Weather Forecasts into Probabilistic Air Traffic Capacity Impact. Air Traffic Control Quarterly, 18, 229-254.
Hahmann, A. N., D. Rostkier-Edelstein, T. T. Warner, F. Vandenberghe, Y. Liu, R. Babarsky, S. P. Swerdlin, 2009: A dynamical downscaling system for the Generation of Mesoscale Climatographies. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49, 954–972.
Hahmann A., D. Rostkier-Edelstein, T. Waner, Y. Liu, F. Vandenberghe, and S. Swerdlin, 2008: Toward a climate downscaling for the Eastern Mediterranean at high-resolution. Advances in Geosciences, 12, 159-164.
Liu, Y., T.T. Warner, J. F. Bowers, L. P. Carson, F. Chen, C. A. Clough, C. A. Davis, C. H. Egeland, S. Halvorson, T.W. Huck Jr., L. Lachapelle, R.E. Malone, D. L. Rife, R.-S. Sheu, S. P. Swerdlin, and D.S. Weingarten, 2008: The Operational Mesogamma-Scale Analysis and Forecast System of the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. Part I: Overview of the Modeling System, the Forecast Products, and How the Products Are Used. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 1077-1092.
Liu, Y., T. T. Warner, E. G. Astling, J. F. Bowers, C. A. Davis, S. F. Halvorson, D. L. Rife, R.-S. Sheu, S. P. Swerdlin, and M. Xu, 2008: The Operational Mesogamma-Scale Analysis and Forecast System of the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. Part II: Interrange Comparison of the Accuracy of Model Analyses and Forecasts. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 1093-1104.
Sharman, R., Y. Liu, R.-S. Sheu, D. L. Rife, T. T. Warner, J. F. Bowers, and E. Ellison, 2008: The Operational Mesogamma-Scale Analysis and Forecast System of the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. Part III: Forecasting with Secondary-Applications Models. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 1105 – 1116.
Grossman-Clarke, S., Y. Liu, J. Zehnder, and J. Fast, 2008: Simulations of the Urban Planetary Boundary Layer in an Arid Metropolitan Area. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 752-768.
Tie, X., S. Madronich, G. Li, Z. Ying, R. Zhang, A. Garcia, J. Lee-Taylor and Y. Liu, 2007: Characterizations of chemical oxidants in Mexico City: A regional chemical dynamical model (WRF-CHEM). Atmospheric Environment, 41, 1989-2008.
Bowers, J. F., Y. Liu, J. Hacker. S. Swerdlin, T. Betacnourt and E. Astling, 2007: An Operational Mesoscale Ensemble-Based Forecast System Using HPC Resources. IEEE HPCMP-UGC 2007, 1-5.
Warner, T., …, Y. Liu, …, 2007: The Pentagon Shield Field Program: Toward Critical Infrastructure Protection. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 88, 167-176.
Liu, Y., F. Chen, T. Warner and J. Basara, 2006: Verification of a Mesoscale Data-Assimilation and Forecasting System for the Oklahoma City Area during the Joint Urban 2003 Field Project. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 45, 912-929.
Grossman-Clarke, S., J. Zehnder, W. Stefanov, Y. Liu and M. Zoldak, 2005: Urban Modifications in a Mesoscale Meteorological Model and the Effects on Near-Surface Variables in an Arid Metropolitan Region. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44, 1281-1297.
Rife L. D., C. A. Davis, Y. Liu and T. Warner, 2004: Predictability of Low-Level Winds by Mesoscale Meteorological Models. Monthly Weather Review, 132, 2553-2569.
Yau, M.K., Y. Liu, D.-L. Zhang and Y. Chen, 2004: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part VI: Small-Scale Inner-Core Structures and Wind Streaks. Monthly Weather Review, 132, 2553-2569.
Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M. K. Yau, 2002: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part V: Inner-Core Thermodynamics. Monthly Weather Review, 130, 2745-2763.
Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M. K. Yau, 2001: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part IV: Unbalanced Flow. Monthly Weather Review, 129, 97-107.
Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M. K. Yau, 2000: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part III: Dynamically Induced Vertical Motion. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 3772-3788.
Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M. K. Yau, 1999: Surface Winds at Landfall of Hurricane Andrew (1992)—A Reply. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 1711-1721.
Liu, Y., D.-L. Zhang and M. K. Yau, 1999: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part II: Kinematics and Inner-Core Structures. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 2597-2616.
Liu, Y., D.-L. Zhang and M. K. Yau, 1997: A Multiscale Numerical Study of Hurricane Andrew ( 1992). Part I: Explicit Simulation and Verification. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 3073-3093.
Kuo, Y.-H., R. J. Reed, and Y. Liu, 1996: The ERICA IOP 5 Storm. Part III: Mesoscale Cyclogenesis and precipitation Parameterization. Monthly Weather Review, 124, 1409-1434.
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Name of Research Group:Prevision Regional Earth Modeling and Information Center (PREMIC)
Description of Research Group:团队成员:教授3人,副教授2人,青年人才讲师4人,科研助理3人