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  • 大气环境与气候变化





  • 青藏高原臭氧低值区的再认识:

    现象上,利用卫星资料,发现了青藏高原夏季臭氧低值区垂直方向上存在双心结构(Dong Guo et al,2015;万凌峰等,2017;郭栋等,2017);比较了卫星资料与原位观测资料中青藏高原夏季臭氧低值区(Chunhua Shi et al,2017a;Zhou Tang et al,2019;Dong Guo et al,2020);利用多种再分析、卫星和模式资料评估了青藏高原臭氧低值区的变化趋势、年代际变化、年际变化与季节变化(苏昱丞等,2016;Dong Guo et al,2017;Zhiming Zhang et al,2019;Yajuan Li et al,2020);利用再分析资料定义了青藏高原臭氧低值的极端事件,揭示了青藏高原臭氧低值极端事件的季节变化和变化趋势特征(徐雯雯等,2019)。机制上,利用卫星资料和数值模式,推测了活性氯催化损耗是青藏高原上平流层臭氧低值中心的形成的重要原因(Dong Guo et al,2015;郭栋等,2017);利用再分析和模式资料,揭示了太阳辐射、对流层顶和南亚高压对青藏高原臭氧低值区的作用(郭栋等,2012;仕仁睿等,2017;焦铂洋等,2017;Dong Guo et al,2017;覃皓等,2018;Wenwen Xu et al,2021)。气候效应上,首次利用因果分析方法和数值模式揭示了青藏高原臭氧低值对南亚高压的反作用(Zhenkun Li et al,2017;覃皓等,2018)。


    物质交换上,利用原位观测资料订正过的卫星资料和辐射模式,采用热力学方法计算了青藏高原上对流层和下平流层的垂直速度,规避了常规动力学方法计算时两个相反符号大项求小项的误差(Dong Guo et al,2020)。利用卫星资料和再分析资料评估了青藏高原对流层顶南亚高压的变化特征,及其对臭氧和水汽传输的作用(黄莹等,2017)。利用卫星资料和模式资料分析了穿透性深对流的时空特征和精细结构(施春华等,2014;施春华等,2015;Chunhua Shi et al,2017b)。能量交换上,利用再分析资料,揭示了青藏高原上空亚洲季风高空系统对Rossby波能量穿越对流层顶传播的影响机制(俞子闲等,2020)。


  • 著作:

    2. 大气环流基本分析方法及应用[M].科学出版社, 北京, 2019, 王盘兴、段明铿、李丽平、卢楚翰、郭栋、孙晓娟著.  

    1. 平流层与对流层相互作用引论[M]. 电子工业出版社, 北京, 2019, K. Mohanakumar著, 郭栋译.   


    中纬度大气流体力学[M]. 电子工业出版社, 北京, 校稿, Brian J. Hoskins, Ian N. Jamesr著, 郭栋译.


    2. 一种探空观测青藏高原大气水汽的方法, 发明专利, ZL201910584324.7, 常舒捷、郭栋、徐建军、涂石飞、陈思奇.

    1. 一种使用平流层重力波预测台风风速的方法, 发明专利, ZL201910938149.7, 常舒捷、盛峥、郭栋、廖麒翔、张伟、季倩倩.



    100. 基于CMIP5/6s模式重新审视ENSO和QBO对平流层影响的线性关系(英语), A revisit of the linearity between influence of ENSO and QBO on the stratosphere: Model evidence from CMIP5/6s[J]., Climate DynamicsAccepted, Haoxiang Wang, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo, Yinmin Liu and Yixiong Lu.

    99. 中层大气温度和水汽的长期时空变化(英文), Spatial and temporal variation in long-term temperature and water vapor in the mesopause Region, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-1144, 2024, Chaman Gul*, Shichang Kang, Yuanjian Yang, Xinlei Ge, and Dong Guo*.

    98. 南极早春臭氧总量年代际变率下的平流层环流变化特征(英文),The Variation Characteristics of Stratospheric Circulation under the Interdecadal Variability of Antarctic Total Column Ozone in Early Austral Spring[J]., Remote Sensing, 16: 619, doi: 10.3390/rs16040619, Jiayao Li, Shunwu Zhou, Dong guo*, Dingzhu Hu, Yao Yao and Minhui Wu.

    97. CMIPs中南半球平流层极涡的改进(英文), Improvement of the Simulated Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Polar Vortex across Series of CMIPs[J]., Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-024-07250-x, Kexiang Feng, Jian Rao*, Haohan Chen, Rongcai Ren, and Dong Guo. 

    96. 平流层北半球环状模的低频和高频变率与北极臭氧损耗间的联系(英文), Connections between low- and high- frequency variabilities of stratospheric northern annular mode and arctic ozone depletion[J]., Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad2c24, Yueyue Yu*, Yufeng Wu, Jiankai Zhang, Zhengfei Cui, Chunhua Shi, Jian Rao, Dong Guo and Xin xia.

    95. 青藏高原和落基山脉上空臭氧谷气候特征的比较(英文), Comparison of the climatic characteristics of ozone valley over the Tibetan Plateau and the Rocky Mountains[J]., Earth and Space Science, 11(4): e2023EA003379, doi:10.1029/2023EA003379, Lin Shen, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo, Junfeng Yang, and Qilu Wang. 

    94. ENSO和QBO对北半球冬季平流层极涡影响的线性干扰(英文), Linear interference between effects of ENSO and QBO on the northern winter stratospheric polar vortex[J]., Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-07040-x, Haoxiang Wang, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo, Yixiong Lu, Yimin Liu.


    93. 北半球冬季平流层极涡与对流层极涡以及对流层环流异常的耦合分型(英文), Types of Coupling between the Stratospheric Polar Vortex and Tropospheric Polar Vortex and Tropospheric Circulation Anomalies Associated with Each Type in Boreal Winter[J]., Remote Sensing, 15(18): 4367, doi: 10.3390/rs15184367, Lixin Han, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo*.

    92. 两类气旋式罗斯贝波破碎事件中平流层和对流层之间质量传输的不同特征(英文),The different characteristics of the mass transport between the stratosphere and the troposphere in two types of cyclonic Rossby wave breaking events[J]., Remote Sensing,  15:3286, doi:10.3390/rs15133286, Huiping Wang, Chunhua Shi*, Dong Guo.

    91. 平流层脉冲与大陆冷空气爆发耦合关系:年际和年代际变化(英文), Stratospheric Pulse-Continental Cold Air Outbreak Coupling Relationships: Interannual and Interdecadal Changes[J]., Frontiers in Earth Science,10: 1093189, doi:10.3389/feart.2022.1093189, Yueyue Yu, Xueting Yu, Zhaoyong Guan, Dingzhu Hu, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo, Jian Rao.

    90. 1984年至2020年平流层臭氧趋势的量化:普通和正则化多元回归模型的比较(英文),Quantifying stratospheric ozone trends over 1984–2020: a comparison of ordinary and regularized multivariate regression models[J].,  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23:13029-13047, doi: 10.5194/acp-23-13029-2023, Yajuan Li, Sandip S. Dhomse, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Wuhu Feng, Jianchun Bian, Yuan Xia, and Dong Guo.

    89. CESM2-WACCM中北方冬季平流层极涡形势的模拟(英文),Simulation of Northern Winter Stratospheric Polar Vortex Regimes in CESM2-WACCM[J]., Atmosphere, 14: 243, doi: 10.3390/atmos14020243, Dong Guo, Zhuo qi Liang*, Qiang Gui, Qian Lu, Qiong Zheng, Shu yang Yu.

    88. WACCM4模式中ENSO对青藏高原臭氧谷的影响(英文), Effect of ENSO on the ozone valley over the Tibetan Plateau based on the WACCM4 model[J]., Remote Sensing, 15(2):525, doi:10.3390/rs15020525, Yongchi Li, Feng Xu, Lingfeng Wan, Peng Chen, Dong Guo, Shujie Chang*, Chen Yang.

    87. CESM2-WACCM对不同情景下平流层爆发性增温事件的模拟和预测(英文), Simulation and Projection of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events in Different Scenarios by CESM2-WACCM[J]. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06293-2, Zhuoqi Liang, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo, Qian Lu.

    86. 1979-2020年北极和青藏高原臭氧低值区的动力输送特征比较[J]. 大气科学, 47(3): 866-880, 王启璐、徐雯雯、涂静怡、于淑洋、 饶建、郭栋*.

    85. 赤道西太平洋海面增暖对早春北极平流层极涡的调控[J]. 大气科学, 47(4): 1217-1230, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2202.21254, 姚彬彬、 施春华*、郭栋、饶建.

    84. 夏季南亚高压对其邻近UTLS区域臭氧分布的影响[J]. 气象科学, 43(6): 761-771, 王佳晨、陈丹*、郭栋.

    83. CMIP6-WACCM模式对北半球反气旋型Rossby波破碎趋势的预估[J]. 气象科学, 43(6): 732-735, 李瑶瑶、 施春华*、郭栋.

    82. CMIP6模式中的中国冬季气温主要区域空间模态及与观测的对比分析[J]. 气象科学, 43(6): 736-748,  陈金琪、胡景高*、徐海明、郭栋.

    81. 传统梅雨区西北部梅雨期降水特征研究[J]. 气象科学, 43(4): 460-472, 刘泽萱、胡景高*、郭栋、谢金材.


    80. 平流层爆发性增温对京津冀地区大气环境的可能影响(英文), Possible influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on the atmospheric environment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region[J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22 (19): 13087–13102, doi: 10.5194/acp-22-13087-2022, Qian Lu, Jian Rao*, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo, Guiqin Fu, Ji Wang, and Zhuoqi Liang.

    79. 早春北极臭氧损耗及其对平流层-对流层耦合的影响(英文), Arctic ozone loss in early spring and its impact on the stratosphere-troposphere coupling[J]. Earth and Planetary Physics, 62(2), 177-190, doi: 10.26464/epp2022015, Shuyang Yu, Jian Rao,  Dong Guo*. (AGU的Eos杂志报道,eos.org/editor-highlights/arctic-ozone-loss-brin,s-warming-to-the-near-surface)

    78. ENSO和QBO对青藏高原臭氧谷的协同作用(英文), Combined effects of the ENSO and the QBO on the ozone valley over the Tibetan Plateau[J], Remote Sensing, 14(19): 4935, doi: 10.3390/rs14194935, Shujie Chang, Yongchi Li, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo*.

    77. 秋季北极海冰对冬季青藏高原极端冷事件的影响:可能机制(英文), Effects of Arctic sea ice in autumn on extreme cold events over the Tibetan Plateau in the following winter: possible mechanisms, [J]. Climate Dynamics, 58(9-10):2281-2292, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-06007-0, Miao Bi, Qingquan Li*, Song Yang, Dong Guo*, Qingyuan Wu, Xinyong Shen, Xiaoting Sun.

    76. 东北亚典型截断低压中平流层入侵过程的多时间尺度模拟(英文), Simulation of the Multi-timescale Stratospheric Intrusion Processes in a Typical Cut-off Low over Northeast Asia[J]. Atmosphere, 13(1), doi: 10.3390/atmos13010068, Dan Chen*, Tianjiao Zhou, Dong Guo*, Shuhao Ge.

    75. 化学输运模式中再分析强迫场对臭氧趋势的影响(英文), Effects of Reanalysis Forcing Fields on Ozone Trends and age of air from a Chemical Transport Model, 22(16): 10635-10656, doi: 10.5194/acp-22-10635-2022, Yajuan Li*, Sandip Dhomse, Martyn Chipperfield, Wuhu Feng, Andreas Chrysanthou, Yuan Xia, Dong Guo.

    74. 北半球冬季平流层极涡形势及其对热带外对流层的可能影响(英文), Northern Winter Stratospheric Polar Vortex Regimes and Their Possible Influence on the Extratropical Troposphere[J]. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06494-9, Zhuoqi Liang, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo, Qian Lu, Chunhua Shi.

    73. 2022年SSW期间京津冀PM2.5的次季节变率(英文), Observational Subseasonal Variability of the PM2.5 Concentration in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area during the January 2021 Sudden Stratospheric Warming[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-022-1393-y, Qian Lu, Jian Rao*, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo, Ji Wang, Zhuoqi Liang, Tian Wang.

    72.相关关系数场显著性检验的新方法及应用(英文), A new method of significance testing for correlation-coefficient field and its application[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39(3): 529-535, doi: 10.1007/s00376-021-1196-6, Xiaojuan Sun*, Siyan Li, Julian Wang, Panxing Wang, Dong Guo.

    71. 1951—2017年冬季中国南方持续性冰冻雨雪事件的气候特征及其与环流异常的联系[J]. 大气科学学报, 45(5): 768-777, 孙晓娟、 李驷焱*、虞越越、郭栋、施春华.


    70.UTLS区夏季臭氧谷主成分的归因(英文), Attribution of the Principal Components of the Summertime Ozone Valley in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.605703, Shujie Chang, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo*, Jianjun Xu.

    69.平流层爆发性增温信号下传与京津冀地区局地环境:2018与2019冬季个例的比较研究(英文), Downward propagation of sudden stratospheric warming signals and the local environment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: A comparative study of the 2018 and 2019 winter cases[J]. Atmospheric Research, 254: 105514, Qian Lu, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo*, Miao Yu, Yueyue Yu.

    68.臭氧定常和瞬变输送对青藏高原夏季臭氧谷的作用(英文), Effects of stationary and transient transport of ozone on the ozone valley over the Tibetan Plateau in summer[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 608018, doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.608018, Wenwen Xu, Qianqian Song, Yajuan Li*, Chunhua Shi, Bo Sun, Yucheng Su, Zhou Tang, Yahan Du, Dong Guo*.

    67.北半球中纬度海表温度和大气遥相关型对华北冬季极冷事件的作用(英文), Impacts of Sea Surface Temperature and Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns in the Northern Mid-Latitudes on Winter Extremely Cold Events in North China[J]. Advance in Meteorology, 2021: 8853457,doi: 10.1155/2021/8853457, Liping Li*, Wenjie Ni, Yige Li, Dong Guo, Hui Gao.

    66.2021年1月的爆发性增温(英文), The Sudden Stratospheric Warming in January 2021[J]. Environmental Research, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac12f4, Qian Lu, Jian Rao*, Zhuoqi Liang, Dong Guo, Jingjia Luo, Siming Liu, Chun Wang, Tian Wang.

    65.WP和NAO对中国东南部冬季温度的协同影响[J]. 大气科学学报, 44(3): 394-404, 施春华*、孙伟佳、郭栋.

    64.蒙古高压和极涡中期过程对2010年疆北持续性降雪的影响[J]. 高原气象, 40(2): 302-313, 马丽云、饶建、孙晓娟、朱素行、施春华、陈长胜、郭栋*.


    63.基于原位资料、卫星资料和热力学方法对亚洲夏季风反气旋区垂直速度的计算(英文), Calculation of the vertical velocity in the Asian Summer Monsoon anticyclone region using the thermodynamic method with in situ and satellite data[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8: 96, Dong Guo*, Peijie Shen, Chunhua Shi*, Meirong Wang*, Yu Liu, Chenxin Zhang, Wenwen Li.

    62.1979-2017年青藏高原臭氧柱总量变化分析及归因(英文), Analysis and attribution of total column ozone changes over the Tibetan Plateau during 1979–2017[J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8627–8639, Yajuan Li*, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Wuhu Feng, Sandip S. Dhomse, Richard J. Pope, Faquan Li, Dong Guo.

    61.南亚高压区Rossby波能量向上穿越对流层顶传播的特征与机制[J]. 地球物理学报, 63(1): 73-85, 俞子闲、郭栋、李丽平*、施春华、金鑫、李震坤、陈丹、林祥.

    60.南亚高压强度与邻近地区垂直速度的相互依赖关系[J]. 地球物理学报, 63(9): 3240-3250, 王惠平、施春华*、郭栋、覃皓.


    59.多种卫星资料中亚洲大陆上空垂直方向上的臭氧低值双中心(英文), Double Cores of ozone low in vertical direction over the Asian continent in satellite data sets[J]. Earth and Planetary Physics, 3(2): 93-101, Zhou Tang, Dong Guo*, Yucheng Su, Chunhua Shi*, Chenxi Zhang, Yu Liu, Xiangdong Zheng, Wenwen Xu, Jianjun Xu, Renqiang Liu, Weiliang Li. 

    58.中纬度夏季臭氧谷的年代际变化(英文), Interdecadal Variations of the Midlatitude Ozone Valleys in Summer[J]. Atmosphere, 10: 677, doi: 10.3390/atmos10110677, Zhiming Zhang, Jian Rao*, Dong Guo*, Wenhui Zhang, Liping Li*, Zhou Tang, Chunhua Shi, Yucheng Su, Fuying Zhang.

    57.不同在分析资料中BD环流及其对ENSO、QBO和太阳活动响应的评估(英文), Evaluating the Brewer-Dobson circulation and its responses to ENSO, QBO, and the solar in different reanalyses[J]. Earth and Planetary Physics, 3(2): 166-181, Jian Rao*, Yueyue Yu, Dong Guo, Chunhua Shi, Dan Chen, Dingzhu Hu.

    56.东北亚切断低压引起的上对流层和下平流层臭氧时空分布的统计分析(英文), Statistical analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of ozone induced by cut-off lows in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over northeast Asia[J]. Atmosphere, 10: 696, doi: 10.3390/atmos10110696, Dan Chen*, Tianjiao Zhou, Liyun Ma, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo*, Li Chen.

    55.ENSO和PDO对北半球冬季平流层的共同影响(英文), Combined impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Northern Winter Stratosphere[J]. Atmosphere, 10(4): 211, Jian Rao*, Rongcai Ren, Xin Xia, Chunhua Shi, Dong Guo.

    54.CMIP6中青藏高原上空春季感热将在未来继续恢复(英文), Recent recovery of the boreal spring sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau will continue in CMIP6 future projections[J]. Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab57a3, Meirong Wang*, Jun Wang, Deliang Chen, Anmin Duan, Yimin Liu, Shunwu Zhou, Dong Guo, Hengmao Wang, Weimin Ju. 

    53.青藏高原臭氧谷极端事件的定义及其特征[J]. 大气科学学报, 42(1): 129-137, 徐雯雯、郭栋*、孙晓娟、施春华*、陈丹、段明铿、饶建、杜雅菡、唐舟.

    52.多源资料在青藏高原大气热源计算中的适用性分析[J], 气象, 45(12): 1718-1726, 王美蓉*、郭栋、钟珊珊.

    51.青藏高原与同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压变化特征的比较[J]. 大气科学学报, 42(5): 660-671, 周顺武、郑丹、秦亚兰、郭栋、王传辉、胡开喜.


    50.再分析资料和探空资料的1979-2010年南亚高压趋势和突变之比较(英文), Comparison of trends and abrupt change of South Asia High from 1979 to 2010 in Reanalysis and Radiosonde data[J]. Journal of Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial Physics, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2018.02.005, Chunhua Shi*, Ying huang, Dong Guo*, Shunwu Zhou, Kaixi Hu, Yu liu.

    49.天气尺度EAP遥相关型演变机制及其与中国夏季降水的联系(英文), Evolution mechanism of synoptic-scale EAP teleconnection pattern and its relationship to summer precipitation in China[J]. Atmospheric Research, 214: 150-162, Lijuan Wang, Chao Wang*, Dong Guo.

    48.夏季青藏高原及临近地区云顶和对流层顶高度的联系(英文), Exploring the relationship between the cloud-top and tropopause height in boreal summer over the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent region[J]. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11(2): 173-179, Chunhua Shi, Shujie Chang, Dong Guo, Jianjun Xu*, Chenxin Zhang.

    47.北半球冬季平流层动力和热力结构对太阳活动周期的响应(英文), Response of the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Structure of the Stratosphere to the Solar Cycle in the Boreal Winter[J]. Journal of Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial. Physics, 169: 122-129, Chunhua Shi*, Yannan Gao, Juan Cai, Dong Guo, Yan Lu.

    46.北半球中纬度冬季臭氧总量趋势的不均匀性(英文), Zonally asymmetric trends of winter total column ozone in the Northern middle latitudes[J]. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4393-y, Jiankai Zhang, Wenshou Tian, Fei Xie, Wenjun Sang, Dong Guo, Martyn Chipperfield, Wuhu Feng, Dingzhu Hu.

    45.2013-2017年Suomi-NPP VIIRS DNB观测的中层重力波bore事件(英文), Mesospheric bore observations using Suomi-NPP VIIRS DNB during 2013-2017[J]. Remote Sensing, 10, 1935, doi: 10.3390/rs10121935, Yucheng Su*, Jia Yue, Xiao Liu, Steven D. Miller, William C. Straka III, Steven M. Smith, Dong Guo, Shengli Guo.

    44.南亚高压与邻近地区臭氧变化的相互作用[J]. 大气科学, 42(2): 421-434, 覃皓、郭栋、施春华*、李震坤、周顺武、黄莹、苏昱丞、王琳玮.

    43.《气象统计方法》课程直观形象教学的尝试—“经验正交函数分解”教学法的改进[J]. 教育教学论坛, 31: 199-200, 王志福*、郭栋.

    42.北半球冬季平流层温度和Brewer-Dobson环流对11a太阳循环的响应[J]. 大气科学学报, 41(2): 275-281, 施春华*、蔡娟、郭栋、徐婷、陆晏.

    41.《雷达气象学》课程教学改革初探[J]. 教育教学论坛, 28: 122-123, 常舒捷*、徐峰、郭栋.

    40.不同类型和强度的东亚切断低压过程中UTLS区域臭氧变化对比分析[J]. 高原气象, 37(3): 837-849, 周天娇、陈丹*、王咏青*、郭栋.

    39.锋面坡度公式的教学实践与总结:1.课程结构与预备知识点[J]. 教育教学论坛, 32: 197-198, 饶建*、高庆九、贾建颖、郭栋.

    38.北半球极区平流层冬季12月与1-2月气候变化形势的对比[J]. 大气科学学报, 41(3): 416-422, 刘仁强*、黎颖、付焱焱、施春华、郭栋、张峰.


    37.三种再分析资料中青藏高原夏季臭氧谷趋势不确定性评估(英文), Evaluation of the Trend Uncertainty in Summer Ozone Valley over the Tibetan Plateau in Three Reanalysis Datasets[J]. Journal of Meteorological Research, 31(2): 431-437, Dong Guo, Yucheng Su, Xiuji Zhou, Jianjun Xu*, Chunhua Shi, Yu Liu, Weiliang Li, Zhenkun Li.

    36.两类El Niño下南亚高压演变的比较(英文), Comparison of Seasonal Evolutions of South Asian High associated with two types of El Niño[J]. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 10(2): 183-190, Zhenkun Li, Dong Guo*, Chunhua Shi, Yucheng Su, Lilong Zhao, Jiaxi Cai, Linwei Wang.

    35.CAM5中青藏高原臭氧谷对南亚高压的作用(英文), Impact of Ozone Valley over the Tibetan Plateau on the South Asian High in CAM5[J]. Advance in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2017/9383495, Zhenkun Li, Hao Qin, Dong Guo*, Shunwu Zhou, Ying Huang, Yucheng Su, Linwei Wang, Yang Sun.

    34.平流层过程及其在气候中的角色(英文), Stratospheric processes and their role in climate[J]. Advance in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2017/3482462, Jianjun Xu*, K. Mohanakumar, Dong Guo*, Yu liu, Jia Yue.

    33.电化学浓差电池探测与卫星微波遥感探测的南亚高压中心臭氧廓线比较(英文), Comparison of Electrochemical Concentration Cell ozonesonde and Microwave Limb Sounder Satellite Remote Sensing Ozone Profiles for the Center of the South Asian High[J]. Remote Sensing, 9(10), 1012, doi: 10.3390/rs9101012, Chunhua Shi*, Chenxin Zhang, Dong Guo.

    32.卫星资料和模式模拟中一个穿透性中尺度对流复合体的上对流层和下平流层成分与温度结构(英文), Composition and Thermal Structure of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere in a Penetrating Mesoscale Convective Complex Determined by Satellite Observations and Model Simulations[J]. Advance in Meteorology, doi: 10.1155/2017/6404796, Chunhua Shi*, Wenyi Cai, Dong Guo.

    31.行星3波对2005年一次平流层爆发性增温的调制作用(英文), Modulating Effects of Planetary Wave 3 on a Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event in 2005[J]. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-16-0065.1, Chunhua Shi*, Ting Xu, Dong Guo, Zaitao Pan.

    30.青藏高原和北美夏季臭氧谷垂直结构和形成机制的比较[J]. 大气科学学报, 40(3): 412-417, 郭栋*、徐建军*、苏昱丞、施春华、刘煜、李维亮.

    29.中美大学教学差异的影响及其对教学改革的启示[J]. 教育教学论坛, 5: 7-8, 郭栋*、徐建军、邵旻.

    28.《平流层-对流层相互作用》课程建设思路与规划[J]. 教育教学论坛, 31: 219-220, 郭栋*、施春华、刘仁强、陈丹、胡定珠、胡景高、饶建.

    27.夏季南亚高压与邻近上对流层下平流层区水汽变化的联系[J]. 气象学报, 75(6): 934-942, 黄莹、郭栋*、周顺武*、施春华、李震坤、覃皓、苏昱丞、王琳玮.

    26.WACCM3对夏季青藏高原臭氧谷的双心结构的模拟性能评估[J]. 高原气象, 36(1): 57-66, 万凌峰、郭栋*、刘仁强*、施春华、苏昱丞.

    25.太阳准周期变化对北半球夏季平流层加热率的影响[J]. 大气科学学报, 40(6): 729-736, 陆晏、郭栋*、陶丽*、张峰、刘仁强、苏昱丞.

    24.天气学原理课程中大气水平散度近似的适用性讨论[J]. 学园, 16: 54-55, 施春华*、郭栋、王黎娟.

    23.青藏高原臭氧亏损变化及其对太阳活动的响应[J]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版), 39(1): 78-87, 仕仁睿、周顺武*、孙绩华、郭栋、黄莹.

    22.青藏高原臭氧谷的分布及其与太阳辐射的关系[J]. 高原气象, 36(5): 1201-1208, 焦铂洋、苏昱丞*、郭胜利*、郭栋、施春华、李婧媛、苍中亚、傅帅.


    21.近几十年海陆热力差异趋势分析(英文), Investigation on the Tendencies of the Land-Ocean Warming Contrast in the Recent Decades [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2016.2594954, Lilong Zhao, Jianjun Xu*, Alfred M. Powell, Jr., Dong Guo, Chunhua Shi, Min Shao, Donghai Wang.

    20.2015/2016和1997/1998超强El Niño衰减年我国夏季降水异常的比较[J]. 大气科学学报, 39(6): 835-844, 郭栋、王琳玮*、李震坤、苏昱丞、覃皓、黄莹.

    19.未来百年夏季青藏高原臭氧变化趋势及可能机制[J]. 大气科学学报, 39(3): 309-317, 苏昱丞、郭栋*、郭胜利*、施春华、刘仁强、刘煜、宋刘明、徐建军.


    18.青藏高原臭氧谷的双心结构及可能机制(英文), Double Core of Ozone Valley over the Tibetan Plateau and its Possible Mechanisms [J]. Journal of Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial Physics,130-131: 127-131, Dong Guo*, Yucheng Su, Chunhua Shi, Jianjun Xu*, Alfred M. Powell, Jr.

    17.BD环流近期变化的经向结构(英文), The latitudinal structure of recent changes in the boreal Brewer-Dobson circulation [J]. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics Discussion, 15: 24403-24417, Chunhua Shi*, Dong Guo, Jianjun Xu*, Alfred M. Powell, Jr., Ting Xu.

    16.中国冬季极端冷暖事件(英文), Extreme cold and warm events over China in wintertime [J]. International Journal of Climatology,35: 3568-3581, Zhiyan Zuo*, Renhe Zhang, Yan Huang, Dong Xiao, Dong Guo.

    15.NCEP CFSv2资料中中国夏季降水对西伯利亚春季积雪异常的响应(英文), Response of summer rainfall over China to spring snow anomalies over Siberia in the NCEP CFSv2 reforecast [J]. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141(688): 939-944, Zhiyan Zuo, Song Yang*, Renhe Zhang, Dong Xiao, Dong Guo, Lijuan Ma.

    14.夏季云顶高于对流层顶事件对东亚上对流层—下平流层大气结构的影响[J]. 大气科学学报, 38(6): 804-810, 施春华*、常舒捷、沈新勇、郭栋、刘仁强.

    13.球面E-P通量的计算及其应用 [J]. 大气科学学报, 38(2): 267-272, 施春华*、徐婷、蔡娟、刘仁强、郭栋.


    12.一次切断低压诱发的暖区深对流与异常副热带锋及其平流层-对流层交换 [J]. 地球物理学报, 57(1): 21-30, 施春华*、李慧、郑彬、郭栋、刘仁强. (英文版) Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Corresponding to a Deep Convection in the Warm Sector and Abnormal Subtropical Front Induced by a Cutoff Low over East Asia [J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 57(1): 1- 10, Chunhua Shi*, Dong Guo, Hui Li, Bin Zheng, Renqiang Liu.

    11.“天气学原理”国家精品资源共享课的建设与思考 [J]. 黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报, 27(6): 81-107, 陈丹*、王黎娟、郭栋.


    10.基于Cloudsat探测的一次非典型东北冷涡结构及其降水 [J]. 地球物理学报, 56(8): 2594-2602, 施春华*、李慧、郑彬、郭栋.


    9.南亚高压对青藏高原臭氧谷的动力作用 [J]. 气象学报, 70(6): 1302-1311, 郭栋、周秀骥、刘煜*、李维亮、王盘兴.   (英文版) Dynamic Effects of the South Asian High on the Ozone Valley over the Tibetan Plateau [J]. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 26(2): 216-228, Dong Guo, Panxing Wang, Xiuji Zhou, Yu Liu*, Weiliang Li.


    8.印度低压异常特征及与印度、中国同期降水相关的分析 [J]. 热带气象学报, 27(4): 509-518, 任律、王盘兴*、李丽平、郭栋.

    7.阿留申低压四种环流指数的分析和比较 [J]. 大气科学学报, 34(1): 74-84, 孙晓娟、王盘兴*、智海、郭栋.


    6.蒙古高压若干环流指数及与我国冬季气温异常相关的分析和比较 [J]. 高原气象, 29(6): 1493-1500, 孙晓娟、王盘兴*、智海、郭栋.

    5.闭合气压系统中心位置指数的计算方案 [J]. 大气科学学报, 33(5): 520-526, 王盘兴*、赵辉、任律、罗璇、郭栋.


    4.南半球10 hPa极地涡旋的多尺度变化特征分析 [J]. 高原气象, 28(6): 1299-1307, 麻巨慧*、王盘兴、郭栋、段明铿、管树轩.

    3.青藏高原热力状况对东亚夏季副热带西风急流的影响 [J]. 气象与减灾研究, 32(1): 25-31, 申乐琳*、何金海、陈隆勋、郭栋.


    2.两种再分析资料南极洲低层气候高度场的比较 [J]. 高原气象, 27(6): 1249-1256, 施宁*、王盘兴、徐海明、郭栋.


    1.一种数值积分方案用于球函数分析的试验 [J]. 南京气象学院学报, 30(4): 551-555, 郭栋*、王盘兴、严厉. 


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    2008-2010:江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CX08B_016Z), 亚太区域大气活动中心异常特征的定量分析及预测应用,负责人。
